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4 BO, : Pe JANUS GAMES G24 S 2 —————_$—$_—__— 8 es > —_____—__ meet C RB Grechita Written by: SUB-ATTICA is Copyright ©1993 Ianus Publications, Lucien Soulban Inc, All Right Reserved. Editor: SUB-ATTICA is a Trademark of Dream Pod 9/lanus Mare A. Vezina Publications and is published under license from R. : Talsorian Games, Inc. Cyberpunk isa Trademark of R. Copy Baiting: Jean Carritres Talsorian Games, Inc. alti fixe Titsodlon GozeSt i No partofthisbook maybe reproduced without written | ‘Dewk Qunaatet permission from the publisher, except for review pur- 0ses, Art Direction: : 7 Pierre Ouellette Any similarity to characters, situations, institutions, corporations, etc. (without satiric intent) is strictly Layout: ee eee coincidental. jerre Ouellente : Jell Fortier Printed in Canada. Dominique Durocher Published by: Cover Ane anus Publications, Inc. Pieiee Ousliene 5000 D'ibervlle, Suite 332 Jeff Fortier Montreal, Qe 2. Canada Interior a ee H2H 256 wie err Stock # ICP-120 Dominique Durocher Creative Team: Dream Pod 9 All Anwork © lanus Publications, Inc. ‘Special thanks to the Late Night Coffee Crew for those 1 AM bull sessions: Marc “Canyon Man” Paquin Nicolas “Is THAT the pressure?!” Jéquier Laurent “But wait, there's more” Castelucci Richard “Taking into account the depth, and the size of the hole...” Binek Mike “FF” Walthers Jean “It's NOT a frog!” Carriéres Legal deposit: May 1994 Biblioth@que Nationale du Québec National Library of Canada | ISBN 2-921573-18-0 AUTHOR'S NOTE 4 INTRODUCTION Playing Tips .. ADVENTURE BACKGROUND & The Cold War... New Hope Project Veiled Conspiracies Hidden Agenda Current Machinations. (On Dry Land Hooks ... Sequence Of EvENtS mn A Brief Overview Of The Escape As Planned 14 SUB-ATTICA DETENTION AND LABOUR FACILITIES 16 History... Personnel .. Prison Facilities ..... ‘Smuggling Supplies Guide To The Facilities Level 1: Agri-domes .. Level 2: Mine Shafts .. Level 3: Administration/Secutity...... Level 4: General/Bio/Life Support 32 Level 5: Prison Level/Recreation/Medical.......36 Level 6: Mining And Supply 40 DAY TO DAY ADVENTURES 44 General Routines Black Wid0W once wo AT Smuggler’s Gauntlet 47 ‘An Old Friend Wet Dreams And Scary Monsters ‘Angel Row Blindsided Christmas List 49 De-Compression. Last Business ... Rumors ..... Rumor #1: Bio-Labs. Rumor #2: Salvage Operation Rumor #3: The Flood ...... Rumor #4: Pilfering Supplies. Rumor #5: Corry Rivka, 13 & The Christmas List. Rumor #6: Scary Monsters Prison Slang. NPCs And Other Clues. ‘The Christmas List THE GREAT ESCAPE 68 Start Countdown 69 Aftermath ... o n ‘Ways The Players Can Survive oietaTe LIFE UNDERWATER 74 Life in the Deep... Geared for the Deep .. THE DARKEST SEED 94 PRISON ARCHETYPES & NPCS 103 Se ie a pepe cpaoiee oar Soar es AUTHOR'S NOTE How do¢s one describe the pure magic of reality, Dea esciieerae weer yourheart and imagination when you firstenterthe Cieenrtesnnstaescur incites icity over landscapes of coral gardens and plants that Esk eueUcnit nari Since th days of my childhood, ve always dreamt Cluny not Leon ‘will, Discovering scuba diving sated that part of me that always longed fora touch of the beautiful, the Goer ineesetato St What does this have to do with the adventure? ple. Part of the mystery, the potential for the Prva these that eas more impressed upon me than this one time.. (eres ok eec ras Genco cane Breese ne tes case coe ty Deu mast See cece The island itself was restricted because the boat ‘was not allowed to dock there, but diving around. the island itself was permitted. Aya Ue Me Taos Cenc ta TGC both ofus resplendent in full diving gear, and began Sra onmemraaenCemesmi Regu arate hace OED) (ea mtunasec een cocaine ed fauna, carefully checking to make sure we never Derren euru aimee utas Tie nese ea eae edo Por aise er aaron) oa os assure that she was still with me. Allit took was, those few seconds of turning my head to see if | could find her that it happened. pene eu Brome emacs eric Sena teMe enka tare) going and found myself floating in a limbo of Reo rece so ene ieee Pecan asain ek costs extended for miles beneath me. I felt like 1 was els PS ese Cs toe eT yy yucca seen RIS neen tere nee aOR abyss. Tt was an invisible divider between two Peeitar ices eres ae eee Ts Perea al L Pee ot eet eet a Pears Ment et tenner assis wie oe Pein Mn merce erento fre atc ene est agent Rare Le aco MS Cea ane Tete as ee SELES MGUU Lub scrambling back to the safety of the shelf, like the Ce ecu eeu erie eT ee at Ga CCoRUy Se ect becomes questionable)asagain Lcrossed thatthresh- ORucnee ctr oust Those few heart pounding moments never leftme, Boece etiam ara Pe Te ate cu cd Oe etter cee eect nent on) whether he would actually fall ornot. Istillremem- ber the terrible silence as sound became lost in the Ree ens se tcc ee hc ‘member the sensation of trying to fall, butnotgoing Seine erry a twisted sort of zeal. The one clear thought that came intomy mind that Petite mare soe) the darkness of the world below me, theone thought, that still rings like a bell and brings us'to the beginning of this adventure Benen locate aa ete _Sub-Aitica: Introduction - mae BR 20 feet under the surface of the ocean, : : #4 light begins to fade and colours slowly vanish : Red is the frst to go. FOREWORD eens Sr BE 33 feetelow the ocean's surface, See een eee pure oxygen becomes toxic under the pressire Serene ere ee B02 aimespheres EIN icc inc, Perens BEM Jelscandortge vans rm te secram : : and your world begins to lok ikea black Coane type ie white Seat fe 66 feet below the surface ofthe ocean, the pressure isnow equal t 3 atmospheres and air is compressed to one third it's original volume. 