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Make a dialog containing contrast conjuction

Members of the group and class

1. Farah Ayuning Nur Aisyah (14)

2. Maida Lawani Syah (18)

3. Meuthia Nailacetta Paramesti (22)

A: Assalamualaikum hi guys.. what are you doing here?

B: We’re has little discuss about holiday destination

C: We’re so confused there are many places to go

A: When do you wanna go there guys?

B: On April when summer holiday comes

C: Even if we already Prepared, we stil confused where destination we want to go.. have any idea?

A: How about Labuan Bajo? I heard that Labuan Bajo is good for summer as a tropical destinasion

B: Wow.. that’s cool, but Labuan Bajo is too far

C: Unless my parents gives me permission, I cannot go to Labuan Bajo with you because it’s too far

B: On the one hand I want to go to Labuan Bajo. On the other hand, Labuan Bajo is too far

A: Hmm.. Where is the right place for summer vacation?

C: How about Bali?

A: Great idea!

B: Oh yeah, i heard Bali is also good for summer as a tropical destinasion

C: Okay, we’re going to Bali in april, okay?

A: Okay, see you in Bali!

B: See you guys!

C: Bye guys, see you!

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