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Annette Moradel

BLIT 122
Dr. Voth
January 27, 2022

Reflection 1 ATAM

Day 1, Lesson 1, How God sees You:

Our perception of God is oftentimes ruined by the perception we have of ourselves and other

humans. When we come to Jesus, our spiritual eyes are open, and we start seeing ourselves the

way God sees us.

Day 2, Lesson 2, God’s Will First:

Today’s reading made me wonder how many things in people’s lives, including my own, would

change if we only gave God the first place in our lives and trust that His will is better than ours.

His will is good and perfect, so why is it so har to surrender to it sometimes?

Day 3: Having the revelation that God is a God of order, opens my eyes to see that He is willing

to enter my “mess” and fix it. This even includes TIME, when I feel like I can’t manage my time

well. I felt that God was screaming at me: I WANT TO HELP YOU IN YOUR DAY, IN THE


I’ve never prayed over my schedule before, and through this exercise, I want this to become a

habit from now on.

Day 4, Lesson 4, Reach Out to Others:

This lesson made me analyze my motives of reaching others. Many times, I’ve reach out to

others using Jesus as a resource, but deep inside me, I’ve been looking for promotion and self-

admiration in ministry. The verse cited in this lesson, Philippians 2:3-4, really convicted me of

my selfishness in ministry. How hard is to put others above ourselves and get rid of our selfish

ambitions, but how beautiful it is to walk the way Jesus did and feel how light ourselves feel

when all the weight of Glory is put upon Jesus. There’s nothing more liberating than knowing

that we want to know Jesus, and we don’t want to keep it to ourselves, but we want to make Him


Day 5, Lesson 5, Freedom and New Creation:

Galatians 5:13 says that we are called to live in FREEDOM. To me, coming to Jesus has the only

thing that truly looks like freedom. Freedom is not a feeling but a state of mind, body, and Spirit.

I want Jesus to constantly remind me that His cross gave me freedom therefore I am no longer

slave to my habits of the past, and I’m not even called to live the same way I was yesterday. I

have freedom in Him and that means I have access to experience heaven on earth through the

glory of His presence.

Day 6, Lesson 6, Direction from Heaven:

When heaven and earth align, we see Jesus coming through in the most unexpected ways. We

also so how this alignment of the invisible and visible, bring a clear direction to our lives on

earth. I want to grow in asking God for direction instead of directing myself all the time.
Day 7, Lesson 7, Condemn the lies from the Enemy:

For me, lies of the enemy usually come through thoughts in my head that can later become

voices if I let them linger for too long. These lies make me feel defeated and worthless, but here

is when the Word of God comes alive in my Spirit, and I remember that the enemy’s lies are not

my portion. I realized that every time I’m consumed by the enemy’s lies, my joy is exchanged by

pain and sadness, and it is so clear how the enemy is after my everlasting joy.

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