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Romeo & Juliet

Romeo .................................Joseph Fiennes
Juliet....................................Maria Miles
Nurse ...................................Elizabeth Spriggs
Friar Laurence ...................Clive Swift
Capulet ................................Trevor Peacock
Mercutio..............................David Tennant
Tybalt ..................................Jonathan Tafler
Benvolio ..............................Raymond Coulthard
Prince ..................................Scott Cherry
Paris ....................................Andrew Wincott
Montague ............................Geoffrey Beevers
Lady Capulet.......................Liz Kettle
Other parts played by: Matthew Morgan, Nicholas Murchie,
Richard Pearce and Margaret Robertson

Play description
Act I
Scene 1. In Verona, the “ancient grudge” between the Montague and Capulet families erupts in a
brawl. Prince Escalus decrees that any further violence will be punishable by death. Romeo, the son of
Lord Montague, was not involved in the disturbance; he is unrequitedly in love with Rosaline.
Scene 2. Capulet gives young Paris permission to woo his daughter, Juliet, and sends a servant out
with a guest list for the ball he is holding that night. The servant is intercepted by Romeo, who learns
that Rosaline is to be among the guests. Romeo is persuaded by his friends Benvolio and Mercutio to
attend the ball.
Scene 3. When Lady Capulet finally manages to interrupt the reminiscences of Juliet’s garrulous
Nurse, she tells her daughter of the proposed match with Paris.
Scene 4. Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio set out for the Capulet ball; all are masked. The mischievous
Mercutio teases lovelorn Romeo. Romeo has a feeling of misgiving about the evening ahead.
Scene 5. At the ball, Romeo and Juliet fall in love; each is appalled to learn the identity of the other.
Juliet’s cousin Tybalt realizes who the masked interloper is; he is only restrained from challenging
Romeo by Capulet, who will not let him harm a guest.
Act II
Scene 1. Romeo hides in Capulet’s orchard. Mercutio and Benvolio give up searching for him and
Scene 2. Romeo overhears Juliet at a window, speaking of her love for him. He affirms his love for
her and they agree to marry that day.
Scene 3. Romeo goes to the cell of Friar Laurence and tells him of his new love. The Friar is struck by
the young man’s fickleness, but agrees to marry him to Juliet, hoping that the union will turn their
“households’ rancor to pure love.”
Scene 4. Mercutio and Benvolio find Romeo. They joke together and then turn their attentions to
teasing Juliet’s Nurse who has come in search of Romeo. He sends a message to Juliet, telling her to
meet him at Friar Laurence’s cell that afternoon.
Scene 5. Juliet waits impatiently for her Nurse. When the old woman finally returns, it takes some
time to pry the message from her.
Scene 6. Romeo and Juliet meet at Friar Laurence’s cell to be married.
Scene 1. The irate Tybalt stops Benvolio and Mercutio on the street. Romeo, aware of his new, special
bond with the Capulets, has no desire to fight. Mercutio is frustrated by Romeo’s passivity and fights
with Tybalt. He is mortally wounded. Romeo kills Tybalt and escapes immediately. On hearing
Benvolio’s account of events, Prince Escalus decides not to condemn Romeo to death, but rather to
send him into exile.
Scene 2. Juliet is devastated by the news of the fight. She sends the Nurse to bring her husband to her
before he flees the city.
Scene 3. The Nurse finds Romeo, distraught, in Friar Laurence’s cell.
Scene 4. Capulet agrees that Paris should be married to Juliet next Thursday.
Scene 5. Romeo goes to Juliet and stays with her till dawn, when he must flee from the city. Capulet
tells her of her forthcoming marriage to Paris. Juliet objects, and her furious father says he will throw
her out of his house if she refuses to obey. Juliet’s Nurse counsels pragmatism, suggesting that under
the circumstances the girl may as well marry Paris.
Act IV
Scene 1. Juliet goes to Friar Laurence who devises a plan to solve her terrible predicament. She should
agree to marry Paris; the Friar will then give her a special liquid which she must drink the night before
the wedding; this will send her into a sleep so deep that she will appear dead. Later, she will be taken
to the family vault where she will regain consciousness. In the meantime, Romeo will have been told
all and will be ready, on her awakening, to take her to Mantua.
Scene 2. Juliet tells her father that she will marry Paris.
Scene 3. Full of trepidation, Juliet takes the Friar’s potion.
Scene 4. The house is busy with wedding preparations.
Scene 5. The Nurse discovers Juliet’s seemingly lifeless body and excitement turns to grief. Friar
Laurence instructs them to take the girl to the Capulets’ tomb.
Act V
Scene 1. Believing Juliet to be dead, Romeo’s servant hurries to Mantua to tell his master. The grief-
stricken Romeo goes to a poor apothecary, who sells him illegal poison.
Scene 2. Meanwhile, Friar John, who was to deliver Friar Laurence’s letter to Romeo, returns to Friar
Laurence explaining that he was detained in Verona and could not get to Romeo.
Scene 3. Paris goes to the Capulet vault to put flowers on Juliet’s bier. He finds Romeo there who,
bound up in his grief, begs Paris to leave. They fight and Paris is killed. Romeo finds Juliet’s inert
body. He embraces her and swallows the poison. Friar Laurence arrives and urges the waking Juliet to
flee with him. He is frightened away by the approaching watch. Juliet sees Romeo dead. She takes his
dagger and stabs herself. Watchmen enter and send for Prince Escalus, the Montagues and Capulets.
When Friar Laurence has explained everything, Montague and Capulet realize too late the effect of
their feud and make amends, promising to erect gold statues of the lovers.

Track list
Disc 1
Track 1 Prologue (Chorus) Disk 2 Disk 3
Track 2 Act I Scene i Track 1 Act II Scene iv Track 1 Act IV Scene i
Track 3 Act I Scene ii Track 2 Act II Scene v Track 2 Act IV Scene ii
Track 4 Act I Scene iii Track 3 Act II Scene vi Track 3 Act IV Scene iii
Track 5 Act I Scene iv Track 4 Act III Scene i Track 4 Act IV Scene iv
Track 6 Act I Scene v Track 5 Act III Scene ii Track 5 Act IV Scene v
Track 7 Act II Chorus Track 6 Act III Scene iii Track 6 Act V Scene i
Track 8 Act II Scene i Track 7 Act III Scene iv Track 7 Act V Scene ii
Track 9 Act II Scene ii Track 8 Act III Scene v Track 8 Act V Scene iii
Track 10 Act II Scene iii

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