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76. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

Who has opened the boxes? 84. Choose the correct variant.
A) By whom has the boxes been opened? 1. to do a phone call
B) By whom have been the boxes opened? 2. to make a cup of coffee
C) Who has been the boxes opened by? 3. to do the ironing
D) Who has the boxes been opened by? 4. to make good
E) Who have the boxes been opened by? 5. to do progress
A) 2, 3 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 4 D) 3, 5 E) 1,4
77. Choose the correct word.
Let the child ...a rest first. 85. Choose the correct translation.
A) to have B) have C) had D) has E) will Hamısı hafizəsindən şikayətlənir, lakin heç kim
have ağlından şikayətlənmir.
A) Everybody complains of his memory and is
78. Choose the correct variant. pleased with his wisdom.
I asked two people the way to the station but... could help B) Everybody complains of his memory, but
me. nobody complains of his wisdom.
A) neither of them B) each of them C) some C) Everybody's complaint about his memory is
D) either of them E) both more frequent than his complaint about his
79. Make up a sentence. D) All are pleased with their memories and
1. Huseyn Javid 2. a 3. is 4. famous wisdom.
5. playwright 6. and 7. poet 8. E) Nobody complains of his wisdom though
Azerbaijani everybody complains of his memory.
A) 1, 2, 8, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4 B) 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 5, 6, 7
C) 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 D) 3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 86. Choose the antonym of the underlined word
E) 1, 2, 4, 8, 5, 6, 7, 3 Her antique house was purchased by an old
80. Choose the synonym of the underlined word. A) obtained B) designed C)
It was late evening when we got our things ready for a sold
journey. D) bought E) taken
A) chose B) packed C) picked up D) left E)
took 87. Choose the correct negative sentence.
A) Neither the students nor the teacher were also
81. Complete the sentence. pleased with the results of the examination.
The workers wanted to know .... B) Neither the students nor the teacher were not
A) what the matter was pleased with the results of the examination.
B) how has all happened C) Neither the students nor the teacher was
C) why was the ambulance late pleased with the results of the examination.
D) when will the manager receive them D) Neither the students nor the teacher were
E) what time the accident has happened pleased with the results of the examination,
82. Choose the logically correct ending. E) Neither the students nor the teacher were
If your friend is going for a job interview, you should .. pleased with the results of the examination
A) be indifferent to it. B) prevent him from going no longer.
C) discourage him. D) wish him good luck. 88. Choose the correct prepositions.
E) burst with envy. The fire was put out... the firemen ... water.
A) by, out of B) by, by C)
83. Choose the correct variant. by, with
Ann, I haven’t got any information to add. D) without, by E) with, with
Oh, ... . I’ll get some on the internet then.
A) didn’t we? B) have we? C) have you?
D) did you? E) haven’t you? 89. Choose the correct question given to the
word underlined.
I have been promised a few books on this
problem this week.
A) When I have been promised a few books on 91. Complete the sentence according to the
this problem? passage. The story of the Native Americans is
B) When was I promised a few books on this inspiring because . . . .
problem? A) they managed to preserve their unique
C) When I was promised a few books on this existence though they lost much of their land
problem? in the past
D) When have I been promised a few books on B) the Indians taught the Europeans how to
this problem? cultivate several kinds of crops
E) When have I promised a few' books on this C) the Indians were the original inhabitants of the
problem? American continent and experienced every
phase of its European settlement
D) they have not been able to preserve their own
cultural heritage
90. Complete the sentence. E) about half of the Indians in the United States
I have completely forgotten the place of the live in large cities and rural areas
cottage . . . .
1. we stayed in 92. The underlined phrase in the passage
2. which we stayed expanding, industrialized societies is closest in
3. where we stayed meaning to ... .
4. where we stayed in A) communities growing and having a lot of
A) 2, 4 B) 1, 2 C) 3, 4 D) 1, 4 industries
E) 1, 3 B) countries with modern developed civilization
Read the passage and answer questions 91 - C) people having free political and economic
95. rights
The story of the Native Americans - or D) communities becoming weak and having no
American Indians - is one that is unique, tragic strong industries
and inspiring. It is unique because the Indians E) ethnic groups with rich cultural heritage
were the original inhabitants of the American
continent and experienced every stage of its 93. The passage is mainly about . . . .
European settlement. It is tragic because the A) marks of cultural heritage, which American
conflict between the Indians and whites Indians are trying to preserve
paralleled the experience of peoples throughout B) the tragic conflict which broke out between
the world who have come in contact with the Indians and whites
expanding, industrialized societies. It is an C) the states on United States map where
inspiring story because the Native Americans, American Indians began their lives
although lost much of their land in the 19th D) the original inhabitants of the American
century, have survived, have asserted their continent
political and economic rights, and have E) the people from European colonics who came to live on
succeeded in retaining their identity and culture the American continent
despite the influence of modern civilization.
Today Native Americans are full citizens of 94. All of the following are true according to the passage
the United States. They are proud of their own EXCEPT:
cultural heritage, which they are trying to A) It's possible to find marks of the Indians' heritage
protect and maintain. everywhere in the USA nowadays.
Marks of that heritage can be found all over the B) The native Americans have managed to maintain their
United States. Many of the names on United identity and culture.
States maps such as Ohio, Michigan, Kansas - C) The Indians have always been the original inhabitants
are Indian words. Indians taught the Europeans of the American continent.
how to cultivate crops such as com, tomatoes, D) Today all Indians live in federal reservations.
potatoes, tobacco. E) The story of the native Americans is an awful one in
About half of the Indians in the United the history of mankind.
States live in large cities and rural areas
throughout the country. The remainder live in 95. Choose the correct statements according to the
about 300 federal reservations. passage.
1. American Indians lost much of their land because of the
confrontation between them and the whites.
2. Indians were taught to produce crops and vegetables by
the whites.
3. All the Indians live in federal reservations.
4. Native Americans have managed to preserve their
identity and culture.
A) 1, 3 B) 1, 2 C) 1, 4 D) 2, 3 E)2,4

96. Choose the words which denote a person’s character.

1. stout 2. rude 3. bearded
4. pale 5. mean 6. sincere

97. Choose the logically correct variants:

Tom has been a vegetarian since he was 20, . . . .
1. he often eats veal and mutton
2. he doesn’t eat any kind of meat
3. he mostly eats vegetables and greens
4. he hardly ever eats vegetarian food

98. Choose the correct sentences with the modal verb.

1. Need he continue his education abroad?
2. As she is very intelligent, she needn’t any help in her
3. Did they have enough time to wait for their boss?
4. You should gather all your courage to open your heart
to her.

99. Choose the correct variants.

He described to me the town ...he always spent his summer.
1. where 2. in which 3. which 4. in that

100. Make up a story.

1. When she came to Johnny’s room some time later, she
saw him sleeping peacefully with his pillow over his
2. “Well, may I sleep with a bit under my pillow?” asked
the boy.
3. The boy thanked his mother and ran to bed.
4. “Here you are, but remember to keep it under your
5. “May I have a piece of cake, Mother?” asked Johnny
after his birthday party.
6. “No, you have had quite enough,” answered his mother.

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