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Conditionals – Υποθετικοι λογοι

conditional clauses - Δευτερευουσες υποθετικες προτασεις

Όταν λεμε ‘υποθετικος λογος’, εννοουμε ένα συστημα δυο

προτασεων, μια δευτερευουσα υποθετικη προταση (if-clause - η
υποθεση), και μια κυρια προταση (main clause - η αποδοση). Η
δευτερευουσα υποθετικη προταση εισαγεται συνηθεστερα με το
if (εάν).
Example: if it rains, we will not go (εάν βρεξει, δεν θα παμε)
We will not go if it rains
The if-clause can also be introduced by the following
conjunctions: unless (if….not) (εάν / αν δεν), provided (that)
(εφοσον / με την προυποθεση ότι), suppose, supposing (ας
υποθεσουμε ότι / πες πως), if only (αχ και να), so long as
(εφοσον), in case that (σε περιπτωση που), as if / as though (σαν
να), [when (όταν), as soon as (μολις)]

Ειδη υποθετικων λογων

1ο ειδος:
- if + present tense / ενεστωτας – present tense /
ενεστωτας (zero conditional)
If you heat water, it boils
If he goes, we all go
Φυσικα φαινομενα, σχεσεις αιτιας-αποτελεσματος, μονιμες
καταστασεις, αναμενομενες καταστασεις
- If + ενεστωτας – future tense / μελλοντας (the main
If I go to Athens, I will buy a book
If you are working this afternoon, you’ll be probably feeling too
tired to go out later in the evening
- If + ενεστωτας – imperative / προστακτικη
If you go out, bring me a magazine and a bag of chips
if you go to the supermarket, buy some cheese, too
- If + ενεστωτας – modal verb (present tense)
If you have a lot of money, you can buy a lot of things

Το πρωτο ειδος των υποθετικων λογων αναφερεται στο παρον-

μελλον, και δηλωνει το πραγματικο. Ο ομιλητης θεωρει σιγουρο
ότι θα πραγματοποιηθει η αποδοση, με μια όμως προυποθεση:
να πραγματοποιηθει αυτό που λεει η υποθεση (in the first type
of conditional sentences, the condition relates to an event that is
entirely possible, but uncertain, as it depends on a condition –
ορος, προυποθεση)

Variations of Type 1:
a) It is possible to have ‘will’ in the if-clause of the first type
of conditional sentences if we want to show politeness,
willingness, or an obstinate habit (insistence)
If you will wait here, the doctor will see you presently
(politeness, willingness)
(εάν εχετε την καλωσυνη να περιμενετε εδώ, ο γιατρος θα σας
δει αμεσως / πολύ συντομα)
If you will make that noise again. I will send you out (obstinate
habit – επιμονη / πεισματικη συνηθεια)
b) The use of won’t in the if-clause of the first type of
conditional sentences signifies refusal
If you will not / won’t help him, I’ll get very annoyed
(εάν δεν τον βοηθησεις, θα ενοχληθω πολύ)

c) It is also possible to have should (or would) in the if-

clause of the first type of conditional sentences when the
meaning of the if-clause is doubtful or (highly) unlikely
(εξαιρετικα / πολύ απιθανο) to happen
If you should meet him, tell him about your decision
If they should accept his proposal, I’ll resign

We can also have inversion with this type: if is omitted, and

we have a question / an interrogative structure
Should you meet them, tell them about your decision (= If
you should meet them, tell them about your decision – αν
τυχον / ετσι και τους συναντησεις, πες τους για την αποφαση
Should they accept his proposal, I’ll resign (= if they should
accept his proposal, I’ll resign – αν τυχον / ετσι και δεχθουν
την προταση του, θα παραιτηθω)
d) The use of should in the main clause of conditional
sentences is also possible with the (usual) meaning of
‘ought to’ or ‘must’.
If you have read the books, you should return them to the

2o ειδος:
- if + past tense (unreal past, referring to the present /
φαινομενικος αοριστος) – present conditional (would /
should / could / might + present infinitive)
If I went to Athens, I would buy a book
[εάν πηγαινα (τωρα) στην Αθηνα, θα αγοραζα ένα βιβλιο]
If I went to Athens, I should buy a book
(εάν πηγαινα στην Αθηνα, θαπρεπε να αγορασω ένα βιβλιο)
If I went to Athens, I could buy a book
(εάν πηγαινα στην Αθηνα, θα μπορουσα να αγορασω ένα
If I went to Athens, I might buy a book
(εάν πηγαινα στην Αθηνα, ισως / ενδεχομενως να αγορασω ένα
If you were studying regularly, you wouldn’t be in this mess
If I had his money, I would be travelling all the time
Το δευτερο ειδος των υποθετικων λογων αναφερεται στο παρον,
και δηλωνει το μη πραγματικο (φανταστικο / θεωρητικο)
The condition is extremely unlikely, tentative in polite requests,
unreal, theoretical, or imaginary, and refers to the present or
future. The past tense is not a real past – the form ‘were’ is used
in all persons. ‘would’ is not used after the if-clause. Either of
the two clauses can be in the initial position. The main clause is
usually used first if the verb is in the interrogative form.
If I were not taking my driving test tomorrow, I’d be coming
out with you tonight.
Would you go if they invited you?
Would there be any problem if I did not come?

If both the reason and the result refer to the present, when we
want to make a deduction, we use the second conditional
Mary is fat (now) because she eats (now) a lot
= If Mary ate less, she wouldn’t be fat

Variations of Type-2 conditionals

a) ‘would’ is used in the if-clause of type-2 conditionals
when we want to be more polite
If you would help me carry these bags, I would be very obliged
b) ‘were to’ is also possible to be used in the if-clause of
type-2 conditionals, when we want to emphasize the fact
that the if-clause is impossible to happen
If we were to go on a holiday this year, I would prefer to go to
the Maldives (αν ηταν να παω διακοπες φετος, θα προτιμουσα
να παω στις Μαλβιδες
c) We can also have the past tense in the main clause of type-
2 conditionals, when we want to show a usual reaction /
occurrence in the past (= whenever)
If (= whenever) a storm broke out, people rushed to take cover
in the safety of their homes
d) It is possible to use the future tense in the main clause of
type-2 conditional, in order to emphasize that the condition
is real, but it is not known whether the occurrence toοk
place or not.
If they went to see him in hospital, he will be very happy.
(= it is not known whether they went or not)
(ετσι και πηγαιναν να τον δουν, η χαρα του θα είναι μεγαλη)
e) Various tenses may be used in the main clause of type-2
conditionals, when the if-clause is equivalent to the
meaning of ‘since’. (παρομοια περιπτωση με τις
Ελευθερες υποθεσεις)

If you failed to persuade them, why are you still trying?
If she lost her ticket, has she bought another one?
If he knew the outcome, he should have informed us
3ο Ειδος / Type-3:
- if + past perfect tense (υπερσυντελικος) – perfect
conditional (would / should / could / might + perfect
If I had been there, I would have seen everything
(αν ημουν εκει, θα ειχα δει τα παντα)
If you had been paying attention, you would have understood
(εάν προσεχες, θα ειχες καταλαβει)
If they hadn’t called me, I would have been watching the film
instead of going out. (εάν δεν με ειχαν παρει τηλεφωνο, θα
εβλεπα ταινια, αντι να ειχα βγει)
I wouldn’t have had the accident if I had been looking where I
was going (δεν θα ειχα παθει το ατυχημα εάν προσεχα / εάν
κοιταζα μπροστα μου)

Type-3 conditionals refers to the past, expressing an unfulfilled

action. Either clause can come first, with the main clause doing
so, if it is in the interrogative form.
If I hadn’t been so nervous this morning, I wouldn’t have
dropped the vase
Would he have succeeded in his driving test if he hadn’t
prepared so carefully?

