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Your name is Shirley Gross a student in class 30A2, thang long university. You
are absent from the class this morning. Call Ms. Karen Scott, your teacher to
ask her for the slides and the homework. Ms. Scott is not in so you leave her a
message. The message should include:
- your name ( Shirley Gross )
- your telephone number ( your real telephone number )
- Your email address ( your real email address)
- what you want her to do ( send you the slides and the homework)
You are Ms.Keren Scott son/ daughter. Your mother is not avaiable right now.
Answer student A’s phone and offer too take a message. You should:
- ask for the caller’s name, phone number, and email address and take note
- make sure you get all information right ( ask the caller to repeat any
information if necessary and real all the note back to the caller to check)
- promise that Ms. Karen Scott will get the message
A: good afternoon , is that Ms.Karen Scott?
B: No, I’m Karen Scott’s daughter, is something wrong?
A: Could I speak to Ms. Karen?
B: Ms. Karen is not here, Can you take a message?
A: Yes, please. This is Shiley Gross, Ms.Karen’s student in Class 30A2 ( thirty)
Thanglong university, I’m sick this morning so I’m absent, Could you tell her I
want to ask about the slides and the homework?
B: OK, Could you give me your phone number and email address?
A: yes, no problem . I’m on 099415612 and my email is
(at gi mail đot com)
B: Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part. did you say 5613?
A: No, it’s 5612.
B: Ok, I’ll tell my mom soon.
A: Thank you.
B: No problem.
A: Goodbye
B:ok. Goodbye
Your name is Lucas Grand. You are interested in an apartment which Mr. Steve
Ramsay, the real estate agent at AZ Estate is selling. Call Mr. Ramsay to ask
him for further information about the apartment. If he is not available, leave a
The message should include:
* your name (Lucas Grand)
• your telephone number (your real phone number)
• your email address (
• what you want him to do (send more information about the apartment email)
You are Mr. Steve Ramsay's colleague at AZ Estate. Mr. Ramsay is not
available right now. Lucas Grand's phone and offer to take a message.
You should:
*ask for his name, phone number, and email address and take note.
• make sure you get all information right (ask the caller to repeat any
information if necessary and read all the note back to the caller to check).
• promise that Mr. Ramsay will get the message.
Bài làm
A: Hello. Is that Mr. Steve Ramsay?
B: No, I'm.... I'm Mr. Steve Ramsay's Colleague?
A: ohh, So Could I speak to Mr. Steve Ramsay, please?
B: I'm afraid he is not here at the moment. Can I take a message?
A: Yes, please.
B: what's your name?
A: My name is Lucas Grand.
B: What's your phone number and your email address?
A: it's 0972694302 and email address (@ đọc là at, chấm là
B: sorry, I didn't catch the last part. Did you say 4402?
A: No, it's 4302.
B: ok
A: Could you tell he, I'm interested in an apartment which he is selling. I would
like to find a quiet apartment. and want to know some necessary information of
that house example How much is the house? How big is the house? Is your
house in a good location? How many floors does the house have? How many
square feet is the house? Can you get a discount when you pay off my rent at
B: ok, Do you want to ask anything else?
A: I think no
B: ok, so I read all the note back to you to check?
A: yes
B: you want to know information about you would like to find a quiet
apartment. How much is the house? How big is the house? Is your house in a
good location? How many floors does the house have? How many square feet is
the house? Can you get a discount when you pay off my rent at once?
A: That right
B: I promise that Mr. Ramsay will get the message.
A: thank you so much
B: no problem, bye
A: byeeeeee
STC1-STUDENT 4A ( thảo luận với đối tác )
You are Joe Johns, the Sales and Marketing Director of Star1 company. You
are having a meeting with Michael Kim, the Sales Director of Hamilton
company to discuss future partnership.
Start a conversation with him.
You should:
- introduce yourself and your position at Starl .
- ask him about his company's history
- answer his questions about your company's subsidiaries (subsidiaries in 9
countries; a new subsidiary in Thailand next year)
• ask for his email address for further discussion about your company's newest
You are Michael Kim, the Sales director of Hamilton company. You are having
a meeting with Joe Johns, the Sales and Marketing director of Starl company to
discuss future partnership.
When he starts a conversation with you,
you should: .
- introduce yourself and your position at Hamilton
