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Letania de Sangre Philippe Boulle, Joshua Mosqueira-Asheim y Lucien Soulban “Tr 1?tittoefetrde?thrtr t rte Oa Bite in toalos los Santos y Tae a aera Tan doctamente de- los Mundes de Tivo Son repvaliados Come locos Frofetas, Burlades Y Dispersos, sus Ideas convertidas en Falvo? —Omar Khayysn, traducido por Edward aber ae A) Te aso ae oe gna a) es eee 3g el manto artificial de [as nee a Ue eo Se ke Su melena vefulze con el fmpetv de la fe, Rhea ca Pay nT ULE) faxd ie 2 NA) civdad silenciosa Asa SC a ee) Re ea SS -| al oa aaa BM) ear) j (a smatee rare Ur meer are Wee mie) danza dedicada al lamento de batalla de la aa Le a Ch MEE age Ce eM ae Aon eg ieee meal eM Soden) 4 a ae) caer, 4 lo micmo debe hacer e| Sabbat de Montreal para i oe a A cae demasiado lejos, ya Sea por deen, Araby, Lan Amen rl ahr sale porns of ey, ‘The postwar period was the heyday of Véronique La Crucle. A former member of the Widows, she quickly ‘ined the upport ofthe various coven through alliances, ‘Monomancy duels tortue, section and sheer charisma, She was also Suathcons's lover, so her appointment tothe rank of archbishop suprised no one. ‘Asarchbishop, La Cuele hacked the citys immigrant settlement, pleasing the Shepherds with an injection of Liferen theologeal and philosophical outlook. She also reserved the city’ shertage,Hermoralsaverpeticaded & movement to restore Ok! Montreal to its forme gory, ‘ensuringtheexisenceofitscobblestonestretsandlabytin thine sere passages. The Opening ofthe Litany, Cainite summer festival gained manyofitscurrentariste raping sunder Véroniqie's influence. The atmosphere of growth and literals tat she eented attracted new coves tothe city, including che Navigators and Zamovich's Circus Not all was well for che Saba, though, Jonah, the CamarlaPrinee of Otawa saw Quchesncreaein Pench Canaan nationalism as grounds for retaking” Montreal ‘Trouble aso arse when Québécois missionaries returned om Hai in 1948 with asmall goupof Haitian poesion als, Among the foreigners was Jerr, Follower of Set and servant of the ancient Seite Ghede. He spun a web of

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