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Jalan TGKH. M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid Kode Pos. 83612 Pancor, Selong Lombok Timur
Telp. (0376) 21394. Fax. (0376) 22954 Website:http//, e-mail:

Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Ganjil tahun akademik 2021/2022

Mata Kuliah: Writing in professional context
Name : Ahmad Quraisy (190202003)
Class : 5C
Semester :5
Deadline : 15 January 2022 time 04.00 pm at PMB office
Notice : Please submit your worksheet to your head of your class and she/he will hand it to me.

A. Please write 250 descriptive texts about biography of TGKH. M. Zainuddin Abdul Majid, the founder of
Nahdlatul Wathan Pancor.

TGKH Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid whose first name is Muhammad Saggaf, was born on

Wednesday 18 Rabiul Awal 1316 Hijriyah to coincide with 20 April 1908 AD. Born in Bermi Village,

Pancor Village, East Rarang District, or now better known as Selong District, East Lombok, West Nusa

Tenggara. the name Muhammad Zainuddin is a substitute for the name Muhammad saggaf this change

was made after the pilgrimage at the age of 9 Kun this name was taken from the name of a cleric at the

Grand Mosque, namely Sheikh Muhammad Zainuddin Sarawak.

His parents were named Abdul Majid Who was popularly known as a mukminah teacher while his

mother was named Inaq Syam or known as Hajjah Halimatus Sadiyah died in Mecca and was buried a

young convert. Zainuddin teenagers received formal education in village schools or volkscholen Until

grade 3 no school This village was started by the government of the Indies. The Netherlands has

implemented ethical politics since entering the 20th century. At this time there was also a secondary

school, namely The government Indian High School. The economic condition of Abdul Majid's family

was quite good, making Zainuddin lucky to be able to receive a good education. There are several

versions regarding the family tree of TGKH Zainuddin Abdul Majid the first comes from the first comes

from a descendant of the Selaparang kingdom, the Islamic kingdom that once ruled on the island of

Lombok, is even mentioned as the 17th descendant of the Selaparang kingdom.

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