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It was my perfect moment when I met him. It felt like I was dreaming but at
least I believe what I saw. It happened when I was in the airport with my
mom. We were waiting my dad from Bali. I looked my watch and wait
patiently because his flight was delayed. It was crowded, a lot of people
passed by. My mom was bored too, so she decided to bought some snack.
When she left, this story is began. 
Suddenly,there were like a huddle of people. It looked like they were
waiting for someone, maybe their idol, but I didn't know who was that. So, I
keep waiting like there was nothing. They were screaming, and said "Oh
My God!! So cute, handsome!". I still didn't know, but I thought it must be a
boy or man. The huddle gave a way to made the idol through by. Then I
tried to saw him. I met his eyes first then I realized. The idol was Harris J.
my favorite idol too! I didn't know about his coming in my country. He
smiled at me so did I. I tried to chase him for an auotograph immediately!
And yes, I did it! I got his autograph.
It was my unexpected and my perfect moment in the same time. I'm so glad that I
got his autograph, it was once in my whole life--I thought. It's been a year ago but I
still keep that moment

The text is one of a type that tells of a typical activity, event or experience in the past. The purpose
of this text is to comfort those who listen to it.

Social function
Elevate text personal experiences are usually experiences that are considered interesting or
memorable. The writer recounted what happened to his readers.

Generic structure
As with other types of text, materials have three main structures, among them: inequality, event,
and retention.

1. Orientation
Is an opening in the text, which tells of the background, including who, where, when and how

2. event
A series of events in texts, usually in chronological order.
3. Re-orientation
This section isa close text, which can be a confirmation or additional opinion of the writer.

⁃ language features
1. Use simple past tense e
Example: It was my perfect moment when I met him. It felt like I was
dreaming but at least I believe what I saw. It happened when I was in
the airport with my mom.

2. Use noun and pronoun

Example: he, Harris j, we, the idol

3. Use conjuction and time connectives

Example: Then I tried to saw him. I met his eyes first then I realized.

4. Use adjective (kata sifat) yg menerangkan noun (kata

Example: handsome

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