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Journal of Stored Products Research 69 (2016) 235e244

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Storage of hybrid rough rice e Consideration of microbial growth

kinetics and prediction models
Griffiths G. Atungulu*, Supriya Thote, Shantae Wilson
Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, 2650 N Young Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72704, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this study was to determine kinetics of mold growth on popularly grown hybrid long-
Received 30 August 2016 grain rough rice during storage at conditions that simulate delayed drying and prolonged storage. Three
Accepted 19 September 2016 long-grain hybrid rice cultivars, XL753 (2014) and CL XL745 (2014, 2015) and XL760 (2015) conditioned
Available online 28 September 2016
to four different moisture contents (MCs) (12.5%, 16.0%, 19.0%, and 21.0% wet basis) were stored in rough
rice form at temperatures ranging from 10  C to 40  C for a period of 16 weeks. The study was repeated
using rice from two consecutive crop seasons, 2014 and 2015. For all cultivars, a direct relationship
Hybrid rough rice
between mold counts and rice MC was observed e whereas more complex trends were observed for the
Microbial growth
effect of temperature and the duration of storage on mold growth. Kinetic models including Baranyi,
Prediction models Weibull, Gompertz, Richard and Buchanan were successfully modified and fitted using non-linear
regression and used to predict the mold counts (log10 CFU/g) for varying conditions
(correlations ¼ 0.65e0.76). The study concluded that long-grain hybrid rough rice could be stored at low
MC levels (17%) and moderate temperatures (27  C) for up to 6 weeks without any change in the mold
growth profile. However, storing rice at high MC (>17%) for more than 8 weeks, especially at higher
(>27  C) temperatures should be avoided due to the potential for high mold activity leading to loss of the
grain quality.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction storage ecosystem. Timely scheduling of postharvest operations by

rice producers is vital to minimize the grain quality. In the recent
Optimal milling yield and quality of rice is maintained at rice past, annual rice yields per acre have been on the increase; this is
harvest moisture contents (MCs) ranging between 19 and 21%, wet largely due to efforts by breeding programs to increase productivity
basis. At such high harvest MCs, the grain is prone to heating which and meet food demand. Development in rice harvesting technology
arises from excessive respiration of the grain itself and associated has also increased the speed at which rice can be harvested; and
microorganisms and pests; this leads to rapid deterioration of the along with larger and faster grain carts, trucks, and trailers for
grain quality (Harein and Meronuck, 1995; Atungulu et al., 2015). transporting rice from combines to driers, a much greater rice de-
Typically, the rate of proliferation of microorganisms and pests in livery rate to driers is typical within the short rice harvesting
the grain storage ecosystem is dependent on the grain water ac- “window”. Unfortunately, the rice drying infrastructure has not
tivity, grain temperature, and storage duration (Lacey and Magan, grown at the same rate as that of delivery at commercial drying
1991; Mutters and Thompson, 2009). Therefore, timely and facilities. In such instances, temporary “wet holding” (delayed
proper drying of the grain to safe storage MC and temperature is drying) of rice has become inevitable; this possess a lot of chal-
very important to minimize quality reduction (Skyrme et al., 1998; lenge, particularly for rice coming in at high initial loads of
Lee, 1999; Ranalli and Howell, 2002; Atungulu et al., 2015). microorganism and pest.
Normally, the rice harvesting “window” is relatively short. The The goal of this research was to provide useful information that
harvest period is also characterized by warm and humid conditions could aid development of proper postharvest management prac-
that favor proliferation of microbes and pest within the grain tices for hybrid long grain (HLG) rice. Morphologically, HLG rice has
a pubescent characteristic and is very morphologically distinct
from conventional long-grain pureline and medium-grain rice. This
* Corresponding author. study hypothesized that the pubescence on the rice may predispose
E-mail address: (G.G. Atungulu).
0022-474X/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
236 G.G. Atungulu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 69 (2016) 235e244