- answer his questions about your company's history (established in 2000;
based in Malaysia; past: only footwear products, present: all clothing products)
- ask him about his company's subsidiaries
- give him your email address (
Bài làm
J: good morning. I’m Joe Johns.I’m the Sales and Marketing Diẻctor of Starl
M:Hello,I’m Michael Kim . I’m the sales director of Hamilton company.
J: Today, we have a meeting to discuss future partnership.
J:So,Can you tell me a little bit about your company history?
M:Yes.Of course. My company has established in 2000. It based in Malaysia.
J: What does your company specialize in?
M:Formerly, My company only produce footwear. But currently, we have all
clothing product.
M:As I know. Your company has maket share both in domestic and foreign .so
can you tell me that how many subsidiaries your company has?
J:my company has subsidiaries in 9 countries. And we will have a new
subsidiary in Thailand next year.
M:oh.That great.
J: yes.Can you give me email address for futher dícussion about your
company’s newest project?
M: Sure.It’s
J:Yes.If you have any problem ,please contact us by email: or by fax:022.447.216 we end the meeting here.Thank you very much.
J:Thank you.Have nice day.
You are Luke Brandon, the Asian Sales manager of Lining. You meet Ms.
Jessica Simm, the regional director of Kopico for the first time at an
international conference.
When she starts a conversation with you,
you should:
- introduce yourself and your position at Lining ask her about her company's
recent financial performance
• answer her questions about your company new product (Flex Running shoes,
fashionable design, targeted at young consumers)
• ask for her email address for further discussion about marketing partnership
You are Jessica Simm, the regional director of Kopico. You meet Luke
Brandon, the Asian Sales manager of Lining for the first time at an international
Start a conversation with him.
You should:
- introduce yourself and your position at Kopico
- answer his questions about your company's recent financial performance
strong competion, revenue - decreased by 12%)
- ask him about his company new product (Flex Running shoes)
• give him your email address (
Bài làm
B: Good afternoon, I am Jessica Simm, I'm the regional director of Kopico.
A: Oh, pleased to meet you. My name is Luke Brando and I'm the Asian sales
manager of Lining.
A: I have heard a lot about your company, How's your company's recent
financial performance?
B: Oh, my company's recent financial situation has been quite volatile, because
we have many strong competitors. So total revenue was reduced by 12%.
A: It's been a tough time, but I believe your company will get through it soon
B: Thank you, I heard your company is launching a new product right? Is it
Flex Running shoes?
A: It's great that you already know it. That's right, we're launching a new
product called Flex Running Shoes. It is a fashionable design and is targeted by
young customers
B: It's great, I will support the product when I have the opportunity
A: Thank you, can you give me email address for further disucussion about
marketing partnership?
B: Sure, It's
A: Is it J.simm82 right?
B: Yes, if you want to discuss anything, please contact me via this email
A: Thanks very much, good bye
B: See you soon, bye
Đề Sophie and Ms.Corina’s Personal Assistant
Student A: Bạn tên Sophie. Bạn vừa thấy 1 công việc ở Carrer Now và bạn hứng thú với vị
trí Sale Assitant ở VTS Company. Gọi cho ms. Corina để hỏi về form xin việc. Nếu cô ấy
không nghe máy, hãy để lại lời nhắn bao gồm: tên, sdt, email, những gì bạn muốn cô ấy làm
Student B: bạn là trợ lý của Corina . sếp bạn hiện không có ở đó nên bạn trả lời đt của A và
đề nghị để lại lời nhắn: họ tên người gọi, sdt, email, ghi chú – đảm bảo thông tin là đúng –
hứa rằng Corina sẽ nhận được lời nhắn
B: hello, this is VTS Company. How can I help you?
A: Hi, Is this Ms. Corina’s phone number?
B: that right!
A: My name is Sophie. I have seen a job advert in Carrer Now and I want to ask you
something about the position as a sale assistant at VTS company
B: sorry, I’m ms. Corina’s personal assistant. Ms. Corina isn’t available now. Do you want to
leave a message?
A: yes, sure. Can you help me note some information?
B: ok. What’s your name, Sophie, right?
A : yes, my phone number is 024858412
B : ok. And what’s your email address?
A :yes,
B . what do you want to tell with ms corina?
A . I want to ask her for an information form
B . ok, let me check your information: you are and you want to know
about the position as a sale assistant at VTS company, right?
A . yes, everything is fine. Please send message back to your boss for me
B . ok. I promise that ms corina will get the message
A . thank you very much
b. you are welcome.

