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18 ple-Used to People used to dross aitferently in the past. Women used to wear long dresses, Did they use to carry parasols with them? Yes, they did. They didn’t use to go ‘out alone at night, © Used to Is used to talk about past habits or things that do not happen any more. It has the same form in all persons, singular and plural. It is followed by infinitive. e.g. Poter used to eat a lot of sweets. (=Poter dioesn't eat mary sweets any more.) We form questions and negations with the aux! ary verb did/did not (didn’t), the subject and the verb “use” without -d. 9. Did Peter use to eat mary sweets? Mary didn’t use to stay out late. We can use the past simple instead of “used to” with no difference in meaning. eg. She used to live in the countrysice. = She lived in the countryside. + Ho/Shent ieee YouNWerTney navel titeeeeie \ Did heishel moe you/we/they sare} 1 He/She/t didnot. int oe YouWelThey wale Peter Gordon won a lot of money on the lottery last year. Look at the pictures and say what Peter used to do and what he does now. @ e.g. Peter used ta live in a small house, but now he lives In a big house. live/smalt house live/big house {go to work/ 7 go to work/, be) eid" e : catiat Ne | as ie ve | o> theatre | | spend/his| holidays/ travelling Complete the sentences with the cor 5 spend/nis holidays/at a camp-site 1 Ludidn't use to watch... (not/watch) the news, but now I watch it every day. 2 My aunt (drink) a lot of coffee, but ow she prefors to drink tea. 3 We live in a big house now. 4 (you/go) to school on foot? 5 Wo se (notfiixe) each other, but now we're good friends, Leveson a Now | eat them every day 7 My sister but now she doesn't 8 They (spend) their weekends in the countryside. They don’t any more. (live) in a flat, but we (noveat) vegetables. (play) the piano, Angwets ee BUEN! Sheu eaBeh Les 12g. Did you use to go out often? Yes, I didl/No, I didn't Didyou..? Yes, lwo did. No, ine dnt. Did hefshe/t 2 Yes, helsheit did, No, he/she adn. Didthey..2 Yes. they did. No, they didn't. In pales, ask and answer questions using the prompts as in the example. SA: Did you use to play with your friends when you were five? SB: Yes, | did. / No, | didn't 1. play with your friends? 6 listen to fay tales? 2 watch many cartoons? 7 have a bath every day? 3 goto bed late? 8 drink milk? 4 cryalo 9 dress yoursett? 5. make your bed? 40 get pocket money? \ sion Box (a 1. Jacques Cousteau ....B.... he oceans. A explores —-B explored C is exploring 2 Toby a bicycle, but now he drives a car. A isriding B usodto ride —C rides 3 Fens am interesting book at the moment A con'tread Bread © am reading 4 He home early yesterday because he ‘elt il A went B isgoing C used to go 5 Mrdones but he does now. A used to travel B didn’tuse to travel C travelled 61 a noise, so | went fo see what It was A heard B hear ¢ am hearing 7. Bobby........ how to use @ computer at present, A learnt B isleaming —C learns 8 My parents toa patty tonight. A usedtogo B_goes, © are going 9 The ferry boat... every day at quarter past two, A leaves. B leave is leaving 10 1. getting up eeriy in the morning, A tikes B dontike — C doasnit ike Past Simple- Activity Look at the pictures below. Picture A shows what peo- ple used to do in their free time sixty years ago and Picture B what they do nowadays. In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts below as in the example. e.g. SA: Did people use to watch TV sity years ago? ‘SB: No, they din’. watch TV - oress differently - spend more time together - talk to each other a lot - go out at night much - read more Now, using the pictures and the notes from the Oral Activity, complete the text below. Life was diferent sixty years ago. People 1)... .. (novave) the things we have nowadays. First of all, they 2) ve (noywaten) TV and they 3)... (talk) to each other a lot Nowadays, people 4) . (notitalk) to each other much because they 5) . (spend) a lot of ime watching TV. Sixty years ago, people 6) (dress) itferently. For example, women 7) a (wear) longer dresses and men usually 8) (wear) a suit and a tie on Sundays.

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