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Endangered Species in Guyana

Name: Marissa Beete

Grade: 10 Science
Subject: Biology
Teacher: Ms.Humel
Date: 01/24/2022

In this research, we will be focusing on three main

points such as:

• Location of species in Guyana

• Importance of the species to their ecosystem
• Distinguishing between endangered and extinct
Research on the local Jaguar in Guyana

Location of species in Guyana

In Guyana, Jaguars live in the Savahanna, on Grasslands

and in the rainforest in the hinterland regions. This
organism can mostly be spotted in Iwokrama forest, off the
low-coastal plain in region 8.

Iwokrama Forest


Importance of species to their ecosystem

Jaguars are known as the top predators in their ecosystem,

so they play an important role in controlling the populations
of other species. This helps keep a balance in the food chain
and a healthy environment.

A picture of a Jaguar
Extint vs endangered

Endangered and extinct are two words between which a

main difference can be identified. So, when hearing these
two words in simple term “extinction is forever, endangered
means there’s still time”
When perceiving the world today, many species are facing
the threat of being endangered or extinct due to various
factors. Of these, the conduct of human beings is the major
factor. Due to deforestation, killing of animals for
production purposes, leisure, development projects and
indifference to the significance of flora and fauna. The main
difference between these two terms is that to be endangered
is when a species is in danger of being extinct. While on the
other hand, to be extinct is when there are no living
members of a particular species. One classic example can be
the dinosaurs.

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