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Teas Pham -_— ULD ify New Yoo Msc THANH LUONG eae TTA il Foreword Spring To sub! \grance spreads the sky ate one's life dreams. is difficult for anyone to deny and beauty of spring. Just like spring, people have got radiant beauty not only by the appearance but also the true beauty from the inner “flower-like mind”. Therefore, despite being busy with ‘enormous duty, Venerable Thanh Luong Il gives himself a private space to live ih poems, like the way he often reflects and tends to his mind garden. All will be encapsulated in the book entitled Gifts For Tet 2021 delivered to readers in the Spring Festival. If one holds this book of poems, please take a moment to read and fee! the taste of Spring, as well as generate a peaceful state in one's mind and others, Yours sincerely Loitya Hidong xudn lan téa dat trai DE bao md wéc ddi nguidi thiing hoa. ‘That vay! Khé ai cé thé phi nhan duige vé dep trong linh va thudn khiét cia mia Xuan, Caing giéng nhu mia Xuin, con ngudi te nén rang ngdi khong chi nha vé bé ngoai ma én nbd vio vé dep thyec thy tost ra tit bén trong ~ “d6a hoa tam’ Boi vay, di ban trim cong nghin viee nhung thy Thanh Lutong vin danh cho minh mot kh6ng gian riéng 48 sng véi nhiing vin tho, ging nhw céch thay vin thutdng nhin Iai va chim s6c khu vudn tim cita minh, Tat ci s€ duge g6i gon trong cudn Tang pharm xudn 2021, xin giti tang mén qua nho xinh dén moi ngudi méi dip Xuan vé. Néu ai dang cm trén tay tap tho nay thi hay din ra mot chit thoi gian doc dé cing cam nhan huiong vj cia sic Xuan, sé thay niém an lac trong tim tu ta va ngudi. ‘Than ting! Ban Van héa chita Hoang Phép Heong Aan ker Kha Ae. rb VE bao ms ede AG Magadv thing, hoe fe Deu *Chem a hank phic ep tua Te Mae ‘Tang Pham Mian uric Ae bear then yew Gude ra thé Aw cho hur hat long QP Thanh Noi. hem chit Rh Ma ra mharn dL Adding some salt to have delicious soup 7 Challenges in life distinguish the talente« from the rest ‘Tang Pham Xuay) ‘Tang Prim Fai Thanh Fang Prim Xuan) Aig Mew Yoo ‘eit THANH LUSNG.

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