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1.     Introduction............................................................................3  

2.    Videogames and Daaps .................................................4

3.    Why Cardano?......................................................................6

3.1   Cardano Warriors...............................................................7

3.2  The Beginning.......................................................................7

3.3  Placement in the Gaming World.................................14

3.4  Gameplay.................................................................................14

4    NFT Collection - Strategy and Anatomy................16

4.1   Character Anatomy...........................................................18

4.2  Gameplay Features............................................................20

4.3  Elements...................................................................................21

4.4 Manufactured Products......................................................21

4.5 Treasures and Heirlooms...................................................22

4.6  Recipes (BLUEPRINTS)...................................................22

4.7  Islands........................................................................................26

5.   Game Architecture...............................................................27

6.   Game Economy and Tokenomics..................................28

6.1  Understanding the Supply Chain................................32

6.2  Tokenomics..............................................................................34

6.3  Market - Store.......................................................................35

6.4  Interoperability.....................................................................36

6.5  Utility Token - Game Coin...............................................37

7.    Roadmap.................................................................................40

8.    Challenges..............................................................................42

1. Introduction
    In 1958, the North-American physicist     The game Cardano Warriors was born
William Higinbothan created one of the from our love of video games, our
first video games in history (1). A ball technology enthusiasm and the idea of
swung back and forth in a horizontal making a real difference in the Non-
path creating a gaming experience on fungible Token (NFT) projects scenery
an Oscilloscope screen. The game was during the early Cardano Network stages.

called Tennis for Two, and it reached a     We focused on bringing an unique and
small group of people in the annual exclusive art collection during the first
Brookhaven National Laboratory, stage, celebrating the Golden Era console
Uptown New York.
RPG video games that were made in eight
    The arcade-style games only reached and sixteen bits.  

the masses after Ralph Baer's invention     Our collection brought value to its
and the clairvoyance of Nolan Bushnell.
parties, moving an entire buying and
Little by little, many characteristically selling NFTs economy. We are now working
different games were brought to life, on bringing even more value to our initial
captivating people's attention due to its collection. The Cardano Warriors goal is to
challenges and entertainment. Among become an exploring and adventure game
these, a new electronic game style that that has RPG elements, running on the   
has as its foundation the characters Cardano blockchain technology. We are a
development: RPG (Role-playing Game) team full of experienced developers and
became a popular type where the player we are confident that we are building an
controls a fictional character that's excellent project to deliver to the
supposed to complete missions which are community.

located in a fictional world (2).

  In this historical context, we are able to To all of our followers and future players
experience many different adventures who are thrilled with the first phase
through video games, going from release: the game is only starting!

challenging galactic empires and saving

princesses, to being the hero or maybe

even the villain. Above all, we are able to

connect ourselves to the distinct video Welcome, everyone and, please, enjoy!

games universe.

1 RABIN, Steve. Introduction to Game Development: Gaming Development  Series; 1st edition:

Understanding the Gaming Universe. Charles River Media, June 2005.


2. Video Games and DApps³

        Since video games were launched in the 50s, technology has come a
long way. What before was subdivided in computer, arcade and console
games, now has new categories, for example mobile and social games.
Noticeably, all of these transformations walked side-by-side and were
updated because of the new technological innovations (including the
high increase in smartphones' and tablets' computing power) and the new
social approaches (for example: app stores) during time.

        Video games and blockchain technology have a long story that was
born from a shared synergy: both industries explore a demographic
group that consists of a young audience which deeply knows technology
and that is more open-minded towards new ideas. It is no coincidence
that one of the first industries to be "tokenized" and having its assets put
on the network is the video games industry.

        This combination can be mapped since the first Bitcoin days when
websites like Satoshi Dice provided a way of investing in the chain. This
was one of the first use-cases shown to the public and it remains deeply
rooted with video games in all of its layers. Going from simple puzzles to
RPGs, battle and complex fantasy games, blockchain video games were
developed to take many shapes.

        After observing the trends that are affecting the segment and will
determine the next few years (new distribution environments, Cloud
hosting and the introduction of the blockchain technology) on the
redefinition of the industry's business, it is necessary to emphasise the
opportunities that can be explored and add value to the interested
parties (producers, distributors and players).