100 feet below sea level, _you might start suferin from nitrogen narcosis. Getting “narked” at -100 feet is a dangerous thing, especially if you start thinking you can breath without your equipment. There are no more kelp forests ‘and coral beds to heep you company any more. 120 feet below the ocean's surface, you've hit the twilight zone where your world isa muted ‘spectrum of blue and green. You even bleed green down here. 297 feet under the surface of the ocean, the pressure is naw equal to 10 atmospheres and even normal air becomes toxic to breathe. 500 feet and plus below the ocean’s surface, the continental shelf drops of into the deep abyss. 627 feet below sea level, the pressure isnow equal to 20 atmospheres or 294 Ibs per square inc. 1200 feet below sea level, ‘the temperature can go as lw as 33 degrees F or 0.5 degrees C, That’ right above the level of fresh water freezing, 4500 feet below the surface of the ocearin. Welcome to the Sub-Attica Labour Detention Camp. You descend too fast and you could squeezed big time asthe air in your body contracts. Ever ruptured an eardrum, popped eye veins or had your sinuses get squeezed by shrinking air volume? Ascend too quickly ‘and you could get it with the bends, form an air embolism ‘and block blood to the brain, rupture a lung, squeeze the heart or any number of other pleasant way’ to maim cand fil yoursel. ‘The world below the water isa beautiful and breathtaking place. It is where true night lives and the monsters of legends dvell It i the hore of Sub-Attica, an underwater labour camp where hope is as fleting as the daylight and despair as deep as nature's darkness. Iisa barren landscape, carved with abrupt chisels and cuts that depict a cruel face. ‘Sub-Attica is a chance for the GM to take the players into. ‘aworld far darker than they have ever know. Does cybernetics maike the man or woman? Here's the players’ chance to survive on skill ‘and imagination alone, beret of cyberware or weapons. capable of decimating city block upon city boc of urban scrawl. Here's the chance for the players to meet the monsters that they were frightened of as children and laughed at as adults. Here's the chance to glimpse atthe threshold just beyond the dormant dreams of Cyberpunk. Welcome tothe future... ain't all pre. PLAYING TIPS As stated previously, Sub-Atica Is on underwater labour camp. Inteims of gome feel, the entre module is set inthe mood of Allens 3. The dark and dank despalr of the world, the futilty ofthe contiaved deldrums of existing Ina vaguely Itenvionmert. Everything here I fthy and grimy, the colour cruted Ike it was bled away. Every comer hides a shadow, ‘every footfall echoes with a hollow metalic ag. The al ls humid and oppressive, and constantly fled wth the hur of the pisor's generators or the dipping water that falls tothe foor grating with a steady ping or dinging othe pipes and als with a dy mois gleam. The equipment doesnt work fight and old neon tubes flicker in certain sections ond the floorsofthe lowestlevelisanywhere rombootto ches! deep in dot, freezing seawater This the world of Sub-Atica. For this module, the soundtracks to the Alien series Is recom mended. They help set the mood of the environment and give the players a sense of situation. The soundtrack to Allen wos conducted by Jemy Goldsmith, the soundirack to Allens wos created by James Homer, while Aliens 3 was composed by Ellot Goldenthal, Ir Is also cuciol that the GM be completely foliar ond comfortable with the workings of Sub-Atica. Because pert- ‘nent Information Is Included throughout the module tht relates tothe workings ofthe adventure and the overall feel, itisrecommended that he GM read over the module atleast twice in order to know where everything les. a) “Achentire Buckgreund soe THE COLD WAR The events leading fo this adventure fake place all he way back In the early 1990s, with the collapse of the Soviet regime. With the formation of the CIS and the ending of the Cold War, many weapon systems were dismantled and mothballed. Most of the chemical agents ond biological strains developed for worfare were ordered Incnerated (at least those that were nott stolen ond sold on the black market), The only problem was that certain chemical agents ‘and biological mutagenics could not be destroyed through the stondard process (Incineration caused toxk side effects that were more lethal than the original formula). Spedol bunkers ond foailties were needed to dispose of the ‘Cold War trash, butboth thelr costin building and use would have ‘aroused too much suspicion In both sectors of the Westem military ond in the new etvilion government. The military hierarchy begon to realize that If It were dlscov- ered what some of the chemicals