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By: Alejandro Martinez and Mayela Santoyo

I learned a lot about the conference of Alejandro Martinez,the first thing He said (the
first topic discussed) surprised me a lot because He was talking about some errors
that content creators also called “influencers'' could make one of them was “I´m
going to talk about this in social media because i like this topic and other people
might to”; and just for one second it really made sense to me, i definitely would that
(well before to hear this) if i was an influencer, it is surprising how statistics and all
that stuff is implied even in make tik toks, youtube, instagram stories or facebook
post (social media in general by the way).

Another thing that also surprised me a lot that i´ve never noticed before is that we
make idols or a “perfect person” of influencers and actually being one carries a lot of
responsibility, and i reaffirm that even more in the conference because Alejandro
said that He even feels with that kind of responsibility of teaching and showing
positive and good things to his audience, for example: If he doesn't know about a
topic he don't talk about it, and tries to foment and transmit good things to people.

Talking deeply about marketing and social media, there are a lot of things we as a
company can take advantage of, for example if my favorite influencer says that the
dress she is using is the best and the prettiest, suddenly i will want to buy it, because
she said so. When Alejandro told us that i analyze this situation in my environment
and I remember some things i´ve seen on tik tok about this, for example, There was
a trend like two or three years ago about “scrunchies” is a kind of hair tie made of
cloth that some big influencers started to use and then suddenly it was like a
massive wave, bunch of people that started to use it, all my school was full of this
product; Even Alejandro by himself told us that many people has been using and
buying all the products he recommends to his audience.

Lately I have seen the advantage of hiring an influencer or even advertising on social
networks, one thing that stayed with me that Alejandro told us is that if a person is an
influencer he has to be very observant and not think that we know everything ,
because it is not like that, we have to base ourselves on statistics, what people like
and what content is what makes them follow us, hence companies take the best
opportunity to sell their products.The use of social networks not only influences who
we are going to hire and how we are going to do, it so that our product is sold, but
also to know where we are going to do it, one thing from which I learned a lot was
when he explained something more in depth about which is the best social network
to advertise, although it is true there is not one that guarantees total success but you
have to analyze them well. For example, Instagram is agile and everything that is
published there is what is kept up to date, that is, within twenty-four hours that ad will
no longer be there; It is more fleeting, faster but also more daily, it could be said that
it is the favorite social network (currently) of young people; On the other hand we
have Facebook something a little older, you could say that the posts that are made
stay there for eternity, making a page on Facebook for your product is a little easier
and organized to do, there is no option correct but it all depends on what we are
looking for in the product.

Another important aspect that the teacher Mayela commented is that social networks
are so important now that they are even used like the new google, now when we
want to search for example "Chinese food restaurants in Monterrey" we go directly to
facebook so that the businesses and take a look at the menu and schedules from
that way, or another example would be "iphone 12" and it displays an unimaginable
amount of people who sell cell phones to buy.

In conclusion, the conference helped me a lot to understand aspects that I did not
take into account before and I had always wondered about them, I have always had
a business concept in mind, it is basically my dream to do it but now with what I have
learned I will try to observe well and analyze the market to see if my product is
profitable or not; What I liked the most and the impact of the conference is that it
gave us wise advice: the key to being successful either as an influencer or an
entrepreneur is to be observant, to be smart or agile in the accounting part and
finally always be attentive to technology and the changes that it is giving, from now
on I will try to improve my areas of opportunity in those areas.

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