³  decentralized application (DApp).

    A report signed by Breno Bonani, investment analyst at Avenue Securities, shows
that the sector is now worth more than the movie and music industries put together
and will have even more technological 'growth waves' - not only in the video games
developing sector, but also in the whole distribution chain. It can be said that the
video games marketplace is one of the fastest growing technology segments in the
world, reaching US$170 billion in global revenue in 2020. According to the  

    Global Games Market Report, this market is on its way to surpass US$200 billion
revenue in 2023, since 2.9 billion players will be 'online' by the end of this year. 46% of
the revenue comes from Smartphones and Tablet users - which are dominating
devices when it comes to the free to play business model; 24% comes from personal
computers and 30% comes from video games console users.

Click to access the Global Games Market Report

    Smartphones have become essential in our daily life, being used from simple
messaging to whiling away the time in simple games that can be executed in different
hardwares and cross-platforms that guarantee a bigger adaptability, allowing the
players to interact no matter the platform. Located within the development and
distribution chains group, two business models gain prominence in the industry as a
whole: play to earn (all players get a reward incentive when playing the game) and
free to play (all players have the freedom of playing free of charge and are able to
interact with the game's items store for different purposes).

        Both models deserve important debates on how they can interact in one single
game environment. Truth is that both have a strong presence in the blockchain games
industry, bringing security and versatility as the main adoption elements for
developers. It is widely known that the concerned parties, no matter who they are,
need a safe and protected environment to run the procedures that involve the
delivery of a game and its monetization. In that sense, the blockchain technology has
been able to fulfill all of their needs.

        These games ensure the concept of ownership that the user has over their
characters and respective items, since they are all "tokenizable", becoming real value
assets. This immediately re-signifies the trait of mere services that many digital
games present today.

        This technology allows interoperable player profiles, allowing the user to make
transactions with their digital coins at the same public address between different
games in addition to offering security in the storage of game assets, creating value in
intangible assets within the architecture - including determining rarity levels -, using
the community's ideas to develop the game itself, among other advantages.


   To combine blockchain technology with business models that are acceding to its users
and that generate value to producers and distributors in the fastest growing technology
segment in the world, is to be at the industry's leading edge.

    This is our quest. Cardano Warriors understands some of the powers that shape this
market and is confident to have adopted an appropriate and strategic market
positioning that is crucial for the success of the products that will be delivered to the
community. It will be possible to deeply understand our strategic orientation throughout
this paper.

3. Why Cardano?

    Blockchain is a technology that deals with three major points: security, speed
and cost. A harmonious co-existence of these areas depends on the architecture
in which a project is designed and developed.

   Cardano guides its development on solid values since its creation. It is a project
that uses scientific methods based on peer reviewed papers, which seeks to solve
problems with experts from different areas. This design ensures that Cardano’s
architecture is designed to handle thousands of transactions per second at a low
cost while maintaining blockchain security, reliability and verification.

        These traits guarantee a privileged spot for Cardano in the innovation and
technological  development fields.

        Cardano is the most active blockchain on GitHub, being ahead of other

blockchains like Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana and many others. Still, innovation is
not the only trait that puts it in a position to be one of the most important
networks nowadays.

        What would be the importance of the internet without its users? Here is
another great advantage of Cardano: its community is extremely active and is
fast-growing over time. This movement is the desirable "network effect", which is
relevant to the success and new users' adoption, as it allows incoming projects to
enjoy the prestige of an actual active community.

    We, blockchain technology enthusiasts, couldn't have chosen a better approach

to host our ideas around the exploration, adventure and RPG elements-filled
game. Not only did we choose Cardano, but we gave our identity the name of
what we believe is the best blockchain network today.

Average daily activities on Github

3.1 Cardano Warriors

    The narrative content of Cardano Warriors focuses its plot on its floating islands
(originated from the collision of a meteor with the planet).    This is a literary
production written by the founders of the project in contribution of all team members.
The plot consists of an entire set of scenarios, characters, and actions taken by the
player throughout their journey within the game.

