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Q.1) What has Marshall done right in introducing EQUIP at Phoenix?

The things that Marshal had done right are listed below:

• Role of the leader:

a) Organised demo sessions for all the evaluating professionals
b) Personally, invited Gladstone for demo session
c) Explained how the new software could help the company
d) Encouraged Gladstone to attend the EQUIP demo so that he could see for himself.
e) Sent an e-invitation for the second demo with a personalised message

• Create Awareness
f) Set the context for the requirement of the new software- EQUIP was a product designed specifically for
their industry
g) Requirement for a standardized process flow, to successfully address the engineering, construction and
project management requirements of Phoenix’s clients around the world required agility, adaptability and
rapid response
h) He had carefully presented all the pros and cons to his boss.

• Establish vision/mission
a) Diagnosis and Interpretation of issues faced by the organisation and the increasing demand of the
customers around the globe
b) Interpretation of change proposals, expectations
c) Ongoing communication

• Create action plans

Managing the mood
a) Riding thru tough times- Accepted that there was problem of resistance rom Gladstone and the
implications that would follow if he is not brought on board
b) Balancing of bad news and expectations
c) Balancing optimism & realism

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