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An algorithm is a list of rules or steps to follow in order to solve a problem.

Algorithms need to have their steps in the right order. (make a cake, find an adress, build a lego…)
Engineering design (tecnological proccess):
1- Identify the problem
2. Brainstorm a solution
(Choose a solution)
3. Design the solution
4. Build the solution
5. Test and evaluate the solution (check)
6. Redesign
7. Repeat steps 4-6 until you get what you want
8. Share the solution

Rules to draw an algorithm:

Cada paso en una línea

Algorithms can be broken down into parts called sub-routines or sub-procedures to make the easier
and to reuse parts.

Flowcharts: Diagrams that represent an algorithm (easy to understand)

Start STOP
Terminal Box (Start or Stop)

Input/Output (read or write information) Input X,Y Print sum

(algo desde fuera: escribir algo, pulsar un
botón, coger algo)

Process Box (Operaciones que hace el ordenador)

(operaciones, cálculos, proceso largo) Sum X,Y

Flow lines (connect boxes)

If a>b Print a
Decisión condicional No
Una pregunta a la que se contesta sí o no
Print b

Que sigue en otro sitio


Secuencial: When all instructions are executed in order:

Selective or conditional : When the execution of some

instructions depends on
a condition

Iterative or repetitive: When a set

of instructions repeats:

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