If a deduction is made, with both the reason and result in the

past, the third conditional type is used.
Example: Mary didn’t go to the party, so she didn’t meet her
friends (= if Mary had gone to the party she would have met
her friends)
Εάν ειχε παει, θα ειχε συναντησει τις φιλες της


a) if the verb in the if-clause is ‘were (to)’, ‘should’, ‘had’,

‘if’ can be omitted and the verb is put in the interrogative
Had I received the letter, I would have given it to you at once
Εάν ειχα λαβει το γραμμα, θα σου το ειχα δωσει αμεσως
Should you find my keys, call me at once (Type-1)
Αν τυχον βρεις τα κλειδια μου, παρε με τηλεφωνο αυριο
Were we in their position, we would know what to do (Type-2)
Αν τυχον ημασταν στη θεση τους, θα ξεραμε τι να κανουμε
Were he to see the damage, he would be extremely angry at us
Αν εβλεπε / ετσι κι εβλεπε την ζημια, θα θυμωνε παρα πολύ
μαζι μας

b) ‘but for’ (αν δεν ηταν ο/η/το /οι/τα) can replace a whole
negative if-clause (type-2, or type-3)
But for you, we would have been rejected (type-3)
(= if it hadn’t been for you……) αν δεν ησουν εσυ
But for all these economic losses, we would be rich! (type-2)
(if it weren’t for all these economic losses….) αν δεν ηταν..

In reported speech, type-2 and type-3 conditionals remain the

He said: ‘if we had danced better, we would have won the dance
He said that if they had danced better, they would have won the
dance contest.
She said: ‘If I were rich, I would help you.’
She said that if she were rich, she would help me.

Mixed conditionals
This means starting with one type, and continuing with another
If she had studied harder (type-3), she would now be top of her
class (type-2)
Εάν ειχε μελετησει περισσοτερο, θα ηταν πρωτη
This happens when the two clauses refer to different time

I’ve lost my identity card, so I’m in a lot of trouble

[= if I hadn’t lost my id (Past), I wouldn’t be in a lot of trouble
now (present)]
Εάν δεν ειχα χασει την ταυτοτητα μου, δεν ειχα μπλεξει τωρα
She only bought a car because she likes driving fast
If she didn’t like driving fast (present), she wouldn’t have
bought a car (past)

If he is as capable as you think (type-1), he should have been

very successful by now (type-3)
If he knew her better (type2), he wouldn’t have thought (type-3)
she was guilty
If she missed the train (type-2), she is never going (= will never)
to be here on time (type-1) (αποκλειεται να φτασει / ερθει στην
ωρα της)

Ελευθερες υποθεσεις
Οποιοσδηποτε συνδυασμος είναι αποδεκτος, αρκει να
ανταποκρινεται στην πραγματικοτητα
If you have read the books, (please) take them back to the
Εάν τα εχεις διαβασει τα βιβλια, σε παρακαλω πηγαινε τα πισω..
If I said that, I’m sorry (εάν το ειπα αυτό, λυπαμαι)
If you get caught, you stole these keys (= don’t say I gave them
to you)
Αν σε πιασουν, τα κλειδια τα εκλεψες (δεν σου τα εδωσα εγω)

Conditionals without if
Conditional clause use examples
Suppose / To ask ‘what if?’ Supposing I get the
supposing that (the result clause is job, will I start right
usually a question) away?
Suppose I got the job,
would I start right
As long as To express an idea She will give you the
So long as of strong limitation money on condition
On condition that that you use it wisely
Provided (that) She will give you the
Providing (that) money provided that
you use it wisely
In case (of) To refer to things Take a coat in case it’s
we do in advance, cold
in order to be We need to take
prepared umbrellas in case of
otherwise When a condition is Leave now. Otherwise
understood but not (= if you don’t), you’ll
stated be late
We are going now.
Otherwise (= if you
don’t), we’ll get
caught in the traffic.

Tentative – δοκιμαστικος, αβεβαιος, διστακτικος,
Variation – παραλλαγη, διακυμανση, αποκλιση, μεταβολη
Deduction – επαγωγη, συμπερασμα

1. First Conditional Exercise

Put the verb into the correct first conditional form:
1. If I ______(go) out tonight, I ____________(go) to the
2. If you ____________(get) back late, I ___________(be)
3. If we ____ (not / see) each other tomorrow,
we_________(see) each other next week.
4. If he ________(come), I __________________ (be)
5. If we ______________(wait) here, we ____________ (be)
6. If we ____(go) on holiday this summer, we_____(go) to
7. If the weather _____(not / improve), we__(not / have) a
8. If I ______(not / go) to bed early, I ______(be) tired
9. If we ___________(eat) all this cake, we _________(feel)
10. If you ___(not / want) to go out, I ____(cook) dinner at
11. I ______________(come) early if you ___________(want).
12. They _________(go) to the party if they _______(be)
13. She _________(stay) in London if she _________(get) a
14. He ____________(not / get) a better job if he
__________(not / pass) that exam.
15. I ________(buy) a new dress if I _____(have) enough
16. She _____(cook) dinner if you _____(go) to the
17. They ______(go) on holiday if they __________(have) time.
18. We ________________(be) late if we ________ (not /
19. She ______________(take) a taxi if it _____________
20. I _______(not / go) if you __________(not / come) with me.

First Conditional Answers

(‘ll = will, won’t = will not)
1. If I go out tonight, I'll go to the cinema.
2. If you get back late, I'll be angry.
3. If we don’t see each other tomorrow, we'll see each other next
4. If he comes, I'll be surprised.
5. If we wait here, we'll be late.
6. If we go on holiday this summer, we’ll go to Spain.
7. If the weather doesn’t improve, we won't have a picnic.
8. If I don’t go to bed early, I'll be tired tomorrow.
9. If we eat all this cake, we'll feel sick.
10. If you don’t want to go out, I'll cook dinner at home.
11. I’ll come early if you want.
12. They’ll go to the party if they are invited.
13. She’ll stay in London if she gets a job.
14. He won’t get a better job if he doesn't pass that exam.
15. I’ll buy a new dress if I have enough money.
16. She’ll cook dinner if you go to the supermarket.
17. They’ll go on holiday if they have time.
18. We’ll be late if we don't hurry.
19. She’ll take a taxi if it rains.
20. I won’t go if you don't come with me.

2. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use

the First Conditional.
1 If my aunt comes to visit, she .......................... (give) us a
2 If it doesn’t rain, we .......................... (go) to the beach.
3 If it .......................... (snow) tonight, we will make a snowman
4 If you don’t try, you .......................... (not succeed).
5 If you .......................... (bring) the sandwiches for the picnic, I
will bring the drinks.
6 If he talks too long, his parents .......................... (not let) him
use the phone.
7 He will turn on the heater if it .......................... (get) too cold.
8 You won’t understand the questions unless
you .......................... (read) the book.

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use

the First Conditional.
1 If we ...................... (go) to London, we ...................... (visit)
my friend George.
2 If she ...................... (do) well in her exams, my
sister ...................... (go) to university.
3 Jenny ...................... (not eat) supper if she ...................... (eat)
all that ice cream.
4 My brother ...................... (drive) us to the cinema if
we ...................... (ask) him.
5 Uncle Tim ...................... (phone) us if he ......................
(want) to come with us.

4. Complete with the Second Conditional

We use the Second Conditional to talk about an unreal situation
in the present or the future. The Second conditional has the Past
Simple after 'if', then Conditional
“Would” in the other clause:
If + Past => / would + verb
* if + to be: always use ‘were’
1. If we ___________ (be) in London today, we
_____________ (be) able to go to the concert in Hyde Park.
2. If I _____________ (have) a million dollars,
I______________ (give) a lot to charity.
3. If I _____________ (win) the lottery, I ________________
(buy) a big house.
4. If my sister ________________ (have) a degree, she
_____________ (love) working on animal conservation.
5. My parents __________________ (not/drive) if public
transport_________________ (be) reliable.
6. If I __________ (be) you, I _______________ (not / ride) a
7. If they _________________(tell) their father, he
_____________ (be) very angry.
8. She ______________ (spend) a year in the USA if it
____________ (be) easier to get a green card.
9. We ____________(help) you if we____________(know)
10. If I_____________(feel) better, I _____________ (can) go
to the cinema with you.
11. If you ______(go) by bike more often, you
___________(not / be) so flabby (παχουλος / πλαδαρος).
12. She __________________ (not / call) you if she
__________ (not/want).

