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Ware ES SS Bestest ee ee a acid <= a =a oa Ss TST meas AMIDST THE ASHES INTRODUCTION \ Welcome to the Amidst the Ashes mission pack! This is a narrative play mission pack for Crusade forces. Un the following pages you will find a vast swathe of missions that your Crusade force can take up as they battle to invade or d At the heart ofthe Charadon Sector lies the forge world of Metalica. It isa beating industrial centre, the unsleeping faub of martial manufacturing and mili might around which the systems of the Obolis, Lirac and many others sub-sectors revolve. When the Great Rift tore the galaxy asunder, Metalica and its surrounding wworids stood strong amidst the pandemonium. Then came Typhus, host of the Destroyer Hive; the Death Guard lord led an immense tr-pronged invasion of the secter upon himselt. Now the entire region is besieged, loyalist and traitor forces eating at one anther across countless contaminated ba orders of Warmaster Abaddon fronts while xenos raiders strike Hike carrion ghouls from the saadows. As the situation within War Zone Charaden became increasingly dire, those who found themselves trapped Within is chaos became increasingly desperate in their search for salvation, Within this mission pack you will find rales that allow you to represent the path down which some of these forces chase to tread, with units {ining lew abilities as they progress ever further towards either damnation or enlightenment. nd the sub-sectors around Metalic, or else try to raid and pillage amongst the ruins. The Corruption of the Weak rules can be used by armies under the sway of the Daemon Prince Be'lakar, and they allow psykers to be upgraded with new abilities taat see them bolster the aggression of those they fight beside ‘or sap the will oftheir enemies. Psykers that reach the highest level can even learn an all new psychic power, chosen fram a selection of available Malediction and Witchfire powers The Awakening of the Strong rules are for those armies that turn to iron and steel to resist the malign powers of the warp. The machine spirits of vehicles in these armies become increasingly capable and independent as their experience grows. In much the same way as psykers using. the Corruption of the Weak rules, these models gain new abilities as they progress along their journey, following 2 path chosen by you, the player ‘There are also a selection of missions presented for all sizes of garncs, based on key events from the Charadon, storyline. Containing unique rules that interact with those described above, these scenarios further your Crusade force's journey as it fights across the s WAR ZUNE CHARADON With the imperium rent in two by the Great Rift, Abaddon the Despoiler had never en closer to victoi ‘the Long War. Thus he moved to put even more pressure on the Emperor's realm. In just ane of many strikes ‘over multiple fronts, Abaddon ordered First Captain Typhus of the Death Guard and Lord Discordant Akhorath X of the Black Legion to strike a Inthe early days ofthe Era Indomitus, raitor forces ran rampant. Thanks. to the patronage ofthe Dark Godt, they plied the raging warp with cease. Through unho'y sorcery they communicated effectively over vast digancet The Tmperinm nat only had no such boons, bt found travel and communication more dangerous than ever before. Asa cesult the traitors inilicted massive casvaties, This was rot enauigh for Abaddon, however He did not want to just loose his warlords to rampage at will: He wanted to destroy the Imperium Sanctus. To do this he needed to destabilise Imperial stranghalde and prevent conrtinated Imperial counterattacks, “The Charadon Sector was one of ‘Abaddon’ targets. Deep within the Litima Segmentum, it was a bastion of military and industrial ‘might, thanks in large part to the presence of the renowned forge ‘world of Metalica and the stalwart Krighteaf Howse Raven Were thie not enough, the sector was else ‘enough fo Ultram: thatthe two regions could form an enormously powerful strategic lynchpin. Thonigh constantly threatened by the expansions ofthe vast Or Empire of the Arch-Acsonist and the Necron Akannazad Dynasty and buttressed by the effects of the Noctis, Asterna, the Charadan Sector was still extremely trang, No matter the threat; Metaicas armies of eyborgs and archeotech war engines crushed ‘enemies with ruthless ficiency. Abaddon determined that Typhus, the First Captain of the Death Guard, ‘would command the campaign. the Charadon Sector. Abaddon tasked one of his Chosen, ord Discordant akhorath Zeid, with finding him ~ together, they would strike at the Charadon Sector, Though Typhus was et that time conducting campaigns of his own Aosign, he ahandoned them at the Warmaster’s command even a warrior as powerful os he could not ignore Abaddon. The Warmaster did | 0 only want to win the campaign, | however, he alsa wanted to crish Imperial morale. In that goal he and ‘Typhus were aligned. The forge world cf Metatica had long claimed that | their machines were incorruptible, Typhus wished ta prave that natior ‘wrong. He wished to subject the forge world to a humiliating, painful and slow demise at the hands of one of the Plague God Nurgles most terrible poxes. “The Tech-Priests of Metalica themselves were possessed ofan ‘uncompromising and hellicose natuce, traits that made their world a beacon of defiance against the enemies of Manicind but also armed them few trie allies within e Imperium. Open in their preferonce for infrastruetare and technology over Human life, they were oppressive in their methods of dealing with dissidents, even by Imperial standards. Though their reprisals ofien led to further unrest, they just saw this as clear evidence of the failures of unaugmented frpanies. Nonstheless, the Metaliean magi were determined fies of the Arch enemy, atid had vest armies to match their eesolve. These armies did not stand alone, Throughout the Charadn Sector, there were countless regiments of As Militarum. Space Marine strike whose orld was in the Obolis Sub- hey Chapters wore ever ready to eliminate any threat that arose, Sisters of Battle From the cardinal world of Alexistor, the shrine world of Humblehope and ‘more all stood eager to hotel back invaders, as well at purge heresies and traitors within Imperial territory. Yet forall the Imperium‘s military might inthe ragin, it wae beleaguered even before Typhus and Zeiss invasion, The Caarus and Phiegy: Sub widespread murations and heretical uprisings. Psychic ema bleak omens became commonplace con many worlds In the face of this the Metaicans became more ectors succumbed to ations and inflexible, and Fabricator General Heptas Rho-Decima Khleng decided enough was enough. He deployed ‘eradication arks~ voidborne techno-atrocities built for orbital rad-bombardment. Their use caused ‘outrage and terror amongst Imperial authorities, It was amidst this time of tense argument and distrust that Typhus and Zeid launched their invasion, This assault came from three ditections at once. The first strike ‘was launched against the Chremyd ‘System and commanded by Lord Thraxoplasmox of the Deeth Guard His forces found a system well gartisoned but with ts troops widely seatiered and in poor position to fesista direct invasion. The garrison ofthe Chromyd System had spent much time in a counter piracy campaign ogains the Drukhat of Telit Hesperas, Wyeh Queen of the Commorrte arenas and many other copyeats ‘he Death Guard assault caused coraplete snarchy Imperial forces desperately tried to rally even as the Drukharlexplotted events for their own depraved and spiteful ends. twas only because of Thraxoplasmer’s desire for & eng, | remained