    The main plot, noted for its literary style, was designed to allow developers to
introduce new episodes, improving the continuation of the game and the player’s
interaction, broadening their experience, especially for more entertainment, far
beyond the proposal of rewards (commonly found in blockchain games), and adding
business value to the community.

3.2 The Beginning

    The plot presents the dynamics of the events that gave rise to Cardânia in Cardano
Warriors, and the movements and actions required for the game characters to conquer
and defend the title of Legendary Warrior of Cardânia.


A long time ago, in the vastness of space, a meteor wandered aimlessly...

That fragmented almost half of the planet, creating islands.

Until it collided with the planet Cardania causing a huge

And even in these isolated islands, a life found a way to thrive.

With the exp
But it wasn't just any meteor. Its interior housed crystals, whic
the prison of something organic and formless... adapt, explo
weak similar

Not satisfied, the creature set out in search of new sources of primal energ
finally be freed from his prison.
plosion parts of the creature broke free. His prison was formed by energetic
ch drained his life force. The creature's insatiable hunger for energy made it
ring the local flora and fauna. But the ambient light caused the creature to be
to its prison.

ies, which would be sufficient to fully restore its strength. And so he can
Even after what was called a great catastrophe by the natives,
there was an adaptation of the local civilization.

In the
That began to explore the environment, looking for resources for cryst
its evolution. and survival. uniq

To their wielder, the crystals imparted a
eir searches, fragments of fantastic ability that had been called magic
tals from the meteor with by civilization. But for the creature, the
que properties were found. energy of the crystals meant its complete
3.3 Placement in the
Gaming World

     The NFT collection Cardano Warriors enforces in this narrative the opportunity to
connect the Role-Playing Games (RPGs), also known as character role-playing games,
as it gathers individual and unique traits that were purposely developed that allow
each one's performance within a gameplay script. The characters are placed into a
set of rules in the game environment, guiding an organic sequence in procedural

    Games with RPG traits are typically more socially-collaborative than competitive,
and offer the players a space for interpretation, representation and beyond creation.
They also open space for the systematic improvement of the Cardano Warriors' script,
expanding the story's scope with new characters and features.

    Cardano Warriors forges an unconventional adventure game, with the trait of

competitiveness, in which participants act individually or in groups, but occasionally
have no winners or losers. Winning or losing lies only in the view of how one is
interacting with something. In addition, Cardano Warriors tokenomics features will
give the player and token holder different earning, fun and entertainment prospects.

3.4 Gameplay
"In order for calmness to be maintained in Cardania's Islands,
adventurers must look for rare resources, forge items, and explore
dark places to become the legendary warrior, who, according to
the prophecy, will have the power to maintain peace in Cardania."

    The game dynamic allows players to have an exploration environment, collecting

items and rewards, as well as battle scenarios and other challenges. The goal is to
conquer and defend the Legendary Warrior title.

    Players collect resources from each one of the fragmented islands, exploring
themed dungeons, fighting monsters, and overcoming challenges for unique elements.
This enables them to manufacture and trade weapons, armor and different items with
each other.

    As the game advances, players go after the keys that grant them access to the
Tower of Destiny and its challenges. In order to keep the creature of chaos sealed
while defending the Legendary Warrior Title.

Following the tradition of their ancestors, the warriors of cardania set out in search of energetic
crystals. To do this, they explore the challenges of dungeons and face dark creatures.

By overcoming the challenges, the warrior Fragmented islands have resources that
becomes the legendary protector: the Cardano are exploited and traded among them.
Warrior. 15
    After a certain time preparing, players will be able to enter the
Tower of Destiny to face challenges and other players for the
honorable Legendary Warrior title.

In addition, the game dynamic offers:

• Non-player Characters (Npcs) to interact with the users;

• Minting new NFTs as game accessories, which enhance the

character and add value to the NFT Cardano Warriors;

• Secondary game resources trading market;

• Mining of game supplies;

• Rewards;

• A game coin - a utility token.

    Cardano Warriors is played with the game character itself

(avatar), acquired from the Warrior NFT.



    The exponential growth within the Non-Fungible Tokens' (NFTs)

ecosystem has been particularly remarkable, especially when one
notes the effect with which the crypto economy established itself in
the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021.

