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Customer Experience Specialist Exercise

Prompt #1

The core responsibility of the Customer Experience Specialist is to provide coaching

and support to our members on evenings and weekends.

Here are real messages from users. Craft short, kind responses to each.

1. From Molly: "i need to not have an impromptu six drinks (hello, april), but find
a way to enjoy an impromptu drink or two and be done with it"

Hi, Molly. That’s a great goal to set for yourself! The first step to reaching that goal is
to get used to tracking each drink you have throughout the day. By doing this, you’ll
start to be more mindful about how much you’re drinking and what your habits are.
From there, you’ll begin learning tactics to make deliberate drinking choices and stick
within your limits. Remember, if you ever have a craving or need extra motivation, you
can always text us, and we’ll talk you through it.

2. From Amy: "hi nick, thank you!! i am excited about trying this plan. i've needed
help like this for years. today i was scrolling through facebook and saw the ad.
i feel like this is a step in the right direction and maybe 2021 will be a better

Hi, Amy! Thanks for getting started. You’ve already taken a big step by being here. Lots
of folks have used our program to cut down on their drinking, and we hope to continue
helping more people reach their goals. Here’s an article from one of our founders about
how his family history influenced the creation of this program. If there’s anything we
can do to help along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out.

3. From Michelle: "i guess what i need is a bit more support when i'm really
stressed which is regularly. this week on tuesday work was hell so i ended up
drinking 2 bottles of wine - thus the 9 drinks. wednesday i didn't drink at all
which was good. "

Hi Michelle, thanks for checking in. Stress often has a huge influence on how much we
drink, and it’s okay to talk about it! Remember, building healthy drinking habits is an
ongoing process, so don’t beat yourself up for going past your limit on Tuesday. The
most important thing is to keep going. Here are a few tips to avoid over-indulging the
next time you feel stressed out:
1. Take a walk. Before taking a drink, give yourself the opportunity to clear your
head by taking a walk and getting a little exercise.
2. Alternate your drinks with water. This will automatically give you a chance to
slow down keep things in check. (Plus you’ll feel better the next day!)
3. Text us for extra support! We’re here to help, so don’t hesitate to reach out and
we’ll talk you through it.

4. From Robin: I feel like crap this morning

Hi Robin. Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well today. We all have days where we need
a little extra motivation. If you want to talk through anything, I’m here to help.
Remember to keep in mind WHY you started this program in the first place. It may take
a while to feel different, but I promise you’ll be proud of yourself in the end.

Prompt #2

Mondays can be especially busy as needs arise at the beginning of the week. You’re
faced with the following tasks, how would you prioritize them and why would you do it
this way?

● You’re asked to run a report of weekend activity in the CRM

● There are 80 customers awaiting a text back (with varying levels of urgency)
● You have 5 messages waiting in Slack (our internal chat system)
● You have a 3:30 meeting to prep for
● There are two bugs that need reporting
● There are escalated tickets that need attention and you need to nudge the
owner to handle them

1. Check Slack and respond to relevant messages.

2. Scan the queue and respond to high urgency messages.
3. Respond to messages in the queue that are quick solutions.
4. Nudge owners for escalated tickets.
5. Clear any remaining or new tickets in the queue.
6. Prep for 3:30 meeting.
7. Run a report for weekend CRM activity.
8. Create bug reports.

Prompt #3

Our customers reach out to us for tips and advice on fighting cravings and staying
motivated. We are working to be proactive by populating our Help Center with useful
tools and information.

Using this article as an example, craft a short help article with tips to stay motivated to
reach a goal. You don’t need to make more than 5-6 tips. The tone should be friendly,
supportive, and motivating.

Party Tricks For Mindful Drinking

Parties are a necessary and well-engrained part of our social ecosystem, but for those
trying to cut down on drinking, these social gatherings can feel like a minefield of
temptation, anxiety, and social pressure. If you’re feeling nervous about an upcoming
event, you’re not alone. We’ve created these tips to help you enjoy your next party
without feeling pressure to over-indulge.

1. Make a Plan. Think about your typical drinking habits and what your goals are
for yourself. Decide on what your limit is going to be for the night, and bring a
beverage that supports that goal. Specifying your plan early will help you make
smart and deliberate choices later.
2. Drink Water. A classic tactic for slowing down alcohol consumption is to
alternate alcoholic drinks with water. This gives your mind and body a chance to
catch up with the drinks you’ve already finished. After finishing your water, take
a moment to check in with yourself mentally and remind yourself WHY you
want to cut back.
3. Bring Snacks. No one has ever been upset because there are too many chips at
a party. Be the snack hero and bring something fun to the table. Then, if you’re
feeling pressure to over-indulge, shift your focus away from alcohol by indulging
your tastebuds in a new way.
4. Socialize! Many people use alcohol as a “social lubricant,” but being social can
also be a great way to distract from alcohol cravings. Enjoy the conversations
around you, don’t be afraid to get to know people on a deeper level. Sometimes
by cutting back, you’ll find that there are people around you who aren’t drinking
as much as you expected.
5. Be Honest. Don’t be afraid to tell your friends directly that you’re trying to cut
back on drinking. Talking openly about your goals and progress is a great way to
keep yourself accountable and on track. People may even want to join and make
positive changes with you.

Prompt #4

We’d like to learn a little more about you.

1. What are a few qualities you need in a manager?

Clear communication of goals. Approachable when asking for

help/feedback. A long-term vision of career and company development.

2. What is your ideal work environment?

I like being able to take ownership of projects while receiving continued

feedback and direction from management. I thrive when I’m given the
opportunity to “show what I can do.”
3. Based on what you know about the position so far, what are three of your skills
that make you a good fit for the role?

Empathy, persistence, and flexibility.

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