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Opinion (Jesika): the use of cellphones by students is a natural thing because it can provide benefits

for students and maybe if cellphones are brought to school it will help students

Disagee (Adeline): Sorry, Jessica, in my opinion, if students bring cellphones to school, it is not a
good action because it will have a bad impact on their learning concentration.

Agree (Meliana): but I agree more with Jessica’s opinion because if students bring cellphones to
school students can look for additional material.

Disagee (Reni): I think it is wrong because students will get material at school from the teacher if
they are looking for additional material, it can be opened at home

Agree (Ray): I’m sorry, Budi, in my opinion, if students bring cellphones to school, it’s a natural thing
like those in European countries.

Disagee (Maida): but in my opinion I agree more with Budi’s opinion because if a student brings a
cellphone to school it will have a bad impact, one of which is that the student will not focus on the
subject and instead open up bad things, for example playing games and watching videos that are not

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