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Portal hypertension is characterized by an increase in pressure within the portal vein (the vein that

carries blood from the digestive organs to the liver). A blockage in the blood flow through the liver
causes the pressure to rise. The consequences of portal hypertension cause symptoms and indications
that are silent. Acute variceal hemorrhage is the most deadly. The majority of patients report with
severe, painless upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Acute or persistent bleeding from portal hypertensive
gastropathy is common. It's possible that you've got ascites, splenomegaly, or portosystemic

Ascites is a collection of fluid that collects around the abdominal organs caused a swollen stomach.
Portal hypertension is one of the possible causes it is sometimes associated with edema, which is
swelling in tissues in other parts of the body. Edema is more common around the eyes and face, as well
as in the foot, ankles, and leg. Ascites can be caused by albumin being made by the liver, increased
pressure within blood vessels, salt being retained in the body. The nursing interventions the abdominal
pain we place the patient in a supine or comfortable position to lessen the pain, teach deep breathing
exercise and relaxation techniques. Provide adequate ventilation in the room. To allow the patient to
relax while at rest and to facilitate effective stress management. To allow enough oxygenation in the
room, give nutritious food to provide the nutrients that the patient needed. It’s important to ensure the
diet has enough nutrients and energy to grow and to reduce salt. Too much salt can make ascites worse
so it’s important not to add salt to food and to avoid salty foods such as crisps. giving medications it's
possible that a diuretic will be recommended. This is a drug that aids in the removal of excess fluid from
the body, resulting in the desire to urinate more frequently. Spironolactone, a diuretic, is routinely used,
Educate the patient of pain management approach that has been ordered, including therapies,
medication, administration, side effects, and complications. One of the most important steps toward
improved control of pain is a better patient understanding of the nature of pain, its treatment, and the
role patient needs to play in pain control.

Paracentesis a removal of ascites is a procedure that is commonly used in patients who have advanced
liver disease or cirrhosis. The fluid that accumulates in the abdomen, known as ascites, is caused by a
cirrhosis complication known as portal hypertension. They recommend a paracentesis if the ascites
became a problem for the patient. Typically, paracentesis is performed in radiology under ultrasound
guidance. The skin on the abdomen is clean, and a small amount of lidocaine is used to deaden the skin.
A needle is then inserted into the abdominal cavity, where the fluid is present, and the fluid is drained.
In most cases, between one and (4 L) may be removed. The fluid is sent to a laboratory for analysis to
ensure that there is no infection present.

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