wholly drawn-out war ~ and the suffering id despair that came with it ~ that the Imperium lad the time ane space to form new bale ines, the invasion’ second strike took much the opposite form. The plague ships of Plague Captain Oghlosmus Bilge and Titans of Legio Morbidus Jed a furious assault against the ‘Alumax System. Th multiple worlds in incredible time thanks to the element of surprise ~ they burst out of raging warp tides the lmperlum had litle hope of ever navigating, This was something the Imperium assumed would also be snemies. Very quickly true for thei only the system's tnonitor station nconguered, its ‘overtared Astropaths desperateyy calling for aid "Typhus and Lord Zeid themselves led the invasions third pror the Duralim System, ‘There the eaviest fighting in the early stages ‘of the war took place, First Typhus led his troops against the cardinal world of Alexistor, grinding down the Adepta Sororitss and Imperial Gusrd defenders with ease as witch sadness swept over the plane!. One by one, the world’s temples and cathedra fll, those great symbols of faith toppled and defiled, In the meantime Lord Zeid led his Black La het andl manetone packs of Daemon Engines ageinst numerous worlds. Utilising the veteran skill of his warriors as well as surprise, he overwhelmed his enemies in savage onslaughts. All the while great tides of mutants and cultists rose up everywhere in the system, revealing, themcelves after years in hiding or through the corruption spread by the forres of Chane Among Typhus allies were warriors of other Traitor Legions. One alliance ‘of wo warbands, fram the Alpha Legion and Word Bearers Heretic Astarles, was collectively known as the Disciples. Typhus ordered these warriors 19 wage a shadow War it the deepest part of the Lirac Suh-sectar Thode tatl was to carey out campaign of terror and piracy through the Cyclos and M’bor Systems, to draw the Knights of House Raven to them and thus away from Meraliea. Little did Typhus know, however, that the Disc! had their own ideas of what to ‘accomplish there, = Oil” ae WORLDS TORN AS KOLOSSI The world of Kolossi was home to the Knights of House Raven. Taci fortress — the Keep lnviolate~ was ‘one of the largest in the Imperiam, with countless bastions towers, archeotech shrines and sanctums, It was 80 tall its uppermost reaches touched the void itsel: Only the Fang, on Fenris, and the Emperor's Palace itself were bigger ‘he fortress: roots stretched deep into Koloss’s crust In these cathedrum like vaults held House Raven's precious relics, Ancient banners, captured enemy weapons, he bones of long-dead heroes, gifs from grateful allies ranging from Space Marine Chapters to Inquisitors ~ all were housed in state of reverence, Located in the Tethras & Kolossi was a huge planet. Its atmosphere was wreathed in pollutants due to millennia of ceaseless mining and manufacturing much of which went i maintaining the Keep Inviclate and satiating House Raven's enormous demand for suits and munitions. aN) F) B ee teers, eon eri toby eee treet Pereira nese ee ee pacelenya renin te ravi fr i Pete eet re eeu aia ert Thus he desires warship 2s they do, an Soa enna wou ect) UNDER Much of Kolossis populations Aelled in vast industrial complexes sunk into walls offisties tht sat for hhundreds of miles, These habitations were powered iy geothermal igeneratora, and Put to work in heaving quasri narrow mining tur storums and natrigruel farms, ‘Whilst responsibility for running these settlements fell to the barons ir people were of House Raven, s0 frequently were they amay at war that de Gay-1a-day administration was ofien delegated toleser bureaucrats, many of whom lacked the honour and wisclom of their knightly lords. Upwards of eight in ten of House Raven's Knight sits and pilots lef Kolossi whea the Obelis Sub-sector came under attack. Even sill, the defences left bel auuabeced scores more suits and piloss and whole armies of combat servitors cyborg House Militia and Sacristans. They were enough to hold back 4 conventional foe for months o ven years with lite cifficulty. Yet the foe that came to Kolossi was ne ordinary enemy aa rs Pe Pres oie Pc ee rote era ee ST Carr Soca he Dark God: Peeenia Pres Brees ornate en Rca ettsy een ia eet nce! eae ons Deg nise their alliance as being genuine; they ar Tee ea et FATHOM Early in Typus’ campaign, the wave-tossed world of Fathom had been besieged and ravaged by hordes of warpe-spawned daemons. As such, its garrison of Imperial troops had taken every measure possible 0 fortify it Fathor’s aqua-harvesting rigs were all turned to citadele in thelr own right, replete with defensive turrets and reinforced armour plating Prefabricated harbours, carapace- like armoured domes and extensive pressurised networks of undersea tunnels and chambers had all been added. Macro-travwlers had been requisitioned and welded together into huge, improvised pontoons between the aqua-barvesting rigs Many of these tunnels and bridges were rigged for easy destruction should the defenders wish to deny the enemy access to any part of the world’ infrastructa cutoff pursuers or even send fors into the roiling depths below, Fath’ defences were floating labyrinths Direct assaults were guaranteed to be mously costly to the attackers and death to any who reached the re et Tircnrat anes Se es ea oes Perens coer reer eet surface waited around every cornet The Black Legion, soho had brutally nd added to ts alceady formidable def captured the world would ensure every inch of gro was contested The earlier fighting on Fathom had resulted inthe creation of enormous fat-bergs of bio- matter that had congealed and scabbed ove, floating over the world’s tumultuous oceans They were riddled with rotted tunnels, and the Black Legion made the most of them. Abaddon’s Legion lied remo! relays and arms caches, and unleashed Daemon Engines tha tured the land into their hunting grounds. The skies were no sa Boiling macro-storms tore through Fathom lower atmosphere flickering lightning piercing the mids. Through these METALICA Metalica was Typhus' target, the focus ofall his plans and efforts For bin it was not a matter of just invading the planet, He hac to re the Macrosanctum Primus, the lair cof Fabricator General Khileng, From there he had to infect the entirety of Metalica with a virus that would uth, Such an qutcome was asiweet sespense to the Tech Priests’ boastful claims, and one deeply pleasing to Nargle giseit a slows, miserable d To attack Metalica was no straightforward endeavour, twas immensely well protected. In space, the forge world was guarded by the Coronae Militarum, This Typhus tainted with unholy corruption using data-daemons, scrapeade en diseased flesh, Slowly ‘bur surely he turned the war for aale controlling Metalica’s space against flocked aumerous Helarakes, ready | the Metalican defenders, as their to teae apart any foe that tried to reach the surface ‘own defence stations opened fired upon thei. ‘With the orbital war won, Typhus invaded Metalica itself. The forge ‘world’s surface was an endless sprawl of manufactora, industrial rmega-shrines, munitions planis and wastelands, Its most important region was the Prime Industrial Cluster, continent-sized morass of inter linked forges, Titan hangars, uplink shrine other esoteric structures. It was within this place that Typhus knew he would find Fabricator General Khileng. The Death Guard Lord made every military effort possible tohide his true target, dispatching. forees on diversionary attacks, blocking missions and hitand run strikes elsewhere, He also deployed troops to isolate the Prime Incustrial CClustes, to ensure that his main assault did not have to face down endless waves