Student A:
- Mua thêm 5 chiếc ô tô 4 chỗ sang trọng. Thương lượng giá cả. Cố gắng để được giảm
giá 10%
- 2 màu cho ô tô 2 chỗ: trắng, đen
- Sau dịch vụ giảm giá, thăm 3 tháng 1 lần từ thợ máy Ppuls, 1 khóa đào tạo cho 1 cty
sữa chưa ô tô
Student B:
- Bạn muốn bán cho Chen 1 số mẫu xe 4 chỗ sang trọng giá 20.000 euro, giảm 5% cho
đơn đầu tiên
- Chỉ phục vụ 2 màu cho xe ô tô 2 chỗ: trắng, đen, ddor xanh. Màu khác tăng 5% giá
- Gửi 1 thợ Pulse đến TQ, cứ 6 tháng 1 lần để phục vụ kiểm tra ô tô. Bạn có thể đào tạo
thợ cơ khí địa phương với giá 200 euro mỗi giờ


A . hi, I’m A. today, I call for your you to agreement about cars
B . hello mrs…. I’m B. I’m very happy to introduce to you about some cars. Which kind of
car do you buy?
A . well, I want to buy an additional five deluxe 4 seats cars.
B . ok. We have some 4 seats cours here
A . what about price?
B . its about 20.000 ( then ty thau dần ) euro and we will discount of 5% for the first order.
A . the price seems a little to high. What about 10% discount on the order?
B . im sorry. I cant. But the quality of our goods is assured. Don’t worry about quality
A . let me see. And I want to find 4 colors for the 2 seats car. I want black, white, red and
blue. we just offer only 2 colors for 2 seats cars. Its white and black. Extra colors will raise
the price by 5%. And every six months to service the cars, we will send a Pulse mechane to
China. You can train local mechanic ( mơ can níc) at a cost of 200 ( to hun đơ rớt ) euro per
A . that’s what I think. I want a Pulse mechanic to visit every three months and a training
course for a local car – repair film
B . we quarantee tour conditions for you
A . ok that’s sound good. Let me make a contract.

3. Desceibring companies
*) Tình huống giả định
Trụ sở chính: Milan, Italy, thành lập 1978
Doanh thu( năm ngoái): 286 triệu euro ( tăng 10.4%)so với năm trước
Sản phẩm: làm và bán quần áo, thiết kế giày, túi cầm tay, tặng quà đối tượng khách hàng 20-
35 tuổi.
Số lượng cửa hàng 28 ở ý, 35 ở quốc tế
Lực lượng lao động: 1800 công nhân
Lý do cho thành công: hình ảnh thương hiệu mạnh, giá cả cạnh tranh, quảng cáo trên tivi ấn
Tài trợ với một người nổi tiếng- một người mẫu ý trẻ
Nhiệm vụ: tạo ra 1 cách sống thú vị cho khách hàng.
Quảng cáo và sự thúc đẩy: tập trung vào quảng cáo trên tv và các mặt tạp chí thời trang.
A: Hi, everyone, I’ A- disectol of Human, at ABC fashion ( nói rõ mục tiêu)
A: Today, I will talk to you about our company. First, I’ll give you some basic information.
Our company was founded in 1978 at ilan Italy.
B: What about turnover?
A: Last year, it’s about 286 eurocmilion, increas of 10.4% compared with previous year.
B: I want to know about products.
A: We make and see clothing, designer shoes, hand bags: giftware
B: Who are torget consumers?
A 20-35 years old.
B: How many store do you have?
A: We hour 28 stores in Italy, 35 internationally.
A: Next, let talk about reasons of for success. We have 1800( eighteen hundred) employees
so we need to have strong brand image, compatitive prices, execellent TV, adveetisements,
endorsement by a fomous, young Italian model.
B: Moving on now to your mision
A: Ok well, I want to create an exciting lifestyle for its customers.
B: tell me about you advertising and promotion
A: Finally, we want to focus on TV adversting and on full-page advertiserment in fashion
magazine. Thanks very much for listening . Are ther any question?
B: No, goodbye..