1. were / would be
2. had / would give
3. won / would buy
4. had / would love
5. wouldn't drive / were
6. were / wouldn't ride
7. told / would be
8. would spend / were
9. would help / knew
10.felt / could
11. went / wouldn't be
12. wouldn't call / didn't want

5. Second Conditional Exercise

Second Conditionals - put the verb into the correct tense:
1. If I ____________(be) you, I ______________(get) a new
2. If he __________(be) younger, he ___________(travel) more.
3. If we _______(not / be) friends, I _______(be) angry with
4. If I ________(have) enough money, I ______(buy) a big
5. If she ______(not / be) always so late, she _____(be)
6. If we ______(win) the lottery, we ________ (travel) the
7. If you ___(have) a better job, we __ (be) able to buy a new
8. If I ______(speak) perfect English, I ______(have) a good
9. If we ___________(live) in Mexico, I ______(speak)
10. If she ____(pass) the exam, she _....(be) able to enter
11. She _____(be) happier if she __________(have) more
12. We _______(buy) a house if we _______(decide) to stay
13. They _______(have) more money if they ________(not /
buy) so many clothes
14. We ___________(come) to dinner if we _______ (have)
15. She ________(call) him if she _________(know) his
16. They ________(go) to Spain on holiday if they
_______(like) hot weather.
17. She __________(pass) the exam if she _______ (study)
18. I _______(marry) someone famous if I ____(be) a movie
19. We ……….never _______(be) late again if we _____(buy)
a new car.
20. You ___________(lose) weight if you __________(eat) less.

Second Conditional Exercise Answers:

1. If I were you, I would get a new job.
2. If he were younger, he would travel more.
3. If we weren’t friends, I would be angry with you.
4. If I had enough money, I would buy a big house.
5. If she weren’t always so late, she would be promoted.
6. If we won the lottery, we would travel the world.
7. If you had a better job, we would be able to buy a new car
8. If I spoke perfect English, I would have a good job.
9. If we lived in Mexico, I would speak Spanish.
10. If she passed the exam, she would be able to enter
11. She would be happier if she had more friends.
12. We would buy a house if we decided to stay here.
13. They would have more money if they didn't buy so many
14. We would come to dinner if we had time.
15. She would call him if she knew his number.
16. They would go to Spain on holiday if they liked hot weather.
17. She would pass the exam if she studied more.
18. I would marry someone famous if I were a movie star.
19. We would never be late again if we bought a new car.
20. You would lose weight if you ate less.

6. Third Conditionals
Put in the correct third conditional verb form:
1. If you ______________ (not / be) late, we ______________
(not / miss) the bus.
2. If she ______________ (study), she ______________ (pass)
the exam.
3. If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________
(see) John.
4. If they ______________ (go) to bed early, they
______________ (not / wake) up late.
5. If he ______________ (become) a musician, he
______________ (record) a CD.
6. If she ______________ (go) to art school, she
______________ (become) a painter.
7. If I ______________ (be) born in a different country, I
______________(learn) to speak a different language.
8. If she ______________ (go) to university, she
______________ (study) French.
9. If we ______________ (not / go) to the party, we
______________ (not /meet) them.
10. If he ______________ (take) the job, he ______________
(not / go) travelling.
11. He ______________ (be) happier if he ______________
(stay) at home.
12. She ______________ (pass) the exam if she
______________ (study) harder.
13. We ______________ (not / get) married if we
______________ (not / go) to the same university.
14. They ______________ (be) late if they ______________
(not / take) a taxi.
15. She ______________ (not / meet) him if she
______________ (not / come) to London.
16. He ______________ (take) a taxi if he ______________
(have) enough money.
17. I ______________ (call) you if I ______________ (not /
forget) my phone.
18. We ______________ (come) if we ______________ (be)
19. She ______________ (not / do) it if she ______________
(know) you were ill.
20. He ______________ (be) on time if he ______________
(leave) earlier.

Third Conditional Answers:

1. If you hadn’t been late, we wouldn't have missed the bus.
2. If she had studied, she would have passed the exam.
3. If we had arrived earlier, we would have seen John.
4. If they had gone to bed early, they wouldn't have woken up
5. If he had become a musician, he would have recorded a CD.
6. If she had gone to art school, she would have become a
7. If I had been born in a different country, I would have learnt
to speak a
different language.
8. If she had gone to university, she would have studied French.
9. If we hadn’t gone to the party, we wouldn't have met them.
10. If he had taken the job, he wouldn't have gone travelling.
11. He would have been happier if he had stayed at home.
12. She would have passed the exam if she had studied harder.
13. We wouldn’t have got married if we hadn't gone to the same
14. They would have been late if they hadn't taken a taxi.
15. She wouldn’t have met him if she hadn't come to London.
16. He would have taken a taxi if he had had enough money.
17. I would have called you if I hadn't forgotten my phone.
18. We would have come if we had been invited.
19. She wouldn’t have done it if she had known you were ill.
20. He would have been on time if he had left earlier.

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb

1. If he had been able to afford it, he _____________________
her a diamond ring. (BUY)
2. If it rains this afternoon, we _____________________ out.
3. If she _____________________ the exam, she won't get the
job she has applied for. (NOT
4. If she posted the letter now, they _____________________ it
by Tuesday. (RECEIVE)
5. If I _____________________ about the dinner I would have
come earlier. (KNOW)
6. My boss _____________________ angry if John comes to
work late again. (BE)
7. If my girlfriend left me, I _____________________
miserable. (FEEL)
8. I _____________________ that if I were you. (NOT SAY)
9. If I had lost my way I _______________________ to the
nearest police station. (GO)
10. If I _____________________ a spider in my bathroom I
would cry out loud. (SEE)
11.The teacher will be very angry if you
_____________________ in your homework on time.
12. If you _____________________ to learn a lot, you would
have taken this course. (WANT)
13. If you _____________________ quickly you will catch the
bus. (RUN)
14. I would be very proud if she _____________________ my
sister. (BE)
15. I _____________________ to your party if I had had time.
16. If you _____________________ the flowers, they won't
survive. (NOT WATER)
17. The beach would be an ideal place for a picnic if it
_____________________ so crowded.
18. If she _____________________ the book carefully, she
would have understood it. (READ)
19. Be careful! If you touch this wire you
_____________________ a shock. (GET)
20. She could win the race if she _____________________.

1. If he had been able to afford it, he would have bought her a
diamond ring. (BUY)
2. If it rains this afternoon we won't go out. (NOT GO)
3. If she doesn't pass the exam, she won't get the job she has
applied for. (NOT PASS)
4. If she posted the letter now, they would receive it by Tuesday.
5. If I had known about the dinner I would have come earlier.
6. My boss will be angry if John comes to work late again. (BE)
7. If my girlfriend left me, I would feel miserable. (FEEL)
8. I wouldn't say that if I were you. (NOT SAY)
9. If I had lost my way I would have gone to the nearest police
station. (GO)
10.If I saw a spider in my bathroom I would cry out loud. (SEE)
11.The teacher will be very angry if you don't hand in your
homework on time. (NOT
12.If you had wanted to learn a lot, you would have taken this
course. (WANT)
13.If you run quickly you will catch the bus. (RUN)
14.I would be very proud if she were/was my sister. (BE)
15.I would have come to your party if I had had time. (COME)
16.If you don't water the flowers, they won't survive. (NOT
17.The beach would be an ideal place for a picnic if it weren't /
wasn't so crowded.
18.If she had read the book carefully, she would have
understood it. (READ)
19.Be careful! If you touch this wire you will get a shock.
20.She could win the race if she tried. (TRY)

8. IF-CLAUSES – Type 1: Complete the sentences with the

correct form of the verb given.
1. If we _____________ , we _____________ there in time.
2. I _______________ to the doctor unless the pain
_______________. (NOT GO, INCREASE)
3. If you _______________ in public places you
_______________ into trouble. (SMOKE, GET)
4. We _______________ for a picnic tomorrow if the weather
_______________ nice. (GO, STAY)
5. Everyone _______________ you if you _______________
them the truth. (BELIEVE, TELL)
6. If he __________________ up, he _______________ to work
on time. (NOT WAKE, NOT GET)
7. If she _______________ her keys, she _______________
angry. (LOSE, BE)
8. If the baby _______________ a boy, I _______________ him
Jonathon. (BE, CALL)
9. You _______________ an accident if you _______________
so carelessly. (CAUSE, DRIVE)
10.She _______________ it if she __________________ me the
11. If you _______________ the house now, you
_______________ late for the meeting. (NOT LEAVE, BE)
12.Margaret _________________ to the party unless you
______________ her. (NOT COME, INVITE)
13.I _______________ you with the dishes if you
_______________ tired. (HELP, BE)
14.We _______________ any tickets for the performance unless
we _______________ them in advance. (NOT GET, BUY)
15.If you _______________ shouting, I __________________
16.If the dog _______________ again, I __________________
the police. (BARK, NOTIFY)
17.If you _______________ too much, you
__________________ weight (EAT, NOT LOSE)
18.If it still _______________ tomorrow, I _______________
to work. (RAIN, NOT GO)
19.Unless she _______________ the ambulance immediately,
her father _______________. (CALL, DIE)
20.If you _______________ harder, you _______________ in
your exams. (TRY, SUCCEED)