of reinforcements — he knew that Metalicas troops would fight to the death to thwart his plans. Typhus veas resolute: he would | not fal, ftosanctums and — AMIDST THE ASHES “This Crusade mission pack offers.a new way for your units ta gain experience and acquit fresh abilities, representing the unique journeys taken by the sides inthis confict. Two paths are available to your thet of the Awakening of the Strong, and that ofthe Corruption of the Weak, Your force can only follow one ofthese routes, and you must choose ‘which using the relevant Requisitions Once you have dedicated your Crusade force to one of these, you will build up either Awakening or Corruption points, depending pon your selection, through completing the relevant Agendas or specific mission victory conditions that can come in to play."Ihese points can be epeat to select relevant units from your army. again through the use of Requisitions, and se them down the path that you have chosen ‘Once a unit has been set on such 3 path, they will no longer accrue experience points and Rattle Hanewirsin the usual ead, they nin access tothe relevant upgrade tree. Using the Awakening or Corruption points that you hare earned in battle, you can progress cach of these tits through their upgrade tee; the options availabe to them are based on previons selections, s© choose wisely! ‘A number of Stratagems (pg 12) are also presented inthis mission pack, and these can be used on units thet have started down one or ither ofthese paths. ifyeur Crusade force is taking part in Amidat the Ashos battles, you can spend Requisition points (RPe) on the Avsakening of the Strong Requisitions (see below) or the Corruption of the Weak Requisitions (pg 10) in addition to those found in other sources. AWAKENING OF THE STRONG This path allows you to upgrade the VEMIELE wits in your Crasade force. You can select this aptin far your Cricade force using the Machinery Arisen Requisition (see below). Once you do, you will begin building up Awakening points that can be used either to start new « down this ute, using the Birth of Consciousness Requisition, oF to progress units already on the route further along the Awekening ofthe Strong upgrede tree (pe 9) sca Targets (pg 1) REQUISITIONS MACHINERY ARISEN 1RP Purchase this Requisition when mustering your army for an Amidst the Ashes battle. if your Crusade force does, ‘not have the Warp Corruption or Machinery Arisen rotes on its Order of Battie. Add the Machinery Arisen stole to your Order of Battle and stert a counter for Awakening points, beginning with 1 Awakening point BURGEONING CONSCIOUSNESS aRP Purchase this Requisition atany time, if your Crusade force has the Machinery Ariser. note. Select one AvaKeNeD Spintt VENIELE unit from your army. "That unit {gains one additional ability, if able, selected from the ‘Awakening of the Strong trex (see opposite). Increase the ‘Crusade points of that unit by 1. Ifthe selected ability tare wel suited toa force of this type incluce Machine Vendetta (pg 13), Bastion of Iron (pg 14) and ie a Level 2 ability, subtract 2 from your Crusade force’ Avekening points; otherwise, subtract 3 from your Crusade forces Awakening points. BIRTH OF CONSCIOUSNESS iRP Purchase this Requisition ateny time if your Crusade force has the Machinery Arisen note and atleast one “Awakening point. Select ane VEKIELE unit from yexir army (excluding named characters and AIRERART units) that has the Battle-teady or Blooded rank and does not have the ‘AWAKENED SPIRIT keyword. That unit gains the ANAKENED Spinit keyword and one Level | ability selected from the ‘Avrakening of the Strong tree (see opposite). AWAKENED SrinrT units cannot gain further experience points or ranks, Increase that units Crusade points by 1 and subiract I from your Crusade force’s Awakening points. DEGRADE TREE lime you select a new ability from the tree below for an AWAKENED SPIRIT ERICLE unit from your army: + if that mode! does not have a Level 2 abiity, you must select a Level 2 ability that is connected by an arrow to the Level | abulty that i already has. + If that model does already have a Level 2 ability, you must select a Level 3 ability that is connected by an arrow to that Level 2 abil ‘A model cannot have more than one Level 3 ability. Concealment Algorithms Enhanced Optics Each times ranged atack is made against this Each time a ranged attack is made by a model in this ‘unit this unit receive the benefits of Light Cover unit, iFthat model moved Jess than half its Move gains that attack. this unit makes a Normal charactersitc i is previous Movement phase, the Move, Advances of Falls Back curing ts Movement Larget doesnot receive the benefits of Light Cover FINED hese i loses thie ability nti the start of ts next against that attack Movement phase Inspiring (Aura) Furious Assault Hunter's Instincts EAE the ‘Troops Battlefield Role is charge mave, select ane enemy makes a ranged attack that targets ‘models in that unit. ‘in this unit that is within in this unit makesa melee attack, Indomitable Situational Stand Firm Close-range Defence Awareness ach time an enemy Precision “This unit gains LE this units within unit declares a charge Models in this unit the Objective Engagement Range against this unit, if do not suffer the Secured ability of any enemy units, this unit not within penalty incurred to models in this unit Engagement Range of hit rolls for fring can still make ranged any enemy units it can) Heavy weapons while attacks against enemy ff cither Hold Steady or thee unit is within units that are not Set to Defend. Each Engagement Range of within Engagement time this unit fires any enemy writs Range of their own ‘Overwatch due to tumt. ach time they do the Fire Uverwatch so, subtract 1 from that Stratager, that attacks hit rll. Stratagem costs OCP. Penn CORRUPTION OF THE WEAK ‘This path allows you to upgrade the PsvKeR models in your Crusade force. You can select this option for your Crusade force using the Warp Corruption Requisition (see below), Once you do, you will begin building up Corruption points thai can be used etther to start new unis down this route, using the A Mind Twisted Requisition, or to progress units already on the route further alang the Corruption of the Weak upgrace tree (see opposite) Agendas that are well suited to a force of this type include Break Their Spi “Their Minds (pg 15). (pg 13), Subterfuge (pg 14) and Poison REQUISITIONS WARP CORRUPTION 1RP AMIND TWISTED ARP Purchase thie Requisition when mustering your army for an Amidst the Ashes battle, if your Crasade force does not have the Warp Corruption or Machine Mastery notes Purchase thi Requisition st any time, if your Crusade force has the Warp Corruption note and at east one Corruption point Select one PsuReR model from your ‘on its Order of Battle, Add the Warp Corruption note to your Order of Bartle and start a counter for Corruption points, beginning with 1 Corruption poiat JOURNEY OF DARKNESS _ army (excluding named characters} whose unit has the Battle-ready oF Blooded rank and does not have the Connuerco Mino Keyword. That models unit guins the Connurreo Mino Keyword and that model yains one Levelt ability selected from the Corruption ofthe Weak twee (pg 13), CORRUPTED MIND units cannot gain farther ranks, Increase that units Crusade points by 1 and subtract | from your Crusade fores’s Corruption points ARP Purchase this Requisition at any time, if your Crusade force has the Warp Corruption note. Select one Connuerte Mino Psvxer model from your army. That model gains one additional ability, ifable, selected from the Corruption of the Weak tree (pg 13). Increase the Crusade points of that models unit by 1 Ifthe selected ability sa