agents ond mutagenics were designed fo do (and especially after some chemical ‘agents had been used against he Ahfganl forces during the Soviet occupation), the subsequent backlash would result in 2 complete reshurfling of the CIs’ top brass, Consequently, the military stashed the remaining stockpiles of chemical and blological warfore components in old ships, then sank them in the North Seo, hoping that they would be Aid of them for the next few generations. NEW HOPE PROJECT The ‘New Hope’ project was developed back in 2007 when a numberof companies attempted to finance the bulding of cen underwater farming community onthe slope ofthe Grand Bank Continental shelf. The economicstraln proved too great for some of the companies that were forced to withdraw from the project. Wih thelr nanctal support gone, the other remaining members of the conglomerate had no other option bur to sell off the hall-buil complex to Hiro-Assad Enterptises. Hro-Assad, In um, went fo the U.S. government ‘end offered to build an underwater prison labour comp that ‘would be used for stip mining Ifthe goverment footed for part of he bil. An agreement was reached where the profits ‘were divided berween Hiro-Assad and the U.S. goverment, thus glving birth to Sub-Attica. VEILED CONSPIRACIES HIDDEN AGENDA Alter Sub-Attica opened and was fully functional for dose to exdecade, the stip mining began fo prove too effective, The ‘mining operation succeeded In depleting most of the acces- sible ores found In that sector. With the decline In the work ‘quota, Sub-Attica began|osing money that was necessary to keep the project going. It was In danger of shutting down. That wos when Antof Servoviich, 0 genetidst with the former SovletUnion, passed away. Antof was one ofthe few people left alive thot worked on the blo-mutagenic programs that ‘were later scutied in the Nomth Sea. On his deathbed, Antof confessed his sins 10 © priest who later tied to sell the information to any willng buyer. Arasoka monoged to get Wied of the proposition and reached the priest fst via on extractionteam. Atterleoming whatthe pest knew, Arasake began sending nettunners throughout Sovspoce In order to procure more Information about the location of the scuttled ships. They finally tumed up one name, another ex-Soviet geneticist now living In the diy of Bogota in the Atlantic region, Leonid Naprowitch, From Leonid they discovered not only where the ships had been scutied, but the contents of some of the ships. Arasaka recllzed that some of the waste dumped stil contained Viable strains of mutagen that could be refined using curent technologies. By this time, Arascko was already wore of the floundering Sub-Attica project and realized the advantage of sucha facility. AccesstoSub-Atikawouldallow for access 10 unlimited test subjects In the form of prisoners (whe would proctically do anything to escape a labour camp), a secluded and somewhat secured base not readily accessible to the mojotity of the populace, a plethora of sea Ife to obtain a wide base of genetic matetal from which 10 experiment with, and a processing station where the mate- ilals frorn the sunken Soviet ships would be stored and stockplled for later use, With thisin mind, Asasako pulled a ew stingsand boughtout the U.S. govemment’s shore of the project under the condl- {fon that the station was silo be used as an Incarceration foclty. With the mojotity ef the shores and through some undethanded manipulation, Arasoka bought out the re- maleing shares held by Hiro-Assad Enterprises. ‘Arascke now possessed the facilities where they could run thelr experiments and began using smuggler subs fo make runs Into Ewrospace waters fo rettieve the contents of the sunken ships. The runs may be dangerous, but the euro Is worth the tsk, according fo the smuggless. With everything in order, Arasoka needed one lost thing and thot was a qualified team to begin research in generic ‘engineering and manipulation. The problem with that was, the one person they had their eye on to head the team, Dr. Lo Pak, was undergoing tral proceedings for ‘cimes against Humenity. His development of blogenetic weaponry wasn't ‘50 unusual since both sides In the Second South American skimmishes were using blological weapons. His crime wos, being on the fosing side. With his trial taking place In Mexico City, it proved rather simple for Arasaka fo bribe a few of the right offdals ond get Dr. Lo Pak replaced with a bio-sculpted double. Of course: ‘when the double vehemently protested his innocence, he ‘was sedated for the rest ofthe tial proceedings and for his, ‘own execution (so the rumours go). ‘The real Dr. Lo Pok was taken to Sub-Attica and informed of the projec. His freedom was conditional on the results of his, ‘experiments. Dr. Lo Pak, however, was not only o billlant dentist, but he was also rather paranoid and didn't must ‘Arascka fo keep him allve when the time come that they no longer needed him. He began developing a way fo escape ‘Sub-Attica and slowly began to implement it over the next yeor. Dr. Pak began to gainthe loyalty of the prisoners by dtsnbuting chugs from the medical stores, This enabled him to get the. prisoners to begl plfeting vorious equipment from the madi