1. If we hurry, we will get there in time. (HURRY, GET)
2. I won't go to the doctor unless the pain increases. (NOT GO,
3. If you smoke in public places you will get into trouble.
4. We will go for a picnic tomorrow if the weather stays nice.
5. Everyone will believe you if you tell them the truth.
6. If he does not wake up, he won't get to work on time. (NOT
7. If she loses her keys, she will be angry. (LOSE, BE)
8. If the baby is a boy, I will call him Jonathon. (BE, CALL)
9. You will cause an accident if you drive so carelessly.
10.She will regret it if she doesn't tell me the truth. (REGRET,
11.If you don't leave the house now, you will be late for the
meeting. (NOT LEAVE, BE)
12.Margaret will not come to the party unless you invite her.
13.I will help you with the dishes if you are tired. (HELP, BE)
14.We won't get any tickets for the performance unless we buy
them in advance. (NOT
15.If you don't stop shouting, I won't listen to you. (NOT STOP,
16.If the dog barks again, I will notify the police. (BARK,
17.If you eat too much, you won't lose weight (EAT, NOT
18.If it still rains tomorrow, I won't go to work. (RAIN, NOT
19.Unless she calls the ambulance immediately, her father will
die. (CALL, DIE)
20.If you try harder, you will succeed in your exams. (TRY,

9. IF-CLAUSES – Type 2: Complete the sentences with the

correct form of the verb given.
1. If I _________________ a car, I ____________________ to
school. (HAVE, DRIVE)
2. If she _________________ foreign languages, she
_________________ a job more easily. (SPEAK, GET)
3. I _________________ to a lawyer if I _________________
you. (GO, BE)
4. If I _________________ the lottery, I _________________
myself for a new life. (WIN, PREPARE)
5. If I _________________ a purse on the sidewalk, I
_________________ it to the lost and found office. (FIND,
6. If I _________________ my own car, I
____________________ to take the bus to work every day.
7. Jane _________________ very happy if someone
_________________ her a job. (BE, OFFER)
8. If she _________________ a mouse, she
_________________. (SEE, PANIC)
9. If my dad _________________ more, we
______________________ our holidays abroad. (EARN,
10.She ______________________ so much if she
_________________ smoking. (NOT COUGH, STOP)
11.If I _________________ my son a lot of money, he
_________________ all of it. (GIVE, SPEND)
12.I _________________ to get a better job if I
_________________ a university degree. (TRY, HAVE)
13.If you _________________ a dangerous animal in the street,
what ______________________? (SEE, YOU DO)
14.If dad _________________ harder, he
____________________ to ask his boss for more money.
15.I _______________ my friends more often if I
_______________ more free time. (SEE, HAVE)
16.I _________________ the meat if it _________________ so
salty. (EAT, NOT BE)
17.If she _________________ for more help, I
__________________ her down. (ASK, NOT TURN)
18.If I _________________ her address, I _________________
her an invitation. (KNOW, SEND)
19.If he _________________ afraid of heights he
____________________ by plane. (NOT BE, TRAVEL)
20. I _________________ more photos if the camera
_________________. (TAKE, WORK)

1. If I had a car, I would drive to school. (HAVE, DRIVE)
2. If she spoke foreign languages, she would get a job more
easily. (SPEAK, GET)
3. I would go to a lawyer if I were/was you. (GO, BE)
4. If I won the lottery, I would prepare myself for a new life.
5. If I found a purse on the sidewalk, I would take it to the lost
and found office. (FIND,
6. If I had my own car, I wouldn't have to take the bus to work
every day. (HAVE, NOT
7. Jane would be very happy if someone offered her a job. (BE,
8. If she saw a mouse, she would panic. (SEE, PANIC)
9. If my dad earned more, we would spend our holidays abroad.
10.She wouldn't cough so much if she stopped smoking. (NOT
11.If I gave my son a lot of money, he would spend all of it.
12.I would try to get a better job if I had a university degree.
13.If you saw a dangerous animal in the street, what would you
do? (SEE, YOU DO)
14.If dad worked harder, he wouldn't have to ask his boss for
more money. (WORK,
15.I would see my friends more often if I had more free time.
16.I would eat the meat if it weren't so salty. (EAT, NOT BE)
17.If she asked for more help, I would not turn her down. (ASK,
18.If I knew her address, I would send her an invitation.
19.If he weren't afraid of heights he would travel by plane.
20.I would take more photos if the camera worked. (TAKE,

10. IF-CLAUSES – Type 3: Complete the sentences with the

correct form of the verb given.
1. If I __________more, I _________ the exam. (STUDY,
2. Mark ___________me if he ___________ my cell number.
3. We _____________a taxi if the public transport workers
_____________on strike. (NOT TAKE, NOT BE)
4. Mom __________us to the beach if it
_____________(TAKE, NOT RAIN)
5. If I ____________you were coming, I
________________you at the airport. (KNOW, MEET)
6. I __________________them a present if they
______________________me to their wedding. (BUY,
7. If we ______________________a map with us, we
_____________________the village in time. (TAKE, REACH)
8. If Emma ______________________ up earlier, she
___________________ the train. (GET, REACH)
9. If I ___________________________ shopping, what
______________________________? (NOT GO, YOU EAT)
10.If you ___________________________ the fine, you
___________________________ to prison. (PAY, BE SENT)
11.She ________________________ me if she
___________________ I was busy. (NOT VISIT, KNOW)
12.We ___________________________ to Spain if there
________________ the right flight. (FLY, BE)
13.My dad _____________________ mom if she
_________________ a poor lady. (NOT MARRY, BE)
14.If the wall _____________________properly it
_______________________down. (BE BUILT, NOT BREAK)
15.If I _____________more careful, I _________________so
many mistakes. (BE, NOT MAKE)
16.I ______________________ there in time if the weather
__________________ better (ARRIVE, BE)
17.If I ______________________ more time, I
______________________ my homework. (HAVE, DO)
18.If Nina ___________________________ well, my aunt
___________________________ her to the zoo. (BEHAVE,
19.If I ____________________to the stereo, I
___________________the doorbell. (NOT LISTEN, HEAR)
20.If he ________________ with us to the cinema,
__________________ himself. (COME, ENJOY)

1. If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.
2. Mark would have phoned me if he hadn't lost my cell number.
3. We wouldn't have taken a taxi if the public transport workers
hadn't been on strike. (NOT TAKE, NOT BE)
4. Mom would have taken us to the beach if it hadn't rained.
5. If I had known you were coming, I would have met you at the
airport. (KNOW, MEET)
6. I would have bought them a present if they had invited me to
their wedding. (BUY, INVITE)
7. If we had taken a map with us, we would have reached the
village in time. (TAKE, REACH)
8. If Emma had got/gotten up earlier, she would have reached
the train. (GET, REACH)
9. If I hadn't gone shopping, what would you have eaten? (NOT
10.If you had paid the fine, you wouldn't have been sent to
prison. (PAY, BE SENT)
11.She would not have visited me if she had known I was busy.
12.We would have flown to Spain if there had been the right
flight. (FLY, BE)
13.My dad wouldn't have married mom if she had been a poor
lady. (NOT MARRY, BE)
14.If the wall had been built properly it wouldn't have broken
15.If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have made so many
mistakes. (BE, NOT MAKE)
16.I would have arrived there in time if the weather had been
better (ARRIVE, BE)
17.If I had had more time, I would have done my homework.
18.If Nina had behaved well, my aunt would have taken her to
the zoo. (BEHAVE, TAKE)
19.If I hadn't listened to the stereo, I would have heard the
doorbell. (NOT LISTEN, HEAR)
20.If he had come with us to the cinema, he would have enjoyed
himself. (COME,ENJOY)

11. Check your grammar: gap fill

Complete the sentences using the third conditional.
1. He didn't get the job. He couldn't buy a bigger flat.
= If he'd got the job, _______________ a bigger flat.
2. You didn't say you were sorry. She left.
= She wouldn't have left if _______________ you were sorry.
3. You didn't tell us earlier. We didn't do anything.
= We could have done something _______________ us earlier.
4. You stopped quickly. We didn't crash.
= If you hadn't stopped quickly, _______________ crashed.
5. You didn't listen to me. This happened.
= This never would have happened if you _______________ to
6. You didn't apply for the job. You didn't get an interview.
= You might _______________ if you'd applied for the job.
7. I went to the party. You persuaded me to go.
= I wouldn't have _______________ me to go.
8. I didn't know she was coming. I didn’t wait for her.
= I would _______________ if I'd known she was coming.