Level 2 ability, subtract 2 from your Crusade foreds Corruption points; otherwise, subtract 3 from your Crusade forces Corruption points, experience points UPGRADE TREE Each time you select a new ability from the tree opposite fora Consueree Mino PsrKeR model from your army: + Ifthat model does not have a Level 2 ability, you must select a Level 2 ability that is connected by an arrow to the Level | ability that it already has, % | f + 1 msvdel does lreudy have a Level 2 abit you must select a i mM Level 3 ability that is connected by an arrow to that Level 2 ability ey A model cannot have more than one Level 3 ability. Whispers of Despair [At he start of the Morale phase, select one enemy wil the end of the ‘ship characteristic unit within 12° of this model phase, subtract 1 from the Lea of models in that unit. i mu Aspect of Hopelessness (Aura) While an enemy units within 6” of this mode, cach time a Morale testis failed for shat unit, DS POI woes fee that unit instead of 1 Warp Emanations (Aura) ‘While an enemy unitis within 6’ of this medel, the Command Re-roll Stratagem costs 2CP, instead of ICR, when used to re-roll a roll, test or saving throw Murmurs of Disorder [At che start of the Fight phase, select one enemy unit within 6 ofthis model. Until the end of the phase that unit and the models init do not count as having made a charge mave thie turn Aura of Restlessness [Aura] While friendly unitis within 6 ofthis model, each time that unit Isselect wo Advance, add 110 the Advance rol made for that unit ora model Wane Resolve This model knows the ‘Wane Resolve’ psychic power (see below). Psychic Barrage This mode! knows the Paychie Barrage paychic power Ty (see below), WANE RESOLVE The psyker plants unnerving thoughts in the heads of enemy troops, eating away at their discipline. Malediction: Wane Resolve has a warp chaige value of 66. fmanifeste, select one eneeny unit within 18" of tis Psrcen. Then, rll one Dé and acd this Psvxen's Leadership characteristic to the resut. Your opponent then rails ane D6 and adds that unit's Leadership characteristic to the result your total is hig of your next Psychic phase, that unit loses the Objective Secured ability DEVOURER OF WEAKNESS ‘The psyker gts himself onthe weakness of hie enennies than your opponent’, until the start Witehfire: Devourer of Weakness has a warp charge value Of. Ifmanifested. select one enemy unit within 12° of this PsrxeR. Then, roll one D6 and add this PSYKER’s Leadership characteristic to the result. Your opponent then rolls one D6 and adds that units Leadership characteristic to the result If your total is higher than your opponent’, that enemy unit suffers. number of mortal wounds equal to the difference between the two totals (to a maximum of 5 mortal wounds) and this model regains one lost wound, Devourer of Weakness ‘This model knows the "Devourer of Weakness psychic power (ee below). Terrifying Inferno This model knows the “Terrifying Inferno! paychic power PSYCHIC BARRAGE The paykor unleashes peychic barrage of harasing sounds aud troctng vss, pecking topside for oe Yo ct. Malediction: Psychic Barrage has a warp charge value of 7. if manifested, select one enemy uni: within 12" ofthis Pstxer. Then, roll one Dé and add this PSYKER’s Leadership characteristic tothe resnit. Your apprnent then rails ome 1 and adds that units Leadership characteristic to the result, If your total ishigher than your opponents, that ani fils any actions it is performing and, until the start of your next Psychic phase, cannot start to perform any actions TERRIFYING INFERNO ‘The payker vnleashes witefire Bhat takes the form of hideous monsters, terrifying these not burnt toa crisp by the scorching flames. Witchfire: Terrifying Inferno has a warp charge value of 8 if manifested, select one enemy unit within 18" ofthis Psrxer. Then, roll one Ds and add this PSrKER's Leadership characteristic to the rvlt. Your opponent then rolls one DS and adds that units Leadership choracteristic tothe result. If your total ishigher than your opponents, that enemy anit suifers D3 mortal wounds and, until the ead of Uke tur, subiract from Combat Attrition tests taken for that unit AMIDST THE ASHES STRATAGEMS Below you will find Stratagems to use in your Amidst the Ashes battles; these Stratagems cannot be used in any other battles NES EG ‘Amidst the Ashes ~ Epic Deed Stratagem After banishing the sorceres ofthe foe, she psyker casts their mind along the warp spoor trail lft behind and strips the caster of their prychtc defences. Use this Stratagem in your opponent's Psychic phase ‘when 3 CORRUPTED MINo PSYKER model from your armay passes a Deny the Witch test with a reall of 8 or more “The enemy PsvMER unit that was tempting to manifest the denied psychic power suffers Perils of the Warp. This caneok cause a male to salTer Perils ofthe Warp twice from atiempting to manifest one psychic power. Paes ‘Amidst the Ashes ~ Strategic Ploy Stratagem ap Reaching inio the minds of the fo. che psyker supplarss thesr resolve with fear and causes them to jee ‘Use this Stratagem at the start of the Morale phase. Select fone eneray anit within 9” of a CORRUPTED MIND PSYxER ‘model from your army. Until the end of the phase, each time a Morale testis taken for that unit, roll one additional D6. PAGE Amidst the Ashes - Epic Deed Siratagern pen The payor has made a bargain with malevolent werp entities to gain poner and strength, but these denizens of the empyrean have their own agenda, Use this Stratagem at the start of your Psychic phase Select one ConRUPTED Mino Ps¥KER model from your army. Until the end of the phase, each time a Psychic test is taken for that model: + Koll one additional 1 and discar the lowest rsul + "That moda suffers Perisof the Warp on any dice roll, cof double, instead of only a double! or double 6. Lf that model can manifest wo or more psychic powers per turn, this Stratagem costs 2CP; otherwise it casts ICP. CaN “Amtidst the Ashes ~ Strategtc Play Stratagem By Some machine spits run rampant, their desire ro crusit the enemy outweighing any and all forms of control. Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase. Seleet one ‘AwakeneD Spinit YewiCue unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, that unit is eligible o declare a charge ‘with ina turn in whch it Advanced or Fell Back. PUNE Amidst the Ashes ~ Battle Tactic Stratagem Whenever not thundoring over the battlefield, the machine spirit observes it carefully. Shoulda foe enter its sights itis ready to annihilate them, ‘Use this Siratagem in your Shooting phase, when an AWAKENED SPIRIT VEHICLE unit Irom your army s selected to shoot, Until the end of the phase, each time a model in thet unit makes an attack that targets a unit within half ‘range; if that AWaKeweD SeiniT unit Remained Stationary during ts previoas Movement phase, add 1 to that attacks hit roll, If that unit has a Power Rating of 15 or more, this Stratagem costs 2CP; otherwise it costs ICP. RES ra ‘Anidst the Ashes - Epic Deed Stratagem Death, Destruction, The machine spirit wishes that, ad only that, on its enemies. Seemingly possessed of an vunquenchable rage, its relentiess in its attacks against the foe. Use this Stratogem in the Fight phase, when an AWAKENED Sein Vertexe unit from your army is selected to fight. Until the end of the phase, each time a mode! in that unit makes a melee attack, an unmodified hit roll of6 scores 2 additonal hits. I that unt has the THANE keyword, ths Suratagem costs 2CP; otherwise it costs ICP. AGENUAS Each Agenda listed below has a category (eg, Purge the Enemy, Shadow Operations etc). When you selest ‘Agendas, you cannot choose more than one from each catagory. Some Agendas