   A post from of Nonfungible Corporation (6) entitled Non-fungible

Tokens - Yearly Report 2020, gives the readers a clear scale of the
indicators surrounding the activities, revealing not only the growth
trend and strengthening of projects of this nature, but also the
maturity of the way the owners are using and will use their
nonfungible assets.

(6) Launched in February 2018, initially to track real-time transactions of Decentraland, with the purpose of creating
the link between the different communities of the ecosystem, and to provide support and service to both project

16 leaders and consumers of non-fungible token products -

   NFT projects have drawn and continue to draw more and more people from
outside this economy by sharing common interests of delivering different niche

    Some individual sectors enjoyed success during this period. Art, Games and
Digital Assets gained remarkable traction, allowing this especially unique and
experimental production niche to consolidate different business models,
gaining its deserved recognition.

        In addition, the Cardano network has already drawn the community's

attention to the consolidation of its emerging blockchain technology,
presenting innovative construction processes for NFT platforms.

    This information storage and trend indexes gave the Cardano Warriors'
(CW)   team enough fuel to better understand how to design an appropriate
and safe strategy for a market capitalization initiative, capable of bringing
value to their concept, to the Cardano ecosystem as a whole, and financial
resources to the game design. From then on, the strategy of launching the
NFTs collection was defined.


        Adopting the strategy of initially creating and selling a collection of non-

fungible tokens within the context of a pre-established game as a way to
assess the project's bond with the demand and gather the funds necessary for
its development was definitely the best choice we could make.

   Not only did we deliver value to the pre-sale participants by securing their
ownership of the purchased asset, but we created a beautiful collection of
character tokens for an adventure game with role-playing game (RPG)
elements. We were also able to perform the initial funds gathering to work in
the next steps of the project. And, more importantly, we have earned the
enthusiasm of the great

Cardano community.


    Then Cardano Warriors was born: a retro NFT collection for an adventure
and exploration game, created in the Cardano network under the slogan "The
battle for crypto-land is about to begin".

The pre-sale collection includes the first Cardano Warriors' season called
Warrior NFT. Throughout the game’s development, new seasons may be
released, bringing more value to the community and the game.


    Each Cardano Warriors character is the result of a base element with

the addition of aesthetic features and random costumes (all called
accessories), characterized within the game’s literary plot, drawn in Pixel
Art technique.

    The Warrior NFT puts the character in the first place, without any
landscapes, only a colored background: an idea that aims to value the
Warrior itself, highlighting the details of pixel art technique and
aesthetic and costume features.

    The basic elements were drawn from simple compositions (a naked,

raw character), with standardized frameworks and space for
complementary elements such as textures and background.

        The costume comprises all the elements of which the character is

clothed and in possession: weapons, helmet, shield, and armor, are
among some of the wardrobe items. The aesthetic features include the
character's elements, such as a beard, eye color, emotions, etcetera.

    The Pixel Art aesthetic represents the retroelement that we wanted to

design, inherent to things that are classic and eternal in an approach
that seeks to bring the player a new way to relate to the past using new

   The complementary elements follow a random distribution pattern, in

a condition that allows contrast between the object and the background.
However, background elements such as castles and forests are not
presented in the NFT.

   Costume features such as weapons are put in specific positions to help

the NFT's aesthetic look. The weapons, for example, are always
positioned in the character's left hand, meanwhile, shields are always
placed in their right hand. This is an NFT-only building feature; in the
game dynamics, they move accordingly to the character.


    The first season’s collection consists of 32 character species and 622

accessories (in different colors and variations). In all, 10,000 NFTs were
created and minted in 06 rarity categories.

   The same kind of character is represented more than once in different

NFTs with accessories that differentiate them from each other and
specific rarity categories. The rarity of the NFT character is defined by
the available quantity of its species and the accessories that characterize


    The gameplay features seek to streamline the player experience

and create the economy for the Cardano Warriors' environment. All
of them are characterized for value acquisition purposes, as

• OFFCHAIN Items: resources are not featured as NFTs. They are
common items that deteriorate, break and get lost during game

• ONCHAIN items: resources are not featured as NFTs. They are

non-fungible tokens and may deteriorate with use (with
exceptions) and game dynamics. Can no longer be used/equipped
when deteriorated until fixed.

