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A) Followings are the tools can used to analyse and address services quality productivity -

SERVQUAL is a multi-dimensional research methodology that captures consumer expectations and

impressions of a service across five dimensions that represent optimal service quality practises. You
conduct a survey with SERVQUAL to ask your customers to score the service they receive in comparison
to their expectations. Reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness are the five
elements of this instrument.

Post Customer Service Ratings - asking consumers to review their service experience is a simple and
effective approach to learn how satisfied they are with the service you provided. You may quickly send a
customer an email after they've gotten service asking them to rate their experience, or you can do it
through your website or mobile app.

Monitoring social media - With the rise of social media, this strategy has become increasingly popular
among businesses. Many people use social media as a way to vent their frustrations and have their
voices heard. If the correct technologies are put in place, it becomes the ideal venue for your firm to
hear the uncensored comments of customers. You can quickly monitor what consumers are saying
about the service you provide by using tools like Mention and Google Alerts. You may also ask your
followers for input on your service quality via social media, which will help you make significant

B) Advertising, personal selling and Public Relations role in attracting new customers -

Advertising - Advertising sends a message to a specific audience and receives feedback in the shape of a
purchase or other consumer action. When an organisation spends in presenting itself and its products in
a public forum, it produces a perception of credibility or legitimacy. Ads can communicate an impression
of quality and durability, implying that a business isn't a one-hit wonder. Marketers can use advertising
to repeat a message at key intervals. Repetition increases the likelihood that a message will be seen and
remembered by the target audience, resulting in better awareness-building results. Advertising may
create drama and human interest by showcasing intriguing or fascinating people and situations.

Personal selling is the practise of selling goods and services through face-to-face interaction. Sales
agents, who serve as the personal link between a customer and a company or its products or services,
carry out this form of communication. Personal selling also cuts down on wasted time and effort.
Advertisers can spend a lot of time and money on a mass-marketing message that reaches a lot of
people who aren't in their target market (but doesn't result in more sales). In personal selling, the
salesperson identifies the target market, establishes contact, and concentrates efforts that are likely to
result in a sale.

The process of maintaining a positive image and developing good relationships between an organisation
and the public communities, groups, and people it serves is known as public relations (PR). Unlike
advertising, which uses paid communications to try to create good impressions, public relations does not
pay for attention or notoriety. Because PR is earned rather than bought, it has a higher level of
credibility and weight. People are more likely to believe a news item about a customer's positive
experience with a firm and its products than a sponsored advertisement since it is less prejudiced (and
hence more believable). The news storey is written by an objective reporter who believes the storey is
important to communicate.

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