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Hi. I’m Lidia. Normally, at this time of

work. I have a job at the local farm shop.
the counter, serving people. Today, it is m
am very happy! Outside, it is very cold. T
predicting snow. I live in a small cottage,
up, two down’ – two bedrooms upstairs and
living room downstairs. I am in my lovely l
fire is on, so I am nice and warm. It is
three o’clock, and I am having a cuppa and
I am reading a good book. It is a murd
Agatha Christie. I have got a cat and a
ginger cat is asleep on the sofa, by my f
dog is also asleep. He is under the coffee
blanket over me to keep me warm. Outsi
beautiful, wonderful shades of pink and
going out today. I am having a nice bit of p
just by myself, with my pets. In the frid
tasty meal ready for me for later on. I am
day off.
How does Lidia’s day sound to you? G

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