will instruct you to keep a certain tally for your units during the battle. These talies will then be used after the battle to deccrmins if you achieved certain ‘Agendas, and how many experience poiuts the units in question earned from them. You can use the Agenda Tallies section ofeach unis Crusade card to keep track of these tallies ~ we recommend you make these tallies 4n pencil so they can be deleted after the game ready for your next bat PURGE THE ENEM MACHINE VENDETTA Keep a Machine Vendetis (ally for each Verete uni! from your army: + Add 1 to « waits Machine Vendetts tally aach time itdestroys an enemy Venicte model with a Wounds characteristic less than 12. + Add 2 to ¢ units Machine Vendetts tally each time it destroys an enemy VewieLe model with a Wounds characteristic oF 12 or more: Each unit gains 2 experience points for every mark on its Machine Vendetia tally. If your Crasede force has the Machinery Aricen note (pg, 8) and the combined total of all of your units’ Machine Vendetta tallies is +45, your Crusade force gains 1 Awakening point + 6.or more, your Crusade force gains 2 Awakening points. ASSASSINS. Keep an Assassins tally foreach unit from your army. ‘Adi 1 to a units Assassins tally each time it destroys an cnemay CHARACTER unit, Each unit gains 2 experiences points for every mark on its Assassins tally. TITAN HUNTER Keep a'Titan Hunter tally for each tnit from your army. Add I to a units Titan Hunter tally each time it destroys aan enemy Trramie unit. Bach unit gains A experience points for every mark on its Titan Hunter tally is KING SLAYER {fa unit from your army destroyed dhe enerny WaRLORD during the battle, that unit gains 3 experience points: A wait doce not achiews thie Agenda i the enomy WARLORD is subsequently resurrected by any means. Ifthe enemy Wan.oro is resurrected but is subsequently destroyed again by another unit from your army, then it is the last unit 1o have destroyed it that achieves this Agenda NO MERCY, NO RESPITE BREAK THEIR SPIRIT Keep a Break Their Spirit tally for each unit fremn your srny, Each time an enemy unit fails a Morale test, select ‘one uni From your army that made attacks or manifested pychic powers thet canted one or more medels in that unit io be destroyed this turn. Add 1 to the selected units Break Their Spirit tally. Each unit gains a number of ‘experience points equal to their Break Their Spirit tally (to 4 maximum of 2 experience points). Ifyour Crusade force hac the Warp Corruption note (pg 10) and the combined total of all of your units’ Break ‘Their Spire tallies is: + 6-8, your Crusade fores gains 1 Cocruption point. +90; more, your Crusade force gains 2 Corruption pints. FIRST STRIKE Keep a First Strike tally for each unit from your army. Add 1 toa units First Strike tally each time it destroys an enemy uaitin the firet battle round, Bach unit from your army gains a number of experience points equal te their First Strike cally CULL THE HORDES ‘Keep a Cull the Hordes tally for cach unit from your army. Add 1 to 2 units Cull the Hordes tally each time it destroys six or more models in the same phase, Fach unit agains a number of experience points equal io their Cull the Horces tally REAPER The unit in your army that has the highest combat tally of enemy units destroyed during the battle earns experience points Iftwo or mare units are tied. yom choose which unit achieves this Agenda, + oh BASTION OF IRON At the end ofthe battle, each Vewicte unit from you army that ss within 6 of the centre ofthe battlefield gains experience points, At the end ofthe bat if your Crusade force has the Machinery Arisen note (p38) and there are VEWICLE init fern your army that are within 6 of the centre ofthe batilefield, your Crusade force gains 1 ‘Awakening point. for move VEMICLE units from your army that are within 6" ofthe centre of the battlefield, your Crusade force gains 2 Awakening points SUBTERFUGE At the end ofthe battle, cach Psrxen unit from your army that iswithin 3° of your opponents battlefield edge gains. 2 experience points, As the end ofthe battle, ifyour Crusade force has the Warp Corruption note (pg 10) ard there is + PyweR Unit from your army-that is within 3° of your opponents batlfield edge, yoar Crusade force gains 1 Corruption point +20; more PstKen units from your army chat are within 3" of your opponent’ bautefield edge. your Crusade force gains 2 Corruption points. SENTINEL At the start of your frst Command phase, select one objective marker thar is on che batiefield and one unit from your army, Lhat unit gains 4 experience points after the battle if a the end ofthe battle, itis in range of that ‘objective marker and you contro! that abjective marker 4 DESTROY CRITICAL TARGETS ‘Keep a Destroyed Targets tally for each Venice unit from your army, Each time a VeMICLe unit successfully comipletes the Destroy Target action successfully acd 1 10 that units Destroyed Targets tally Ifyou sclected this Agenda, then YeMcce anits in your army can attempt the following action Destroy Target (Action): One Vemiete unit from your army can start to perform this action at the end of your Movement phase, ifit is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units (excluding AImGRAFY units and those with the Fortifications attend Kole) and is within 1” of an objective marker thatis outside of your deployment zone that has not boon destroyed. At the end of your turn, oll one Dé, adding | ifthe unit performing the action has a Wounds characteristic of 10 ‘or more ona 1-2, the action is failed; oma 34, the action is completed successlully and that objective marker is considered destroyed. Bach unit gains 2 experience points for every mark ‘on their Destroyed largets tally (to a maximum of 4 ‘experience points) If'your Crusade force has the Machinery Arisen note and the combined total of all of your units’ Destroy Target ‘ali + 1-2, your Crusade force geins 1 Awakening point. +3 or more, your Crusade force gains 2 Awakening points SEARCH FOR ARCHEOTECH Keep a Search for Archeotech tally for each unit from yourarmy. Add | to a units Search for Archeotech tally each time it successfully completes the following action, Search far Archeotech (Action): One oc more INFANTRY units from your army that are wholly withia your opponent’ deployment zone can start to perform this action at the end of your Movernent phase. The action is completed atthe end of your turn, Each unit gains 3 experience peintsif their Search for Archeotech tally iat least 2. Lege! q pe “th DEPLOY VOX-RELAYS At the start ofthe first batle round, bat before the first ‘urn begins, select one Imray unit from your army. “that anit can perform the following acion: Deploy Vor-relays (Action): One unit from your army 2 star to perform this action atthe end of your Movement phase itis within range of an objective marker that has nat already got a Vor clay deployed ‘ont (es elon). The setion is completed at she end of your tur, If this action is succesfully completed, that ‘objective marker is sid to have a Yor-elay deployed on ic the Vax-reay is Tes? if your opponent conitolsthe bjetive marker atthe start o any phase). ‘The unit gains 2 experience poin's for each objective marker on the batilefield that has one of your Vox-relays deployed on it at the end ofthe battle RECOVER MISSION ARCHIVES Keep a Recover Mission Archives tally for cach unit from your amy, Add 1 ta units Recover Mission Archives tally each time it successfully completes the following acion: ‘Recaver Mission Archives (Action): One INFANTR. CAVALRY or BIKER unit from yeurrarmy can start to perform thie action at the end of your Mavement phase sf is within range of an objective marker that has not already been succecsfully searched by 4 unit rom your army this battle The action s completed at the end of your next Command phase provided the unit performing icsssill within range f the same objective marker Roll ane De atthe Agenda Achieved sep ofthe game (pg 19). 