In order to make the NFT items

really unique, each item will
minted in 20/06/2021

carry its history containing

statistics such as age, usage
2 months
time, number of kills,
working hours 10 hours
achievements and others.
deaths 50

20 Note: the ONCHAIN items are game NFTs, but they are not equal as a Warrior NFT.

        They consist of the raw materials in the game: gathered resources (Mining,
Farming, etc...). Each character has the power to collect specific elements in the
game and it gives the user the ability to manufacture products.

        In addition to mining, players will be able to acquire elements in other ways,

such as in the gaming markets. The team will create an accessory document to
illustrate in detail each of the elements and their complementary characteristics.

   Element examples: The gold ore is an element mined by the Dwarf; a string is an
element mined by the Villager; a pigment is an element mined by the cook, etc.


They consist of objects that can be manufactured from Raw Materials


Examples of manufactured objects: Gold Bar (made from gold ore).


   They consist of the accessories that are minted (new NFTs conquered
by the players) and are purchased only through OFFCHAIN
manufactured products that can be freely and spontaneously minted by
the player becoming an ONCHAIN item. NFT's items can also be
purchased through trading between players on in-game markets.

Accessories Examples: Reinforced Gold Armor (minted from Gold Bars -

manufactured product) and produced with Gold Ore (raw material).


    They are among the essential features for game dynamics and are
characterized as Ntfs. The Recipes are linked to the character's
professions and some can be free in general.

    To perform certain activities, such as producing a gold bullion, the

character who has the ability to produce that manufactured product
will also need to have the specific recipe if he wants to produce it.

    A recipe is the ticket for the character to start his production. The game will
feature two types of recipes: Common Recipes and Exclusive Recipes.

    During the game, Common Recipes will be made available according to the
level of each profession (they are assigned to the characters), and Exclusive
Recipes will be made available through special events and missions. Some
recipes will be available in temporary periods through special events.

    The players who get recipes will be able to produce items for themselves or
other players. When the player opts for the second alternative, he may set a
fee to be paid by the player who will receive the products - in this case, for the
labor that the holder is offering to the buyer. Recipes are in the category of
NFTs items that, by exception, do not deteriorate.


Only the dwarf On

a golden 1 x Gold Ingot
has the capacity p
spear needs 2x Wooden Sticks to produce gold

The dwarf has a spea

The villager has no recipe and makes his
and is looking for a player
who can produce for him.

nly Villager can
The Villager provides the
produce wood.
wood for the Dwarf.

The Dwarf provides the

ar recipe Gold to the Villager.


  They consist of the lands where the player will be able to establish their
properties and are characterized as NFTs. All participants who have 01
Warrior NFT will receive 01 Island NFT and the distribution will be
performed through Airdrop whitin conditions and deadlines that are to be
defined in a near future.

   The Island is the player's virtual property within the game. Its main utility
is to serve as a base to customize its presence, setting up a shop, an
achievements museum, storage chests, among other things.

   The island can be customized and expanded, as well as sold by its owner.
New islands can be purchased by all players who own Warriors NFTs.

    Within the gameplay dynamics, the players will be able to visit each
other’s islands. For this to happen, the game will put at the search system's
disposal to simplify the location of products (items) and services that the
player is interested in at all islands.

    The islands will be awarded with popularity scores according to the

number of  player visits, with the aim of privileging the players with greater
involvement with the game and with great wealth.

Additional Info:

• Players will have limited slots to load items. The excess items can be
stored on their islands, which will also have larger limits.

• These slots can be increased through items and upgrades.

• The Players who do not have Warrior NFTs will not have islands; they will
only have slots.

• When a character dies in a Dungeon during the game, he returns to his

private island or the main island.

• A player can equip up to 03 Warriors NFTs to act as a profession or to

have combat skills.

• Item retrieval, when necessary, will occur through services provided by

players - within the game itself -, by Non-player Characters (NPCs) or
Recovery Items.

26 All gameplay features will be documented and published in a near future.


The game architecture's front-end components include:

  - Game Platform Services: provide features beyond the game;

  - Dedicated Game Servers: host the game.

