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* Identify two other STD/STI and state what it is, causes, symptoms and preventions. Ensure to add at
least two pictures to your presentation.

1.Lymphogranuloma Venereum

It is a chronic (long-term) infection spread by sexual contact. LGV is a subtype of genital ulcer diseases
that include other STDs, like HSV-2, syphilis, and chancroid. Luckily, it can be treated with antibiotics. It’s
more common in Central and South America than in North America, and it’s more common in men than
in women.


While it’s not syphilis, it has three stages just like syphilis .Stage one includes symptoms like bumps and
ulcers, and it appears three days to a month after infection. Then two to six weeks in, cue stage two:
fever, chills, muscle and joint pain and swollen glands — basically you get the flu. Then, if you still don’t
get it treated, stage three: haemorrhoid growths, swelling of your reproductive organs, and rectal ulcers
that may require surgery.


*Use a male or female condom.

*Carefully wash genitals after sexual relations.

*Limit the amount of sex partners


Syphilis is a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact.


This disease spreads through direct contact with this sore. Later there may be a rash on the soles, palms,
or other parts of the body (seen here), as well as swollen glands, fever, hair loss, or fatigue. In the late
stage, symptoms come from damage to organs such as the heart, brain, liver, nerves, and eyes.


*Use a dental dam or condoms during oral sex.

*Avoid sharing sex toys.

*Get screened for STIs and talk to your partners about their results.

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