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NAME: ________________________________ GRADE LEVEL: Grade 9 Integrity

DATE SUBMITTED: _____________________ SCORE: __/45

The Canterbury Tales: The Prologue

1. Why are people gathered at the Tabard Inn?
2. Name two people that the narrator describes in the prologue?
3. What “holy relics” does the Pardoner claim to have?
4. What does the innkeeper suggest as entertainment for the pilgrims as they travel?
5. Chauser tells the Pardoner and the Summoner in A Knight’s Tale that he will eviscerate
them in fiction and that they will be naked for eternity. How does Chaucer accomplish
6. Choose 2 pilgrims that Chauser seems to lie and two that he seems to dislike. What
words or phrase led to your choice?
7. If you were a pilgrim who joined the group late, which of the travelers would you choose
to travel next to? Why?
8. Which would you definitely avoid? Why?
9. Whose story would you be most interested in hearing? Why?

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