1 the score alto or less thin the combined iota of your Luis Recoxer Missin Archives tallies, or ifthe combined tally equals the number of abjective markers that were set up at the sar ofthe battle then one unit of your choosing that successfully performed this setion gains 6 experience posts WARPCRAFT POISON THEIR MINDS Keepa Poison Their Mines tally for ench PSMKER unit from {Your army. Add 1 to units Poison ‘Their Minds tally each fimeiit successflly completes the following psychic action: Poison Their Minds (Paychic Action - Warp Charge 5): (One Payne unit from your array can etlempt to perform this psychic action in your Psychic phase ificis within your opponents deploymen sore and within 12" of an objective marker, % imesh Each unit gains 2 experience points for every mack (on their Poison Their Minds tally (o-a maximam of experience points), your Crusace force has the Warp Catrupelon note and the combined total ofall of your nits Poison Their Minds tallies is: 1-2, your Crusade Farce gairis 1 Corruption point = 3.0r more, your Crusade Force gains 2 Corruption paints WITCH HUNTER ‘Keep a Witch Hunter tally for exch unit From your army. Add 1 (04 unit, Witch Hunter ally each time ic destroys ‘an enemy PSYKER uni (add 3 instead if the destroyed unit ‘as a PSIKER CHARACTER) Each ait gains a nuraber of experience points equal to their Wich Hunter tally, LORD OF THE WARP Keep a Lord ofthe Warp tally for each unit from your army. Add 1 oa uaits Lord ofthe Warp tally each time i successflly manifests a psyehic power, denies an enemy sychie power ar completes « psychic action, Reset a units Lord of the Warp tally ‘a 0 ifand when they suffer Perils ‘of the Warp. The unit from your army that has the highest Locd of the Warp tally gains 2 experience points (anless that unit tally 0, in which case it gains n0 experience points from this Agenda). Iftwo or more units ars tied, youselect one of thern to gain these experience points. SCRY BATTLE PLANS Keep a Sery Battle Plans tally for each PsvKeR unit from your army. Add 1 10 2 units Sery Battle Plans tally each time it successfully completes the following. psychic action Sery Battle Plans (Prychic Action - Warp Charge 4}: ‘One Peveem CHARACTER unit from your army'can attempt to perform this psychic action in your Psychic phase it is within 16" of an enemy ChaRAcTeR unit Each unit gains $ experience points if ther Sery Baw Plans tally isat least 2 AMIDST THE ASHES GAMES ‘An Amidst the Ashes game is waged by following the sequence below: 4. SELECT BATTLE SIZE The players must frst select the battle size TEE NESION they wish to play: Combat Pateol, Incursion, nea Strike Force or Orslought. The table below pe eee gives a rough guide ofhow long each battle should take. 2. Orbital Evacuation pg 0.51] 2 Formare Recon (pe 40-89) 4 Preserve ime arcnecten og 5253) cae 5 Wenkenthe Defences [pg 54-55) | imeursion Upte 2hows: |_| sume Force Upto 3nours ‘DS MISSION one eae 1 Delotta Cana (p55 2. DETERMINE MISSION 2 (pg 52-69) be used for the battle; they can choose from (on tpscorteeesrl the mlstions fr tr chosen bute sie. Tis ‘wil determane the deployment map that the |_&_Peththum Bec (nc0 62) papers ei a pct ato brisfng Youcancithersimplyagre with you 3, READ MISSION BRIEFING sepacivbciyarilienerpsimmssl Sxkmieiontarcnibon tice has OMfand the winner edeas which Gneto use, _wildetal he miata ejection tht ted Alarastiy youtaa wltwemdonlyaciets ey phism Ue pes Some inn salon woe appropriate table briefings also list one or more mission rules that wil apply for the duration ofthe batile. The Ges players should read and familiarise themselves ‘Ds Mission with these before proceeding. Some mission SS Favimesiersen pers rules include actions that units ean perform uring the battle. Actions are described in the Se SS Stee ot 2 Wazhammer 49,000 Care Book, B Weve pita 4 tannin (94282) 4, MUSTER ARMIES Each player mst then select a Bate: fonjed army. The Power Level ofeach player's ay, aie ES me Daher! vs | player starts with when they begin mustering INCURSION MISSIONS their army, are shown in the table belaw: 5 cursupplgLines [pe30-31) mber of Command points each DG MISSION ee) | | aera ee ne caaD 3 Power of Words 38-38) 4 Foreet in dlesiray (oe 40-43) Stee 7s z 5 Guatdtnenetreat (pe 42-43 Sia Force n ‘Bring Downthe Dateres (og 44-45) o 18 Details of how to Bettle-forge an army, how to use Power Ratings and vthat information Your army roster must contain can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. If you ate playing Combat Patrol battle, the only Detachment your army cen include i Patrol Detachment unless your Army Faction iS IMPERIAL KNIGHTS or CHAOS KNIGHTS, in which case the only Detachment your army. «an include is one Super-heavy Detachment. Select one of your models to be your WARLORD (this cannot be a model with the Fortifications Battlefield Role) ane note this on your army roster. This must be the CHARACTER model four army with the highest Leadership charsetctatc, if your acmy inclustes ene (hn «tie, you can choose amongst them which model wil be the WARLORO). This model gains the WaRtoRD keyword, Each player must then provide a copy of the army raster for their ‘opponent to read through. S. SELECT AGENDAS Fach player then secretly selects Agendas for the battle and writes them down, Fach ean werd experience points to ¢< theirarmy, as described on the Agenda itsel. ‘The Agendas that players can choose from can be found on pages 17-19, The aumber of “Agendas each player chooses depends on the battle size you have selected, as showa in the table below. BATTLE SIZE Cammarata: treurston 2 Ste Force 4 Dasloughe ‘ Once bota players have selected their ‘Agendas, they reveal their selections to their opponent. 6. CREATE THE BATTLEFIELD The players now create the battlefield and set Lup terrain features. Missions are played on rectangular battlefields. The minimum size of your battlefield depends on the bate size you Ihave selected, ws shows in the table below: BATTLEFIELO SIZE | Comba: Fart ore Incerton sree Strike Force ears Snslaugte aex90" ‘Unless noted otherwise, when sorting up terrain features, use the guidelines nated in the basic rules section (pg 100-101). In these missions, Players must use the battlefield terrain rule for terrain features, as described on pages 96-99, 2. DETERMINE ATTACKER AND DEFENDER ‘The playess ll off and the winner decides who willbe te Attacker and who wil be the Defender. You may decide in some battles that it ichetter fora specific player tobe the Attacker or Defend. In such instances, simply agree with your opponent who will be the Attacker and who will be the Defender. 