The game architecture's back-end components include:

- Game Database: permanent in the registration system and typically stored

in the  game database;

- Analytics: stores and consults analysis and gameplay events.

    The initial deliveries are placed within the Play to Win (Play to Earn)
model without losing sight of the fun and entertainment traits that the
game will offer its users, aligning exploration and adventure concepts with
RPG elements and pixel art aesthetics.

    In the initial game version, the players who have at least 01 Warrior
NFT will be honored with unique benefits and features compared to
players who do not. This was established to privilege those who have one
or more pre-sale NFTs.

  The Warrior NFT is an unique game feature. Each NFT will give access
to 01 character (avatar) within the game, 01 Island (game NFT), 01 skin
which is identical to the NFT creature, the accessories that the NFT
creature carries (e.g., weapon, shield, helmet) and each creature’s
profession and powers.

  Although the NFT itself is not used in the game dynamics, it determines
the amount of accessories and powers (rarity) the character has.

   The Warrior NFT can be compared to a package or a chest, which, when

opened, gives the player a set of rewards. This package will be opened
only once, at the time and discretion of its owner.

    Once opened, the NFT still preserves its value as an intangible asset
linked to the Cardano Warriors game, and can be traded freely in time
and at the discretion of its owner, without, however, storing the previously
collected rewards.

    To guide the economy, the "open" NFT’s will have different identifying
features to protect the buyers and sellers who are trading freely (this will
be better documented by the team).

The Cardano Warriors Economy consists of the
following resources:

• The game character;

• Character Accessories (weapons and other items) inherited from the Warrior

• The Recipes that dictate the Powers (rarity) inherited from the Warrior NFT;

• The character's Skin, inherited from the Warrior NFT creature;

• The Islands, lands inherited from the Warrior NFT;

• Tools bought in the game markets;

• Elements (raw materials) minted in the supply chain;

• Manufactured Products produced on the supply chain;

• Treasures and Heirlooms minted from Manufactured Products.

If the player has an NFT of an
All Players

ORC for example...

start as an outlander.

No items at all, or just

basic items.


    All the game resources are likely to be traded freely between playe
relationship and interaction between players.

   Each resource, however, has a particularity regarding the trading ways

This is an alternative that seeks to decrease the expenses with fees expen

   New NFT creatures can be created with the gameplay's improvement, h

The properties of the Free to Play model will be incorporated in post-laun
have one or more pre-sale collection NFTs without losing sight of the pro

the player will receive ORC skills, which can be
equipped and used.



+ +
Combat Skills

+ +
Silver Bronze

Shield Spear Bracelet

rs at their time and discretion. This is a proposal that seeks to streamline the

s: some within the network (on-chain) and others outside the network (off-chain).

aving the trait as a secondary NFT in the project's ecosystem.

nch versions. This, once again, sought to privilege, in the initial version, those who
oject's idea to add value to the ecosystem with those who want to experience the


Aspects of Active Community Participation (Governance)

   Cardano Warriors will become an exploring and adventure game with

RPG elements that runs on blockchain technology in the Cardano
network for mobile platforms. The initial launch phase of the project
consisted of the NFTs Collection launched through a pre-sale strategy
with no private or public investors. In all, 10,000 NFTs Warriors were
minted for the initial Collection.

  The Warrior token itself (primary NFT) will be used by the community
to actively participate in discussions that seek to improve the game’s
economy in the future. This model was chosen because a NFT alone is a
type of asset that represents the right of its holder to have or do

   The Governance proposal will be executed in the ratio of 1 = 1 (one

vote per NFT), regardless of the value attributed to the asset, its rarity
trait or the fact that it has already been opened for the purpose of the

   There is no planning to start active participation actions right now,

since the team’s efforts are focused on developing. This may happen at
the time of the conclusion, delivery and release of the Cardano
Warriors Game Beta Version. (Q4 on the Roadmap).

It should be emphasized that Cardano Warriors does not have the

characteristics of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).
Decisions are made by the team with the active participation of the

   To streamline and make user experience simpler, there is no burning

device for primary NFTs. The price is established by the dynamics of
the market, by the interest of the concerned parties and from the
demand and supply.

