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Yáñez, D., y Yáñez, J. (2012).

Las fuentes del derecho en la Constitución Política de 1991:

Una teoría que plantea la existencia de dos jueces distintos. Las fuentes del Derecho en la
Constitucíon Política de 1991, pp. 7-34.
Writer: Zamir Ejaz Khan Torres

This article is relevant in Colombian administrative law, due to the different connections of
international law by Diego Yánez, a specialist in public law, a master's candidate in
administrative law and Juan Yáñez specialized in State Law and Contracting (Yañez, D, y
Yañez, J., 2012, p. 7). At the same time, the development of the Constitutional Bloc
imported from France is carried out, which was assumed by Colombia thus analyzing
human rights. Therefore, international law shows the structural flaws in the legal system
applied in Colombia.
To begin whit, The Block of Constitutionality according to several investigations shown in
the article by Colombian professors and judges show us some problems and criticisms that
have been raised in which they are presented: increased judicial discretion, lack of certainty
and security legal, construction of a Constitution morelegal than political, disappearance of
the legislated law, the legal system is reduced to constitutional law, among others (Yañez,
D, y Yañez, J., 2012, p. 19). Therefore, there is a need for institutional change in the
Constitutionality block, through international guidelines based on human rights.
Finally, Colombia has been united with the changes that have occurred in international law
and constant globalization. However, Colombia has not given so much importance to
human rights, where international law has served as a tool for change through reflections
and greater authority when interpreting human rights. This leads to interpret a greater
management from the legal in the forced displacement one of the conjunctures that have
been in our country for the longest time.

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