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The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare

1. “I should not see the sandy hour-glass run” – Who is the speaker and what does the sandy
hour-glass remind him of?
2. Who is Janus? Why is he referred to here?
3. What does Bassanio confess about his financial status to Antonio?
4. Explain the significance of ‘golden fleece’, ‘Colchos strand’ and Jason. In what context have
these been used in Bassanio’s speech.
5. “My little body is aweary of this great world”- What does Portia mean by these words?
Where is the scene set?
6. Explain- ‘competency lives longer’.
7. What were Portia’s views about the nephew of the Duke of Saxony?
8. What was Portia’s father’s will? What kind of a man was he?
9. What is the amount needed by Bassanio, and for how many months?
10. Give the meanings of: i) argosies, ii) wind cooling my broth, iii) throstle
iv) he is a proper man’s picture v) contrary casket vi) Alcides
11. Why does Shylock call Antonio ‘a fawning publican’?
12. Whom does Shylock go to borrow money to lend to Antonio?
13. What are the terms of the bond? Explain in detail.
14. Why does Shylock incorporate the story of Jacob and Laban in his conversation? What is the
story? (Act 1 Sc3)
15. List the abuses hurled by Antonio upon Shylock. ( Act 1scene 3)
16. What is Antonio’s response to Shylock’s long oration about the abuses Antonio has hurled?
(Act 1 scene 3)
17. What role does Fortune play in the game of dice? (Act II sc 1)
18. Who was Hagar? Why has she been referred to here? ( Act II Scene 5)
19. Who wins the battle in Launcelot’s mind? What does he advice? ( Act 2 Scene 2)
20. Who is Launcelot’s mother? What does Launcelot say in order to impress his father?
21. What promises does Gratiano make to Bassanio in lieu of accompanying him to Belmont?
22. Who says ‘ I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so:’? Why?
23. What strife is Jessica going to end soon? How ?
24. What premonition did Shylock have? Why does he still decide to attend Bassanio’s feast?
25. What are Shylock’s opinions for Launcelot?
26. Why is Jessica ashamed of her disguise? What all does she thieve from Shylock?
27. How does Gratiano state the difference between the lovers and those whose love is already
28. What are the inscriptions written on the three caskets?
29. What does Morocco discover in the gold casket? Summarise the scroll.
30. What is Portia’s reaction as Morocco exits?

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