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 Publish your statistics - Using numbers to increase a client's trust is a fantastic idea.

By sharing
both your payout rates and the most common reasons why claims are refused, you may improve
your company's relationship with its customers. The last point is crucial. You don't want your
clients to believe that whether or not they'll be paid is a matter of chance; instead, you want
them to know that if they follow the conditions of the insurance policy, they'll be paid 100% of
the time.
 Make your pricing simple to understand. - It's a good idea to provide your customers choices,
but it can backfire. Customers are already predisposed to distrust insurance firms, so when
presented with dozens of options with unclear cost and benefit disparities, there's a chance
they'll suspect something fishy is going on. It's best to limit your alternatives to two or three, or
even better, allow your customers to acquire a free insurance quote directly from your website.
 Providing a smooth self-serve user experience - For products that don't require significant
underwriting, the consumer should be able to acquire a price and purchase coverage in a simple
and convenient manner. Many consumers nowadays choose to obtain insurance rates, apply for
coverage, and gain coverage on their own, completing the entire process online from start to
end. Consumers may feel baited if they have to go through a long online process or are referred
to an agent or call centre after the process is completed.

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