8. PLACE OBJECTIVE MARKERS. The players now set objective markers up on the battlefield. Each mission will instruct the players as w ow suany objective markers should be set up on the battleneld (if any) and how these shonld be placed, Urless oth stated, objective markers can be set up on terrain features so long as the objective marker lies lat on that terrain featwre and does not overhang any part of it. 9. CHOOSE DEPLOYMENT ZONE The deployment maps for some will ell you which depluyament zones the Attacker’ and which isthe Defenders. Ifthe deployment map does not show this, but instead labels deployment zones as Player As or Player Bi, then the Defender now selects one ‘ofthe deployment zones for their army. Thelt ‘opponent uses the other deployment 2one. 10. DECLARE RESERVES AND TRANSPORTS Unless the mission briefing states otherwise, these missions use the Strategic Reserves rules (px 94-95), Bot players now seercily note down on their army roster which of the units in their army will start the battle in Strategic, Reserves, which of their units will start the battle in a location other than the battled (ifa player has access to any Stratagems that ‘enable them to set up units from their army in alocation other than the batleield, they must use such Stratagems now), and which ‘of their units will start the battle embarked within Transronr models (they must declare ‘what unitsare embarked within what mocels), ‘When both players have done so, they declare thei selections to their opponent. Unless sated otherwise, no more than half the total number of units in your army can be Strategic Reserve and/or Reinforcement rnits, and the combined Power Ratings ofall your Strategic Reserve and Reinforcement units (including those that are embarked within ‘Teansrorr models that are Strateyic Reserve and/or Reinforcement unis) must be less than half of your army's Power Level, even ifevery ‘unit in your army has an ability that would allow them tobe set up elsewhere Tn these missions, Reinforcernent units can never arsive on the baitlefcld in the frst batle round. Any Strategic Reserve or Reinforcement unit that has not arrived on the batilefiel by the end ‘of the that bate round vountsas having been destroyed, as do any units embarked within them (this does not apply to units that are placee! into Strategic Reserves after the first battle round hrasstarted). 11. DEPLOY ARMIES “The players alternate setting up their remaining units, one ata time, starting with the Defender. A player's models must be set up wholly within their deployment zone. [Fane player has finished deploying all their unit, their ‘opponent then deploys the remainder oftheir units Ifa model from your army is so ange that it cannot physically beset up wholly within your deployment zone (ve. the smallest dimension ofthat model ie greater than the depth of your deployment zone), itmust be cet up s0 that its touching your battlefield edge. In the fist battle roand, that models unit cannot do any of he following: make a Normal Move, ‘Advance, Fall Back, attempt to manifest or deny poychic porers, make any atacks with ranged ‘weapons, declare a charge, perform a Heroic Intervention or perform any actions or psychic actions. Models in such units count as having moved a distance in inches ecual 0 their Move (M) characteristic in their first Movernent phase. the unit has minimum Move characteristic it counts as having moved its ‘marimum Move characteristic. IFboth players have units with abilities that allow them to be setup ‘aftr both armies have deployed! the players must rol off efter all other unitshave ‘been set up and alternate siting up these units starting with the winner, 12. DETERMINE FIRST TURN less the mission briefing says othe:wise, the players roll off and the winner declares whether they wil take the first or second turn. the roll off isa tie, the Attacker is the winner 13. RESOLVE PRE-BATTLE ABILITIES Players alternate reselving any pre-battle abilities units in their army may have, and resolving any Stratagems that are used before thebattle, starting with the player who will take the first turn. Remember that Crusade forces ‘can only make use of Stratageme that upgrade units by using Requisition points, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. 14. BEGIN THE BATTLE The frst battle round begins, Players continue to resolve battle rounds until the battle ends. MISSION OBJECTIVES During the battle, players can earn victory points by achieving mission ‘objectives, which are described in the missionis mission briefing, Mission ‘objectives can either be End Game! or Progressive. End Game mission ‘objectives are scored at the end of the battle, Progressive mission objectives are scored during the battle (exactly when is detailed in the mission objective itself), and can be achieved and hence award victory points several times. 15. ENDING THE BATTLE Unless the mission instructs otherwise, the battle ends afer five battle round have been completed. IFone player has no models remaining in their army at the start af their turn, the other pleyer can continue to play out their urns until the battle ends, 16. DETERMINE VICTOR At the end of the bate, the player with the most vietory points is the winner. Ifplayers are tied, the batt isa draw. Fach player can score a maximum of 99 victory points from mission objectives (any exces» victory points ewerded are discounted), In addition, ifevery model ina player's army ‘was painted to a Bartle Ready standard, that player is awarded a bonus 10 victory points. ‘This gives the player a maximum tolal score ‘ut oF 100 victory points. ‘The victor ofa mission can chen claim the victor bonus listed on that mission. Ifthe game isa draw, neither player can clan the bonus 17. UPDATE CRUSADE CARDS ‘The players must now update their Crusade cards for all che units they used in the batile as fllenes: 1. Take Out of Action tests ‘Take Outof Action tests foreach unit from your army that was destroyed during the Botts, by rolling one DG for that unit. Ona 2+ the ts is passed and nothing happens. On. 1, the tess failed: you mast now choose one of the fallowing options for that unit a) Devastating Blow: That unit loses D6 experience points (te a minimum of 6) and cannot gain any experience points for this battle fram Agendas Achieved, Battle Experience or from being Marked for Greatnesy (sce the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book), Update the units Crusade card accordingly. 'b) Battle Scar: That unit gains one Battle Scar (see the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book). This must be determined before the player's next, battle and the units Crusade care must be updated to reflect any and all changes, 2, Update Experience Points Each unit that had « Crasade card that took part in the bate gains experience points 2s follows (mare on each units Crosade care according’) + Battle Experience: Pach unit that was part of your army lis forthisbarte gains 1 experience point + Marked for Greatness: Select one unit tat was part of your army list for this battle; Cat ‘unit gains 3 experience points, «+ Dealers of Death: A unit gains | experience point for every third eacmy unit ithas INCURSION MISSION TURN OUT THE LIGHTS .98p3 prayanieg s s9puajaq WY INCURSION MISSION CRITICAL TARGETS MISSION BRIEFING Attacking a strong defensive position isa dificult task for ‘any military force. By striking down enerny leaders they have a great chance of sowing confusion and disorder m the ranks of the foe, and thus a much greater chance at securing vieiory, MISSION RULES Key Targets: At the start of the Deploy Armies step, the Defender must nominate § models from their army {if the Defender’s army fewer than 5 models, they must nominate all of them instead), Where possible, each model they nominate must have the CHARACTER Keyword. The Defender then secretly selects one of those models to be the Attacker’ primary target and another etand ‘of those models to be the Attackers secondary ta notes this down, AC the stat ofthe batile, nominated models must either be set up ox the batlefield or be ‘embarked within a TRANSPORT that hasbeen set up on the battlefield. During the battle, each time enc of the nominated nrodels is destroyed, the Defender reveals to their opponent whether thet model was the primary or secondary target. Ready and Waiting: The Defender has the fret turn Ue onan rane oy Peer umole ue ee er a lords ordered them to. Kill their kines win this a MISSION OBJECTIVES Vietory points