12. Conditionals
Use the correct tense:
1. He ………………(not / live) in Berlin if he ………... (hate)
2. If you ……………(write) the letters, I ………… (post) them.
3. If you …….(not / leave) immediately, I ……...(call) the
4. If he ………(not / arrive) soon, we ………(have to) have
dinner without him.
5. I ……(not / have to) borrow any money from you if I……
(get) my salary tomorrow.
6. If you …………(invite) her to the dance, she ……………(be)
very pleased.
7. If you …………(retire) soon, you ……… (make) yourself ill.
8. If you ………(write) him a letter, he ……(know) our address.
9. If the policeman had seen the thief, he ……………(arrest)
10. The buildings wouldn’t have burned to ashes if the firemen
………(come) in time.
11. People wouldn’t cross the river, if they …………(not /
build) that bridge.
12. If the family had saved enough money, they…………(buy)
a new flat.
13. If I had known that he was sleeping, I …………… (not /
disturb) him.
14. If I had lost all my money, I ………………(be) very
15. If you had phoned me before you came, you …………(find)
me at home.

13. Choose the best option:

1. I ………………. very unhappy if my friends didn’t come to
my party.
a) would have been b) will be c) would d) would be
2. If the old man …………………. some money, he would hire
a taxi.
a) have b) had c) would have d) had had
3. If you had come in time, you ……………………. the lesson.
a) wouldn’t miss b) would miss
c) would have missed d) wouldn’t have missed
4. I could have heard the telephone if I ………………so deeply.
a) didn’t sleep b) hadn’t been sleeping
c) wouldn’t sleep d) wouldn’t have slept
5. If he doesn’t pay the bill, he ……………………..into trouble.
a) won’t get b) will get c) would get d) would have got
6. If the weather …………………good, we would go
a) was b) would be c) were d) is
7. Your brother wouldn’t have found such a nice job if he
……………… a university diploma.
a) didn’t have b) doesn’t have c) hadn’t had d) hadn’t
8. You would have some money in your pocket if you
………………it so generously.
a) hadn’t spent b) didn’t spend c) couldn’t spend d) don’t spend
9. If you don’t succeed in the test, you ……………………the
a) were not going to get b) wouldn’t get c) won’t get d) didn’t
10. We wouldn’t be here now if we ………in that airplane
a) were b) had been c) are d) had to be

14. Conditional Sentences / If - Clauses Type I , II and III

Conditional Sentence Type 1:
→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be
Form: If + Simple Present >>> Future (= will + bare infinitive)
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
Exercise :
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I ) by putting the
verbs into the correct form.
1. If you (send) …………………….this letter now, she
(receive)………………………………… . it tomorrow .
2. If I (do)……………………… this test, I (improve )
………………………………. my English.
3. Peggy (go ) …………………………… shopping if she
(have) …………………………. time in the afternoon.
4. Simon (go) ……………………………. to London next week
if he (get ) ……………………… a cheap flight.
5. If they (study / not ) ………………………harder, they (pass /
not ) …………………………... the exam.
6. If it (rain ) ……………………. tomorrow, I (have to / not )
………………………………water the plants.

15. Conditional Sentence Type 2 :

→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be
Form: if + Simple Past >>> Conditional (= would + bare
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
Exercise :
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II ) by putting the
verbs into the correct form.
1.If I ( be ) ……………………… rich, my life ( change )
……………………… completely.
2.I ( invite ) …………………………all my friends if ( have )
……………………….a house by the beach.
3.If we (have) …………………… a yacht, we (sail)
………………………… the seven seas.
4.If they (tell) ………………………… their father, he (be)
………………………very angry.
5.We (help ) ………………………… you if we (know )
6.My brother (buy ) ………………………….a sports car if he
(have ) ……………………the money.

16. Conditional Sentence Type 3 :

→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it
refers to the past.
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an
Exercise :
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III ) by putting
the verbs into the correct form.
1. If you (study ) ………………………… for the test, you
(pass) ……………………………it.
2. If you (ask ) …………………………me, I (help )
3. If you (speak ) …………………………… English, she
(understand) ……………………… ………………… .
4. I (write ) ………………………………………… a
postcard if I (have ) …………………………….your address.
5. If it (not/ start ) …………………………… to rain, we
(walk ) ………………………………to the museum.
6. If she (take ) …………………………. the bus, she (not /
arrive) ……………………………… ……………… on time.

Answer Key :
Exercise 1:
1. send / will receive
2. do / will improve
3. will go / has
4. will go / gets
5. don't study / will not pass
6. rains / will not have to
Exercise 2:
1. were / would change
2. would invite / had
3. had / would sail
4. told / would be
5. would help / knew
6. would buy / had
Exercise 3:
1. had studied / would have passed
2. had asked / would have helped
3. had spoken / would have understood
4. would have written / had had
5. hadn't started / would have walked
6. had taken / wouldn't have arrived



“if” / “when” clause main clause

If/When it rains, the grass grows.
main clause “if” / “when” clause
The grass grows if/when it rains.

The zero conditional is used to talk about things that are always,
or generally, true; it is also
used to talk about scientific facts.
Match the clauses below.
1. If I am late for class, (A) if they don’t eat.
2. When he stays up very late, (B) I always look left and right.
3. People get hungry (C) my teacher gets angry.
4. If you study hard, (D) when he is happy.
5. When she watches a movie, (E) I take a taxi to work.
6. When I cross the street, (F) he is very tired the next morning.
7. I can’t do my homework, (G) the librarian gets angry.
8. He always smiles (H) if you want to lose weight.
9. If I miss the bus, (I) she likes to eat popcorn.
10. When you make lots of noise, (J) when it rains.
11. Tea tastes sweet (K) I watch a funny movie.
12. You should eat less (L) he listens to music.
13. I always take my umbrella (M) you get good grades in
14. When I’m sad, (N) if you add some sugar.
15. When he cleans the house, (O) if I don’t have my glasses

ANSWER KEY 1. C 2. F 3. A 4. M 5. I 6. B 7. O 8. D 9. E 10.

G 11. N 12. H 13. J 14. K 15. L

18. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb
1. You ________________________ so many accidents if you
had driven more slowly (NOT HAVE).
2. If you ________________________ thirsty, I’ll bring you
something to drink (GET).
3. The police ________________________ him if they caught
him. (ARREST)
4. If everyone ________________________ us three euros, we
would have had enough money to pay for the drinks. (GIVE)
5. What would have happened if the door
________________________ open? (BE)
6. You will ________________________ ill if you continue
eating so much. (FALL)
7. If the teacher ________________________ more clearly, we
would understand him better. (SPEAK)
8. If she hadn’t hurried, she ________________________ the
bus (NOT CATCH).
9. What ________________________ if your car broke down?
10.If Tony hadn’t helped me in the garden, I
________________________ my work in time (NOT FINISH).
11.If she ________________________ on talking like that, we
will throw her out. (GO).
12.If it rains the streets ________________________ wet. (BE)
13.If I had found money on the street, I
______________________ it to the policeman. (GIVE)
14.If I ________________________ you, I would go to the
headmaster and tell him about the incident. (BE)
15.John ________________________ to you if it had been
necessary. (TALK)
16.If you have any questions, please
________________________ us. (ASK)
17.What would you do if Margaret
_________________________ you an invitation to the party.
18.If the goalkeeper had missed that ball, the team
________________________ the match. (NOT WIN)
19.Someone will ______________________ hurt If you don’t
put up the fence properly. (GET)
20.I would go on a cruise trip if I ________________________
the money (HAVE).

