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Hello Jim,

It’s been ages since we last spoke, I hope this email finds you well. I trust all’s

going well at school and with your family. You can’t imagine how thrilled I am that

you took your time to keep me updated with the latest news in your life. I really

appreciate it. Especially knowing how busy you have been lately with taking the

final semester exams. As for me lately, I'm doing pretty well, in fact, I

have some good news, my parents agreed to visit you this summer, isn't that

wonderful?! I found out from your letter that you have finished your exams

(I’m sure you did a great job as you always do ), by the way that’s

fantastic news, you will finally have time to enjoy the magic of Christmas,

maybe make some cookies or watch a movie. Regarding my exams, I am happy to

announce that I have finally finished them, I think I did pretty well. I had

3 exams: math in which I got a grade of 9, (I can't say it was easy, but I

felt ready and confident in my skills), Romanian language and literature, I

got a grade of 10 (I think it's due beautiful poetry that definitely inspired

me), and the exam for my chosen subject-chemistry, I got a grade of 10 (I was

extremely happy when I found out the result and that my hard work was paid

off). I must admit I was quite nervous about my math exam because well math

is not an easy subject, and in addition, there was a lot of pressure to know

that the exam grade will be 50% of the semester grade. Otherwise, everything

is fine. I can't wait to see you again in the summer! Well that’s all for

now. I’d better get back to my homework. Hope to hear from you soon! Take

care! 

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