4. INTERVIEWING: talking about jobs and new ideas.

Tình huống giả định :
Student A: Bạn sẽ dẫn dắt cuộc phỏng vấn. Hỏi ý nghĩa người tham gia, khuyến khích thảo
luận và giúp họ đạt được thỏa thuận. Bạn phải quyết định những điểm này liên quan đến việc
tiếp thị The Hipster.
1. Giá đang bán của nó
2. Đối tượng khách hàng
3. Ưu đãi đặc biệt cho lần mua đầu tiên
Student B: ( người tham gia) Bạn có những ý kiến sau liên quan đến:
- Giá bán
- Đối tượng khách hàng
- Ưu đãi đặc biệt cho lần mua đầu tiên
- Quảng cáo/ khuyến mãi
- Khoảng 10$
- Người trẻ đọ tuổi 15-25
- Giám giá 10% cho người hơn 20 tuổi
- Quảng cáo tạp chí nhằm vào người trẻ tuổi.

A: Hi, my name is A. What’s your name?

B: I’m B…
A: Right, let’s begin. The main pupose of this meeting is to…..( đề bài)……Now, let talk
about ís selling price and target consumer.
B: I think we should house selling price about $10 approximately and we should focus on
young people age 15-25. ( fifteen to twenty five )
A: OK. I think it swords ( sots ) good. The next thing to discuss is special offers for the first
purchase. About special offers for first puchase , I’m in honor of discountung of 5% for
orders over 20.
B: I’m afraid that’s quite expensive Perhaps we should discount 10% for orders over 20 to
encourage people to buy..
A: OK. What about advertising and promotions. We can advertisements on TV. What do you
B: I don’t agree. I think it’s better for us when we get advertisements in magazines and at
young people,
A: Right, let’s a recap
ĐỀ 6A Peter and Vivian
A : Good afternoon. I am Peter Jameson, the marketing manager of V- fresh beverage ( be vơ
rết ) brand. Could I speak to even organizer of HN young Marathon.
B: hi Vivian Moore here. Can I help you?
A: your competition just gives one company a Sponsorship agreement. So I want to negotiate
with you again
B : yes, go ahead
A : about sponsorship, I would like 50% of the event sponsored by our company. What do
you think?
B : I’m afraid not. It’s really hard for our to make profit. Our policy for new customer is
100% of the even sponsored
A : Hmm.. what about 70% for even sponsorred?
B ; Fine. But information about your brand will be included in all of out offline advertising,
but not online advertising
A : we can do that. I would like both offline advertising and online advertising
B: information about your brand will be included in all of our advertising as long as you pay
for more event sponsorred . what do you think about 85%( eighty five )0?
A : that might be ok
B what about supporters? I need 50 employees from your company to help out on event day.
A: im afraid not. On that day, every one will very busy . we only have 25 employees
B : im afraid we can’t prepare. What do you think about 35( thirty five) employees?
A: that’s very esonable
B: right, we have got a deal. Your compayny will pay 80 %( eighty) of the event sponsord
and information about your brand will be included in all off out advertising. On event day, we
have 35( thirty five ) employees to help out
A : great , I think we have covering everthing
B : ok how about dinner tonight?
A : that sounds great. See you tonight 8 pm
B: ok, byeeee

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