1. You would not have had so many accidents if you had driven
more slowly (NOT HAVE).
2. If you get thirsty, I’ll bring you something to drink (GET).
3. The police would arrest him if they caught him. (ARREST)
4. If everyone had given us three euros, we would have had
enough money to pay for the drinks. (GIVE)
5. What would have happened if the door had been open? (BE)
6. You will fall ill if you continue eating so much. (FALL)
7. If the teacher spoke more clearly, we would understand him
better. (SPEAK)
8. If she hadn’t hurried, she would not have caught the bus
9. What would you do if your car broke down? (YOU DO)
10.If Tony hadn’t helped me in the garden, I would not have
finished my work in time (NOT FINISH).
11.If she goes on talking like that, we ill throw her out. (GO).
12.If it rains the streets will be wet. (BE)
13.If I had found money on the street, I would have given it to
the policeman. (GIVE)
14.If I were you, I would go to the headmaster and tell him
about the incident. (BE)
15.John would have talked to you if it had been necessary.
16.If you have any questions, please ask us. (ASK)
17.What would you do if Margaret gave you an invitation to the
party. (GIVE)
18.If the goalkeeper had missed that ball, the team wouldn’t
have won the match. (NOT WIN)
19.Someone will get hurt If you don’t put up the fence properly.
20.I would go on a cruise trip if I had the money (HAVE).

19. Put the verbs in brackets into their correct forms

1. I would have read the letter if I ____________________
(know) it was from you.
2. If Tony doesn’t help in the garden I ____________________
(not finish) my work in time.
3. If you ____________________ (not tell ) me about
Maxwell’s birthday I would forget it.
4. We _________________________ (catch) the train earlier if
Mary had found her purse.
5. If Susan ____________________ (learn) the poem she would
have known the answer.
6. If it ____________________ (be) too hot we will stop and get
a cold drink.
7. If it ____________________ (not rain) today I would stay it
8. If the Professor spoke clearly, we
_____________(understand) him better.
9. If you go on talking like that we ___________(throw) you
10. If Sasha ____________________ (go) home now he would
meet his own brother.
11. If it rained , the streets ____________________ (be) wet.
12. If I ____________________ (not tell) Jim the address he
wouldn’t have found you.
13. The bird ______________________(die) if you had caught
14. What __________________(you, do) if you won the
lottery ?
15. If the weather ____________________ (not change) we will
reach the top of the mountain.
16. Dinner ________________(be) fine if the meat weren’t
17. I’m sure Benny ____________(come) if you wait a bit
18. If you ring the bell, somebody _______________ (answer)
19. If Bert ____________(see) you, he would have talked to
20. You ____________________ (find ) your ticket if you had
looked into your pockets.
21. You ____________________ (fall) ill if you eat so much.
22. What ___________(happen) if the door had not been
23. If Chris asked you for a cigarette, _____________(you,
give) him one?
24. If you _______________(buy) that big car, you would need
a lot of money.
25. ________________(You, change) the colour of your hair if I
asked you to do so ?
26. If you give me the letter, I ______________(post) it for
you .
27. ______________(You, post) the letter if I had given it to
28. If the weather is fine, I __________________(go)
29. If you__________(not work) harder, you won't pass the
30. If they ____________________ (be) rich, they would travel
around the world.
31. The children ____________________ (go) skating if the
lake were frozen.
32. What would you have done, if you ____________________
(lose) your handbag?
33. What will happen if you ___________(not know) the
34. She _______________ (go) on holiday, if she hadn't been
35. If I _________________(notice) you, I would have said
36. If I _____________(be) like you, I wouldn't watch such
37. If you opened your eyes, you______________(see) a
wonderful world.
38. People _______________(live) in peace if they stop
39. If Tom drinks so much, he ___________(cannot drive)
40. If we ________________(not hurry) we would miss the
41. He ____________________ (not spend) so much money if
he weren't a happy person.
42. _______________(You, come ) , if you had had more time ?
43. If Jim ____________________ (study) the new words he
would have got a better mark.
44. If he were rich, he ____________________ (buy) the house.
45. If you don't hurry you ____________________ (be) late.
46. If it wasn't so hot, we ___________________(play) football.
47. If I ____________________ (be) ill, would you visit me?
48. If Sean ____________________ (not be) driving so fast, the
police would not have stopped him.
49. If I had sold my house, I ____________________ (get) 4
million pounds.
50. If I ____________________ (be) you I would do it.

20. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb
1. If I ___________________ you I would go home and lie
down at once (BE).
2. If you had married Jimmy, you ______________________ a
very unhappy life. (HAVE)
3. I would give you some advice if I ______________________
any. (HAVE)
4. If John ______________________ sometimes, he would be
more sympathetic. (SMILE)
5. I ______________________ German if I had had more time.
6. What ______________________ if I go home now? (YOU
7. If my parents ______________________ away, I would have
invited all my friends to the party. (GO)
8. I ______________________ her a postcard if I had had her
address. (SEND)
9. Would you still love me if I ______________________ a
beard? (GROW)
10.If I earned enough money, I ______________________
around the world. (TRAVEL)
11.If our passports had been all right, we
______________________ arrested. (NOT BE)
12.If they ______________________ well, the show will be a
great success. (PERFORM)
13.If he leaves his bike outside someone
______________________ it. (STEAL)
14.If the weather ______________________ like this, the
clothes will be dry in a short time. (STAY)
15.If you ______________________ me beforehand, we would
have gone and seen
something else (TELL).
16.If it freezes tonight, the roads ______________________
slippery tomorrow. (BE)
17.If you hated your job why ______________________ a new
18.If he worked hard, he ______________________ in time
19.If John had bought a season ticket, he
______________________ it (LOSE).
20.If the man ______________________ him, he wouldn’t have
fallen down the stairs (NOT FOLLOW).

1. If I were/was you I would go home and lie down at once
2. If you had married Jimmy, you would have had a very
unhappy life. (HAVE)
3. I would give you some advice if I had any. (HAVE)
4. If John smiled sometimes, he would be more sympathetic.
5. I would have learned German if I had had more time.
6. What will you do/ are you going to do if I go home now?
7. If my parents had gone away, I would have invited all my
friends to the party. (GO)
8. I would have sent her a postcard if I had had her address.
9. Would you still love me if I grew a beard? (GROW)
10.If I earned enough money, I would travel around the world.
11.If our passports had been all right, we wouldn’t have been
arrested. (NOT BE)
12.If they perform well, the show will be a great success.
13.If he leaves his bike outside someone will steal it. (STEAL)
14.If the weather stays like this, the clothes will be dry in a short
time. (STAY)
15.If you had told me beforehand, we would have gone and seen
something else (TELL).
16.If it freezes tonight, the roads will be slippery tomorrow.
17.If you hated your job why didn’t you find a new one? (YOU
18.If he worked hard, he would finish in time (FINISH).
19.If John had bought a season ticket, he would have lost it
20.If the man hadn’t followed him, he wouldn’t have fallen
down the stairs (NOT FOLLOW).

21. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb
1. If it rains the roads _____________________ wet. (BE)
2. We would be very pleased if our team
_____________________ today. (WIN)
3. If Peter __________________ his money, he would have
been able to buy a new bike. (SAVE)
4. If you _____________________ a bit longer, you can see the
new queen. (WAIT)
5. If Chris _____________________ soon, we’ll start without
him. (NOT COME)
6. If I _____________________ so tired, I would go with you to
the cinema. (NOT BE)
7. Mike would win the ace if he __________more quickly.
8. ________________ for me if I had come later? (YOU WAIT)
9. If you come to my place, I _____________________ you my
new computer. (SHOW)
10.If Ann had bought the new car, she
_____________________ a lot of money. (PAY)
11.What would you do if your car _____________down in the
middle of the motorway? (BREAK)
12.If I were you, I ________________the yellow dress. (TAKE)
13.If _____________, you’ll miss the bus. (YOU, NOT
14.If he _____________________ in England, he would speak
English better. (LIVE)
15.We ___________ take the bus if the weather gets bad.
16.If their son _____________________ so much trouble, they
would have been here earlier. (NOT MAKE)
17.If I _____________________ more time, I would have done
it myself. (HAVE)
18.If you keep on smoking, you __________ lung cancer
19.If motorcycles _____________________ so loud, I would
buy one. (NOT BE)
20.If Mary had heard you were here, she
_________________________ you. (CALL)

1. If it rains the roads will be wet. (BE)
2. We would be very pleased if our team won today. (WIN)
3. If Peter had saved his money, he would have been able to buy
a new bike. (SAVE)
4. If you wait a bit longer, you can see the new queen. (WAIT)
5. If Chris doesn’t come soon, we’ll start without him. (NOT
6. If I weren’t so tired, I would go with you to the cinema. (NOT
7. Mike would win the ace if he ran more quickly. (RUN)
8. Would you have waited for me if I had come later? (YOU
9. If you come to my place, I’ll show you my new computer.
10.If Ann had bought the new car, she would have paid a lot of
money. (PAY)
11.What would you do if your car broke down in the middle of
the motorway? (BREAK)
12.If I were you, I would take the yellow dress. (TAKE)
13.If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the bus. (YOU, NOT
14.If he lived in England, he would speak English better.
15.We can take the bus if the weather gets bad. (CAN)
16.If their son hadn’t made so much trouble, they would have
been here earlier. (NOT MAKE)
17.If I had had more time, I would have done it myself. (HAVE)
18.If you keep on smoking, you’ll get lung cancer (GET).
19.If motorcycles weren’t so loud, I would buy one. (NOT BE)
20.If Mary had heard you were here, she would have called you.

22. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb
1. Manchester City wouldn’t have lost the match if the
goalkeeper ______________________ better. (PLAY)
2. If John were older, he __________________Susan.
3. If the manager is in the shop, he ______________________
your questions. (ANSWER)
4. We will go swimming tomorrow if it
______________________. (NOT RAIN)
5. If I ______________________ this car, I wouldn’t even get
$1,000 for it. (SELL)
6. The students ________________________ their exams if
they had studied harder. (PASS)
7. Of his mother _________________________ to send the
letter, the headmaster would have received it in time. (NOT
8. If the computer breaks down, I ______________________
what to do. (NOT KNOW)
9. It ______________________ a great help if you had your
things ready to go. (BE)
10.If I ______________________ my house in Knightsbridge, I
would buy a new one somewhere else. (SELL)
11.If you ______________________ harder, the boss might
have been pleased with you. (WORK)
12.If the weather were nicer, I ____________ to live here.
13.If the sun _______________, would you be happy? (SHINE)
14.If dad ______________________ too much, he will get a
stomachache again. (EAT)
15.It _____________________a lot of fun if you helped me.
16.If they had visited us, we _________________________ a
wonderful evening together. (SPEND)
17.If I catch some fish, ___________ them for me? (YOU FRY)
18.If you ____________the bell, someone will answer it.
19.You would have found the tickets if you
__________________into your pockets more carefully.
20.If I ______you for a cigarette, would you give me one?

1. Manchester City wouldn’t have lost the match if the
goalkeeper had played better. (PLAY)
2. If John were older, he would marry Susan. (MARRY)
3. If the manager is in the shop, he will answer your questions.
4. We will go swimming tomorrow if it doesn’t rain. (NOT
5. If I sold this car, I wouldn’t even get $1,000 for it. (SELL)
6. The students would have passed their exams if they had
studied harder. (PASS)
7. Of his mother hadn’t forgot to send the letter, the headmaster
would have received it in time. (NOT FORGET)
8. If the computer breaks down, I won’t know what to do. (NOT
9. It would be a great help if you had your things ready to go.
10.If I sold my house in Knightsbridge, I would buy a new one
somewhere else. (SELL)
11.If you had worked harder, the boss might have been pleased
with you. (WORK)
12.If the weather were nicer, I would be able/could to live here.
13.If the sun shone, would you be happy? (SHINE)
14.If dad eats too much, he will get a stomach ache again.
15.It would be a lot of fun if you helped me. (BE)
16.If they had visited us, we would have spent a wonderful
evening together. (SPEND)
17.If I catch some fish, will you fry them for me? (YOU FRY)
18.If you ring the bell, someone will answer it. (RING)
19.You would have found the tickets if you had looked into your
pockets more carefully. (LOOK)
20.If I asked you for a cigarette, would you give me one? (ASK)

23. Put the verbs in brackets into their correct tense

1. The burglars ____________________ (NOT DO) so much
damage if you had locked all the drawers.
2. If he had slipped, he ________________(FALL) 500 metres.
3. They would have forced their way into the house if I
____________________ (NOT CALL) for help.
4. You ____________________ (NOT BE) of any use to me
unless you learn to type.
5. If I ____________________ (NOT BE) so busy I would have
invited him earlier.
6. If he ____________________ (STOP) smoking, he would put
on some weight.
7. I ____________________ (BRING) you something to drink
if I had known that you were thirsty.
8. You´ll get a cold if you ____________________ (NOT
CHANGE) your wet clothes.
9. If I ____________________ (BE) president I would raise the
taxes at once.
10. If a thief ____________________ (ATTACK) me my dog
will jump at him quickly.
11. I´ll probably get lost unless he ____________________
(COME) with me.
12. I could repair the roof myself if I ____________________
(HAVE) a ladder.
13. If people didn’t have cars, they ____________________
14. If there were no TVs I _____________ (READ) more
15. If the story hadn’t been true, they ____________________
(NOT PRINT) it in the newspaper.
16. We ____________________ (HAVE) a long way to walk
home if we run out of petrol.
17. If I ____________________ (BE) you I wouldn’t go there.
18. What would you have done if you found out that one of the
pupils ____________________ (CHEAT).
19. What would I do if the alarm ____________________ (GO)
off ?
20. If you ____________________ (CAN COME) with us , we
would have been pleased

1. The burglars WOULDN’T HAVE DONE (NOT DO) so
much damage if you had locked all the drawers.
2. If he had slipped, he WOULD HAVE FALLEN (FALL) 500
3. They would have forced their way into the house if I
4. You WILL NOT BE (NOT BE) of any use to me unless you
learn to type.
5. If I HADN’T BEEN (NOT BE) so busy I would have invited
him earlier.
6. If he STOPPED (STOP) smoking, he would put on some
7. I WOULD HAVE BROUGHT (BRING) you something to
drink if I had known that you were thirsty.
8. You´ll get a cold if you DON’T CHANGE (NOT CHANGE)
your wet clothes.
9. If I WERE / WAS (BE) president I would raise the taxes at
10. If a thief ATTACKS (ATTACK) me my dog will jump at
him quickly.
11. I´ll probably get lost unless he COMES (COME) with me.
12. I could repair the roof myself if I HAD (HAVE) a ladder.
13. If people didn’t have cars they WOULD WALK (WALK).
14. If there were no TVs I WOULD READ (READ) more
15. If the story hadn’t been true, they WOULDN’T HAVE
PRINTED (NOT PRINT) it in the newspaper.
16. We WILL HAVE (HAVE) a long way to walk home if we
run out of petrol.
17. If I WERE / WAS (BE) you I wouldn’t go there.
18. What would you have done if you found out that one of the
19. What would I do if the alarm WENT (GO) off ?
us , we would have been pleased.

24. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets

1. If Anne’s father gets seriously ill, they
____________________ (BRING) him to the hospital.
2. If I ____________________ (BE) you I would pay more
attention in class.
3. They ___________(NOT GO) out if they don’t get a
4. The manager would have fired him if he
____________________ (HAVE) someone else to replace him.
5. I ____________________ (LIKE) her more if she hadn’t
asked such stupid questions.
6. If you _____________(NOT KNOCK) they won’t let you in.
7. If I had missed the bus, I _________________(TAKE) a taxi.
8. We will visit the sports centre tomorrow unless it
____________________ (RAIN).
9. I would have helped him if I ____________________
(KNOW) that his condition was so bad.
10. He ____________________ (NOT GO) to the course if it
were not so interesting.
11. I ______________(CALL) if I had had his mobile number.
12. If I ____________________ (WIN) in the lottery I would go
on an extended vacation.
13. If I ____________________ (NOT BE) careful, he would
have lost his job.
14. _________________(SHE STAY) at home if I asked her
to ?
15. If her daughter ____________________ (WORK) harder
she would pass the exam.
16. If the French lessons had been more interesting , Mary
____________________ (NOT ATTEND) a different school.
17. He wouldn’t have been so happy if he
____________________ (NOT HAVE) such a good life.
18. If I were a millionaire I ____________________ (STOP)
working at once.
19. If you ____________(MARRY) Peter, you would be
20. I _______________(GIVE) you the news as soon as I get it.
Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets

1. If Anne’s father gets seriously ill, they WILL BRING

(BRING) him to the hospital.
2. If I WAS / WERE (BE) you I would pay more attention in
3. They WON’T GO (NOT GO) out if they don’t get a
4. The manager would have fired him if he HAD HAD (HAVE)
someone else to replace him.
5. I WOULD HAVE LIKED (LIKE) her more if she hadn’t
asked such stupid questions.
6. If you DON’T KNOCK (NOT KNOCK) they won’t let you
7. If I had missed the bus, I WOULD HAVE TAKEN (TAKE) a
8. We will visit the sports centre tomorrow unless it RAINS
9. I would have helped him if I HAD KNOWN (KNOW) that
his condition was so bad.
10. He WOULDN’T GO (NOT GO) to the course if it were not
so interesting.
11. I WOULD HAVE CALLED (CALL) if I had had his mobile
12. If I WON (WIN) in the lottery I would go on an extended
13. If I HADN’T BEEN (NOT BE) careful, he would have lost
his job.
14. WOULD SHE STAY (SHE STAY) at home if I asked her
15. If her daughter WORKED (WORK) harder she would pass
the exam.
16. If the French lessons had been more interesting , Mary
17. He wouldn’t have been so happy if he HADN’T HAD (NOT
HAVE) such a good life.
18. If I were a millionaire I WOULD STOP (STOP) working at
19. If you MARRIED (MARRY) Peter, you would be happier.
20. I WILL GIVE (GIVE) you the news as soon as I get it.

25. Fill in the correct forms of the verbs in brackets,

according to the type of the IF-sentence shown at the end!

1. If he __________________ (EAT) everything he

_____________________ (BE) ill. (3)
2. The police __________________ (ARREST) him if they
__________________ (CATCH) him (1)
3. What __________________ (HAPPEN) if my parachute
__________________ (NOT OPEN) ? (1)
4. I __________________ (BE) angry if he
__________________ (MAKE) more mistakes . (2)
5. If he __________________ (NOT BE) late we
__________________ (GO) without him (3).
6. If I __________________ (LEND) you 10 pounds,
__________________ (YOU, GIVE) it back to me ? (1)
7. If you __________________ (NOT LIKE) this one, I
__________________ (BRING) you another one. (1)
8. If I __________________ (KNOW) that I
__________________ (VISIT) you . (3)
9. I __________________ (NOT DRINK) that wine if I
__________________ (BE) you. (2)
10. If we __________________ (HAVE) more rain our crops
__________________ (GROW) faster (3)
11. If you __________________ (PAINT) the walls white the
room __________________ (BE) much brighter (1).
12. I __________________ (CAN REPAIR) the roof myself if I
__________________ (HAVE) a ladder. (3)
13. You __________________ (NOT HAVE) so many
accidents if you __________________ (DRIVE) slower (2).
14. What __________________ (YOU, DO) if you
__________________ (HEAR) the alarm ? (2)
15. If you __________________ (GO) to Paris where
__________________ (YOU STAY ) ? (1)
16. I __________________ (BRING) you something to drink if
I __________________ (KNOW) you were thirsty (2).
17. If anyone __________________ (ATTACK) me, my dog
__________________ (JUMP) at him (3).
18. If everybody __________________ (GIVE) me 3 pounds
we __________________ (HAVE) enough. (1)

1. If he HAD EATEN (EAT) everything he WOULD HAVE
BEEN (BE) ill. (3)
2. The police WILL ARREST (ARREST) him if they CATCH
(CATCH) him (1)
3. What WILL HAPPEN (HAPPEN) if my parachute DOESN’T
4. I WOULD BE (BE) angry if he MADE (MAKE) more
mistakes . (2)
5. If he HADN’T BEEN ( NOT BE) late we WOULD HAVE
GONE (GO) without him (3).
6. If I LEND (LEND) you 10 pounds, WILL YOU GIVE (YOU,
GIVE) it back to me ? (1)
7. If you DON’T LIKE (NOT LIKE) this one, I WILL BRING
(BRING) you another one. (1)
VISITED (VISIT) you . (3)
9. I WOULD NOT DRINK (NOT DRINK) that wine if I
WAS /WERE (BE) you. (2)
10. If we had had (HAVE) more rain our crops would have
grown (GROW) faster (3)
11. If you PAINT (PAINT) the walls white the room WILL BE
(BE) much brighter (1).
REPAIR) the roof myself if I HAD HAD (HAVE) a ladder. (3)
13. You WOULDN’T HAVE (NOT HAVE) so many accidents
if you DROVE (DRIVE) slower (2).
14. What WOULD YOU DO (YOU, DO) if you HEARD
(HEAR) the alarm ? (2)
15. If you GO (GO) to Paris where WILL YOU STAY/ARE
16. I WOULD BRING (BRING) you something to drink if I
KNEW (KNOW) you were thirsty (2).
17. If anyone HAD ATTACKED (ATTACK) me, my dog
18. If everybody GIVES (GIVE) me 3 pounds we WILL HAVE
(HAVE) enough. (1)

26. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb
1. If he had been able to afford it, he _____________________
her a diamond ring. (BUY)
2. If it rains this afternoon, we _______________out. (NOT
3. If she _____________________ the exam, she won't get the
job she has applied for. (NOT PASS)
4. If she posted the letter now, they _____________________ it
by Tuesday. (RECEIVE)
5. If I _____________________ about the dinner I would have
come earlier. (KNOW)
6. My boss _____________________ angry if John comes to
work late again. (BE)
7. If my girlfriend left me, I _____________________
miserable. (FEEL)
8. I _____________________ that if I were you. (NOT SAY)
9. If I had lost my way I _______________________ to the
nearest police station. (GO)
10.If I _____________________ a spider in my bathroom I
would cry out loud. (SEE)
11.The teacher will be very angry if you _________________in
your homework on time. (NOT HAND)
12.If you _____________________ to learn a lot, you would
have taken this course. (WANT)
13.If you _____________________ quickly you will catch the
bus. (RUN)
14.I would be very proud if she _____________________ my
sister. (BE)
15.I _____________________ to your party if I had had time.
16.If you _____________________ the flowers, they won't
survive. (NOT WATER)
17.The beach would be an ideal place for a picnic if it
_____________________ so crowded. (NOT BE)
18.If she _____________________ the book carefully, she
would have understood it. (READ)
19.Be careful! If you touch this wire you
_____________________ a shock. (GET)
20.She could win the race if she __________________. (TRY)
1. If he had been able to afford it, he would have bought her a
diamond ring. (BUY)
2. If it rains this afternoon we won't go out. (NOT GO)
3. If she doesn't pass the exam, she won't get the job she has
applied for. (NOT PASS)
4. If she posted the letter now, they would receive it by Tuesday.
5. If I had known about the dinner I would have come earlier.
6. My boss will be angry if John comes to work late again. (BE)
7. If my girlfriend left me, I would feel miserable. (FEEL)
8. I wouldn't say that if I were you. (NOT SAY)
9. If I had lost my way I would have gone to the nearest police
station. (GO)
10.If I saw a spider in my bathroom I would cry out loud. (SEE)
11.The teacher will be very angry if you don't hand in your
homework on time. (NOT
12.If you had wanted to learn a lot, you would have taken this
course. (WANT)
13.If you run quickly you will catch the bus. (RUN)
14.I would be very proud if she were/was my sister. (BE)
15.I would have come to your party if I had had time. (COME)
16.If you don't water the flowers, they won't survive. (NOT
17.The beach would be an ideal place for a picnic if it weren't /
wasn't so crowded.
18.If she had read the book carefully, she would have
understood it. (READ)
19.Be careful! If you touch this wire you will get a shock.
20.She could win the race if she tried. (TRY)

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