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Reflection Paper ( The Ultimate Gift )

Upon watching the movie about the ultimate gift, I've realized a lot of things, life lessons,
learnings and reconciled the worth of life, Life is full of surprises, full of mysteries, full of
challenges, full of difficulties and full of uncertainties, there are times in my life that I became
weak and tired of everyday life to the point that I don't even want to go off of my bed and just
sleep for the rest of the day, there's also a time that I felt tired of studying, I've remembered a
philosopher, I think its Socrates, he said that "The more we know, the more we realized how
little we know", then I tried to reconcile the worth of studying, there' a point of my life that
because of these struggles, difficulties, oddness and hardships that I've been experiencing inside
the seminary the idea of leaving the seminary came up to me, I was hopeless that time that I don't
know what to do, also last august 31 my grandmother passed away and honestly it triggers me to
finally take my spiritual direction in order to be enlightened on what should I do, because I felt
like I'm tired of everything.

Then I came back into the movie " the ultimate gift", most of the people revolves only in
money and ignores these precious gifts God is giving to us, These gifts helps/strengthened me to
keep on fighting, to keep on moving, yes it is true that the life inside the seminary is really hard
but it is also a gift from God. Every time we had our ground improvement it reminds me of the
gift of work, Every time I faced crisis along my seminary journey my brother’s keeps on
encouraging me that everything happens for a reason, the gift of friendship. The gift of money
also helps in continuing my seminary journey because through it you can also help other people,
the gift of learning also boost me on how important our education is, because it is a gift which
will remain with us no matter what happen, the gift of problems also helps me to be strong we
just need to look into the positive side of it in order to appreciate its importance, The gift of
Family, Our family is one of our biggest supporters in our journey, they are always there caring
and praying for us, they will keep on supporting us no matter how hard the situation is, that’s
how much they love us, Inside the seminary laughter strengthens the bonds of the seminarians
and it helps in keeping the joy inside the seminary that’s why the gift of laughter is also
important in the context of seminary formation, The gift of dreams also inspires me to do our
best in anything that we do in order for us to be able to reach those dreams that we wanted to
achieve, the gift of Giving, the joy of helping other people in the best way we can is priceless
helping those people who in need through giving and seeing those smiles from the people we’ve
helped inspires us to give more help to those in need, The gift of gratitude mirrors our humility
by appreciating those help that has given to us by others, Every day that we wakes it is a blessing
from God for giving us another to live that’s why we need to do what is right and just and be
fruitful every day.

The gift of Love, Love is everywhere as much often said that’s why I kept the greatest
commandment of God “ Love one another as I loved you “ because love together with my faith
holds me to keep my vocation within me and strengthen it through works and prayers, because I
believe as I keep on trusting God he also never ceases to love me that no matter what wrong
Reflection Paper ( The Ultimate Gift )

we’ve done as long as we repent and be humble to him, by his mercy he’s still there Loving us
unconditionally, that why I loved him to the fullest.

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