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Ni Putu Tantri Andhika Putri


Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia

Politeknik Kesehatan Denpasar
Teknologi Laboratorium Medis
Keywords :
Hypertension, Patient, Antihypertensive Drugs, Combination, Health, Therapy, Grade,
Hypertension Patients, Essential Hypertension Patients, Outpatient Essential

Essential hypertension can be managed through a combination lifestyle changes and
antihypertensive drugs.The combination of antihypertensive Amlodipine-Hydrochlorothiazide-
Captopril (0.35%, n=2) was used for hypertension grade II.
Conclusion : Amlodipine was the most widely used drug as monotherapy or combination
drugs therapy in the treatment of essential hypertension at outpatient installations, Puskesmas
Karang Rejo.
Keywords : Essential hypertension, Antihypertensive Drugs and Puskesmas- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Background : Essential hypertension is the most common type of hypertension, accounting
for90-95% of all cases of hypertension.The purpose of the study was to determine the use of
antihypertensive drugs in outpatient essential hypertension patients at Karang Rejo Public
Health Center, Tarakan.Research
Methods : Descriptive research using secondary data from medical records of outpatient
essential hypertension patients at Karang Rejo Public Health Center Tarakan in the period
January- April 2017.Monotherapy was used to treat 454 (81.51%) patients and combination
therapy was used for 103 (18.49%) patients. Monotherapy and a combination of 2
antihypertensive drugs was used for prehypertension, grade I hypertension, and grade II
hypertension, with the most widely used drug as monotherapy was amlodipine (67.86%, n=378)
and the most widely used combination of 2 drugs was Amlodipine-Hydrochlorothiazide (
15.80%, n = 88).The combination Amlodipine-Hydrochlorothiazide-Captopril (0.35%, n=2)
was used for grade II hypertension.
Conclusion : Amlodipine is the most widely used antihypertensive drug as monotherapy or
combination therapy for outpatient essential hypertension patients at Karang Rejo Health
Center, Tarakan
Keywords : Essential Hypertension, Antihypertensive Drugs and Puskesmas- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Essential hypertension is the most common type of hypertension, accounting for 90-95% of all
cases of hypertension and is hypertension of unknown cause (idiopathic) (Carretero, 2000 and
Oparil, 2003).The purpose of the study was to determine the use of antihypertensive drugs in
outpatient essential hypertension patients at Karang Rejo Health Center
RESEARCH METHODS stress, reactivation of blood vessels to The research methodused
vasoconstrictors, insulin resistance and others.In general, the classes of antihypertensive
drugs used are diuretics, ACE inhibitors (ACEI), Angiotensin-Receptor Blockers (ARBs),
Calcium channel Blockers (CCBs), and Beta blockers (Chobanian, 2003).Health Center for the
period January-April 2017 and sampling is carried out manually. Total sampling.Criteria
inclusion that is patient outpatient essential hypertension who received antihypertensive drug
therapy for the first time at the puskesmas with complete and clear medical record
data.Exclusion criteria were outpatient essential hypertension patients who received
antihypertensive therapy but did not have complete medical record data, essential hypertension
patients who had previously received antihypertensive drugs Based on Riskesdas2013, and
essential hypertension patients with prevalence of national hypertension in Indonesia obtained
based on measurements of other underlying diseases and received therapy other than
antihypertensive drugs.or other drug therapy for the underlying disease.Data analysis is
presented descriptively using tabulations and analyzed by explaining the characteristics of each
research variable.
The results of the patient's medical record data at the Karang Rejo Health Center, Tarakan for
the period January 1 2017 - April 29 2017 obtained data as many as 26,947 patients.Patients
diagnosed with hypertension and receiving antihypertensive drug therapy were 2,618 patients
with 2,034 cases of essential hypertension and 557 patients who met the inclusion
criteria.Patient CharacteristicsBased on the results of the study, there were 404 female patients
with essential hypertension (72.53%) and 153 male patients (27.47%).

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