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System Integration
Mechatronic design is a combination and Design

Design requirements to have in


To create a successful simulation,

you need:
 Identify the critical and
irrelevant features
 Look for an already existing
 If the model exists, try to
custom it for your
 Find what components have
data available Advantages of simulation and virtual prototyping
 Describe your system in
equations  Allows a system to be tested as it is
being designed
 Provides access to its innermost
workings at every phase of the design
 Provides analysis of the impact of
Key features to be a "best in components tolerances on overall
class" system performance
 Provides an environment in which a
 Revenue
system can be tuned and optimized
 Product cost
 Critical insights can be gained
 Product launch dates
 Can be employed to verify intended
 Quality system operation
 Development costs

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