are awarded a follows TARGETS ELIMINATED End Game Objective By killing the defenders! commander, dhe attackers pave the At the end of the battle: « Ifthe Attackers peimary target has been destroyed, the Attacker scares 60 points; otherwise, the Defender scores 60 points. + Ifthe Attackers second the Attackor scares 30 points; otherwise, the Defender scores 30 points VICTOR BONUS The vicior can select one of the following victor bonuses: target has been destroyed, + Ifthe Attacker is the victor, they can select one unit from their ermy to gain an additional 4 experience points. This should be the unit that contributed the most (othe destruction ofthe primary target + lf the Defender isthe victor the primary target’ unit gains an additional 4 experience points V/ INCURSION MISSION _ CRITICAL TARGETS JN Defenders Battlefielé Edge Centre of Battlefield Attacker's Battlefield Edge Ne EEE I TUN MISSION BRIEFING Morales vital foray army, aud connruanders go to great leah to enitanc that oftheir own forces or weaken that of ther enemy. By aking over the propaganda infrastructure ofthe fe, can do both ot the same time. MISSION RULES Destroy Communication Node: Units in the Attackers army can attemps the following action: Destroy Communication Nede (Action): One or move units from your army can start to periorm this action at the end of your Movement phase. Each unit from your army that starts to perform this action must be in range of different undestroyed objective marker. ‘The action is completed at the end of the tarn, IE this action is successfully completed, that objective marker is cestroyed, remove it from the battlefield Driving Attacks The Attacker has th frst tun, POWER OF WORDS MISSION OBJECTIVES Victory poinis are awarded as fullows: ‘SPREADING THE MESSAGE Progressive Objective Capturing communication nodes lends great strengths to ‘an army's propaganda campaigns. A the end of the battle round, each player scares 5 victory points for each objective marker they contol. ‘This mission objective cannot he scored in the frst battle round, DESTROYED INFRASTRUCTURE End Game Objective fan army cannot secure the means to boost the morale of its force, it wil atleast deny those assets to the enemy. At the end of the baile: «the Attacker scores 15 objective marker. + The Defender scores 30 victory points if there are no destroyed objective markers, VICTOR BONUS ‘The victor can select one of the following victor bonuses: tory points far each destroyed «The victor can select one unit from their Order of Battle. If that unit can gain a Rattle Honour, it gains a Battle Trait ofthe vietor's choice (see the ‘Warhammer 40,000 Gore Book). Makea nete of it ‘on that units Crusade card and increase its Crusade polnis accordingly. + Ifthe victor has the Warp Carruption note on their (Order of Battle, they can use the A Mind Twisted ‘Requisition (pg 10) after the battle up to two times with, 2 cost of ORP each time, ¥/ INCURSION MISSION | ae POWER OF WORDS a Defender's Battlefield Edge Cee a ene Batilefield Attacker’s Battlefield Edge INCURSIUN MISSIUN [FORCES IN DISARRAY MISSION RRIFFING Warring forces are boset with conflicting orders from their commanders. With the enemy close at hand and the wrath of ther superiors guarceteed i the fail, they make jor battle regardless. No matter the ubstacte, they will ight to achieve victory MISSION RULES Disarrayed Forces At the Declare Reserves and Transports stp, each player separates their army into then parts Hach part of a players army mast contain at leatt one quarter of that player’ its and the cornbined Power Ratings of those units including those embatked within Trawsronrs, must beat least one quarter of their anary’s Power Level. ‘Then each player selects one of their army's parts and rolls one Dé: + Oma 1-3, units in that partcan only control objective ‘markers labelled A ard tho uniteia their other part con only control objective mackers labelled B, +n 44-6, units in that part can only control objective markers labelled B and the units in their other part ean ‘only contro} objective markers labelled A. ach player makes a note on theie army roster of which objectives each unit can vontrol. 0 MISSION OBJECTIVES Victory points are awarded as follows: ORDER IN THE CHAOS Progressive Objective Despite muck confusion, your troops have been able ta gain vita! ground At the end of each battle round, cach player scores § victory points for each of the folloving conditions they satisfy (fora maximum of 15 victory points) + They control one or more objective markers, «they control two or more objective markers, + They control more objective markers than theie ‘opponent controls, FINAL DOMINANCE End Game Objective Against all the odds, your forces have been able to seize viral objectives Atthe end of the battle, each player scores § victory points for each ofthe fellowing conditions they stil (fora maximum of 15 victory points): + They control one or more abjective markers. + They control two or more objective markers. + They control more objective mat hets that eis opponent contrels, VICTOR BONUS ‘The victor can select one of the following victor bonuses + Afier the battle, the victor can use the Increase Supply Limit Requisition once fo free. «Ifthe victor has the Machinery Arisen note on theit COnler of Battle, they can select one AWAKENED Srintt unit from their arm. That wat gens the Level 1 aity fiom the Awakening of the Song tre (pg9) that they donotalready have. PY INCURSIUN MISSIUN I e FORCES IN DISARRAY — Defencer's Battlefield Edge Peer Ea) Ree Attackor’s Battlefield Edge WY INCURSION MISSION MISSION BRIEFING Often it falls to armies to ensure the safe evecuation of civilians to safer ground, or cover the reteat of their alles in the face of an oncoming foe, These brave troops must hold their ground, buying as much time as possible for their wards to escape, MISSION RULES Rapid Reaction Force: At the Declare Reserves and ‘Transports step, atleast half the Defender’ units must start the batle in Strotegic Reserves (and the combined Power Ratings ofall those units must be atleast half the Power Level of the army), No more than three quarters of the total number ofthe Defender’s units can he Reserve and/or Reinforcement units (and the combined Power Ratings of all such units including those embarked within Transports that are Strategic Reserve and/or Reinforcement units, mast be less than three quarters of the Defenders army's Power Level), even if every unit has an ability thet would allow them to be set up elsewhere The Defender does not have to pay Command points to set units up in Strategic Reserves. Mekea note on the Defenders roster of each unit that started the battle on the hatleiel Ready and Ws MISSION OBJECTIVES Victory points ate awarded as follows: ng: The Defender has the frst turn. CRUSH THEM End Game Objective The attacker must crush the enemy screening force sa as to strike down the retreating forces before they can regronp. Atthe end ofthe battle, foreach destroyed unit in the DDefender’s army that id nor start te bate in Strategic Reserves, the Attacker scores a number of victory points equal to twice that unit’ Power Rating. HAMMER THROUGH End Game Objective ‘The attacker has smashed through the defenders At the end ofthe battle, foreach anit in the Attackers army that is wholly within the Target Zone, the Atiacker scores 4 umber of victory points equal to that unit Power Rating, 2 GUARD THE RETREAT ‘STOOD THEIR GROUND End Game Objective ‘The defenders held firm, bering back their foes crud guarding thei eles. Atthe end of the battle, for each destrayed unit in the Attaccersarmy, the Defender

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