   Warriors NFTs will be linked to many types of other game assets developed
by the project keeper. Each new game asset will define whether the
participation of Cardano Warriors NFTs will also take place in the form of
active participation or utility.

   Treasures and Heirlooms, although minted in the form of a NFT within the
game, do not make up assets for future active participation within the
project, they have their own values.


It is the market, decentralized stock exchange where users can:

• Negotiate all game assets;

• Trade all types of NFTs and the Supply Chain's resources (Elements/Raw
Material/Manufactured Resources and Accessories/NFTs.

• Buy and sell Manufactured Resources, following the rules of the production

• Negotiate all inputs from the Supply Chain according to the user's interests.


  Blockchains interoperability occurs within the possibilities offered by the

Cardano network. The team will evaluate the opportunity to build bridges
that allow NFT to move to networks such as ETH, among others, if it
deems appropriate.

    Interoperability between other applications developed by the project

keeper will occur universally, allowing other applications developed in the
future to use any NFT released on the same maintainer gaming platform.


  The game will feature an utility token with the exclusive purpose of boosting its
internal economy, allowing for buy-and-sell trading, Play to Earn modeling rewards,
Treasures and Heirlooms minting payments, other game NFTs, and similar services.

    The monetary trait of this token will be deflationary with burning mechanisms
linked to mining processes within the Supply Chain, going from the minting of
secondary NFTs to in-Stake token redemptions and the amplification of the mining
power, as well as other elements eventually being evaluated as important to add
value to the active and economic gameplay dynamics.

    Aspects related to Initial Supply, Supply, Liquidity, Policy and Distribution

Rounds will be published throughout the project's developt without losing sight of
the commitment, transparency and participation that Cardano Warriors seeks to
maintain with its community.


Q3 2021
Warriors NFT and

Cardano Warriors game


Q3 2022
Warriors game release
candidate version  on
Main net

Q4 2022
Warriors game version
1.0 on Main net

Q1 2022
Warriors game alpha
version on Test net

Q2 2022
Warriors game beta
version on Test net


    "We don't know what lies ahead, but we can anticipate and begin to
draw the path where our feet would like to walk."

    The gaming industry is a creative industry, far beyond a purely

technological segment. Despite the entire technological basis, the
core value of a game lies in its cultural components, in its symbolic
universes that surround people and in its game design. What creates
a playable experience is the script, the rules, the interaction
processes, the presentation of appropriate colors, movements and
symbolic effects environments of a game; all of these are traits that
create the player's immersion.

   Still, technology and culture are not enough when we do not know
the impact of the market's size and how to make it reach all players.
Here’s another important aspect of the gaming industry: the
distribution process and the dynamics of delivering the product to a
player are essential components for those who are just arriving.


    We know that the developer is an important layer in game

development, but he is not the whole power's contender. Therefore,
when we understand the production dynamics, promotion and
delivery of a game, and being able to equalize the interests of all
players is our biggest challenge when arriving in this industry.


    In addition, we face the challenge of constantly being open to

active community participation and to the evaluation of new
strategic partners in this journey. There are many members on the
project and each one plays an important role in the player's
experience. To despise this is to incur the risk of failure, something
that does not even go through our minds.


    In industries such as the movie industry, interactions with other

businesses and launches of related and complementary products can
become inevitable for our success, even if only in the form of
    In this sense, leveraging business in other chains, such as art, culture,
education and alike, may be part of our growth strategies in the future.

   Finally, it is necessary to understand the different ways how players relate to

the game and how new technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality,
hybrid simulations, digital twins and online environments can generate more
entertainment; now that’s part of our work schedule.

How do I know my NFT is unique?
   Each native token type on the Cardano platform is associated with a policy
ID that can be used to distinguish a genuine token from a counterfeit one, as it
is not to use someone else’s minting policy without having access to their
wallet's seed phrase.  


    Additionally, some minting policies are time-locked and cannot be used by

anyone after a specified slot. Entering a policy ID in a blockchain explorer like will give you more information about the tokens minted under
that specific policy. Moreover, each NFT minted under the same policy has an
unique asset ID. The Cardano Warriors policy IDs is:



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