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How Sales Team Can Rely on Podcasts to Improve their Sales

Over two decades ago, only about 22% of people in the United States were aware of podcasting. These
figures have rapidly improved to 78%, with an estimated 120 million podcast listeners. To make more
sales, you must appeal to the masses, and as we have seen, many people are now listening to podcasts.

Most sales leaders today rely on audio within the sales department to reach new and current customers
personally. However, are there ways to get to more people? Can we make podcasts more influential in
improving sales? Here, we discuss how to learn about audio for sales and implement the strategies

Tips on How Sales Team Can Use Audio to Present Information

With the knowledge that more people are now willing to listen to podcasts, sales leaders need to learn
how to take advantage of that. Here are some tips:

Create or Sponsor Branded Podcasts

Most people usually think the podcasts that sell are done by celebrities and aired on top radio stations.
However, there are many sales podcasts created by parties relevant to our industry and are doing quite
well. These include ZenDesk’s Relate and Duct Tape Marketing.

It is time for sales leaders to avoid excuses such as not having enough time if they don’t know what to
say and start creating or sponsoring branded podcasts. You will be surprised by the increase in sales that
you can make due to this.

Get Creative
Like video marketing, podcasts require more than simple announcements or relaying the same content
you send to your customers through emails. Your sales audio should be captivating, creative, and
engaging. This way, your target audience would want to listen further and look forward to your next

Make Your Podcasts Accessible

Not all your audience will listen to your sales podcast while driving; some won’t remember at all that
they had a podcast to listen to. Strive to make your audio content as easily accessible as possible and
remind them to listen to them. You can deliver them through channel subscriptions, email links, or
portals. Keeping them in a sales asset management system is also a viable option.

Focus on Producing Short and Long Audiograms

An audiogram refers to a recorded soundbite used to elaborate or promote services or products you are
selling quickly. Both short and long audiograms can be used to achieve different outcomes.

Take Advantage of Facebook Audio

In 2016, Facebook announced a new live content feature known as the Live Audio. Today, you can take
advantage of this to help deliver your audio sales messages to your audience that relies on Facebook for
communication and entertainment.

Advantages of Using Podcasts Over Video for Sales

The main advantage of using audio over videos to improve sales is that audio is cheaper and easier to
maintain than videos. Audios do not necessarily require resources like cameras and strong connectivity.
Additionally, it is easier for your audience to listen to your sales audios than to watch videos. People can
listen to the audio as they continue with their errands, but videos require more concentration.

Learn More About Audio for Growing Sales

With the encouraging numbers of people who listen to podcasts countrywide, it is an opportunity for
sales leaders to improve their sales through audio. However, you can only do this if you have enough
information and the resources to pull it off.

Fortunately, Giide is a platform that allows you to reach your audience personally and comprehensively.
All you need to do is to record, create your feed, and share. Click here to try Giide for free.

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