it to harbor and support microbial and pest growth in a manner rice by considering the activity of mold growth during storage.
different from non-pubescent rice (Atungulu et al., 2015); this
morphological distinctiveness necessitated, as a first step, an 2. Materials and methods
investigation of the interactions among storage microorganisms,
storage pests and the grain within the storage ecosystem. 2.1. Samples
In the last decade, HLG rice has become very popular among
United States rice growers. The primary reasons behind this surge Freshly-harvested rice was procured from rice fields located in
in popularity include the potential for high rice yields, high resis- Arkansas. Two HLG rice cultivars, CL XL745 from Running Lake
tance to disease, and short growing seasons (Nalley et al., 2014). A Farms near Pocahontas, AR and XL753 from Keiser, AR (University
Significant amount of research effort has been dedicated to of Arkansas, Research Station) were harvested in 2014 (Year 1,
studying insect infestations and control for rough rice (RR) storage. Table 2) at approximately 22% MC wet basis (w.b.). All MCs for this
Skyrme et al. (1998) and Ranalli and Howell (2002) characterized study are expressed on a w.b. unless otherwise stated. For the year
molds and APCs on rice during storage, but largely for long- and 2015 (Year 2, Table 2.), HLG cultivars, CL XL745 and XL760 were
medium-grain varieties. By and large, the greatest challenge to rice harvested from Running Lake Farms near Pocahontas, AR at
safety during storage a rises from the potential of toxigenic mold approximately 22% MC w.b. The rice samples were then cleaned to
contamination which under certain conditions may produce sub- remove chaff and foreign matter using a dockage tester (Model XT4,
stances called mycotoxins. Some mycotoxins pose a significant Carter-Day, Minneapolis, MN) and then conditioned to four initial
public health risk and lead to huge economic losses. MC levels (12.5%, 16%, 19% and 21%) by placing the rice on a tarp at
Few studies, if any have focused on identifying and enumerating room temperature. The MC was monitored periodically during this
mold counts or determining aflatoxin growth kinetics for stored drying step by a moisture tester (AM 5200, Perten Instruments,
HLG rice (Jayas et al., 1994; Wawrzyniak et al., 2013; Atungulu et al., H€agersten, Sweden). After conditioning the rice to the set MC
2015). With the recent rise in the use of in-bin drying systems for levels, the rice samples were immediately stored in individual
HLG rice, there is increased need to generate relevant data to quart-sized, glass containers (mason jars) to prevent significant
support development of models for predicting microbial kinetics alterations of their initial MCs and then transported to five separate
during the rice drying and storage; this is particularly important to temperature environments 10  C, 15  C, 20  C, 27  C and 40  C. The
ensure that critical drying and storage regimes that ensure safety of chosen environments consisted of a combination of three Param-
rice are maintained. An immediate application of such information eter Generation and Control (PG&C, Black Mountain, NC)) units,
is in optimization of on-farm in bin drying of rice using recently- including one PG&C unit maintaining the environment of a walk-in
introduced “cabling and sensing technology”. The new technol- equilibrium moisture content (EMC) chamber, one walk-in refrig-
ogy uses the concept of equilibrium moisture content to monitor erator and, one incubator (BINDER Inc., Bohemia, NY). The jars were
grain MC and temperature and achieve automated fan control stored for a period of 16 weeks and sampled every two weeks
during natural air in-bin drying and storage of the rice. The dura- except after week 12, when the rice samples were stored for a
tion required for natural air in-bin drying, generally 2e4 weeks or continuous period of four weeks. The same sampling protocol was
even longer, is directly affected by local weather conditions, which followed during 2015. A total of 56 jars (4 MC  2 cultivars  7
sometime may not be conducive for complete drying, especially for storage durations) were placed in each of the environmental units,
upper layers of rice (Atungulu et al., 2014). When drying is resulting in a total of 280 experimental units for each of the two
incomplete (delayed), rice, especially that in the upper layers, re- years. The experimental design is illustrated by Table 1.
mains at high MCs for prolonged durations leading to excessive rice
respiration, microbial activity, dry matter loss, and hence reduction 2.2. Temperature monitoring
in overall rice quality. At present, the allowable duration rice can
remain at high MC during on-farm, in-bin drying is under- The temperature of the chosen storage environments was
researched and is vaguely determined, in part based on dry mat- monitored by placing two temperature sensors (HOBO™ Pro v2,
ter loss guidelines from corn-related research — typically recom- Onset Computer Corp., Bourne, MA) in each of the five environ-
mended not to exceed 0.5% (Reed et al., 2007). What is not known is mental units. These sensors recorded the temperature every 5 min
the extent to which using the dry matter loss guideline, which does throughout the storage period.
not account for rice types, effectively prevents mold proliferation or
production of mycotoxin on rice during natural air in-bin drying 2.3. Moisture content measurement
and storage. In the absence of such knowledge, on-farm rice drying
and storage with natural air will likely remain susceptible to To determine the rice sample MC, the HLG RR stored in jars was
contamination with toxigenic fungi and their associated myco- removed from the storage environments and placed at room tem-
toxins, many of which are carcinogenic to humans. perature conditions where they were allowed to equilibrate for at
Based on literature survey, Buchanan three-phase linear, Gom- least 24 h before removing samples for MC determination. The MC
pertz, Richards, Weibull and Baranyi model for microbial growth of each sample was measured in duplicate by placing a 15 g sample
have been used to successfully predict mold growth kinetics (Lo  pez into a 130  C convective oven (Shellblue, Sheldon Mfg., Inc., Cor-
et al., 2004). New data describing microbial growth kinetics for HLG nelius, OR) for 24 h followed by cooling in a desiccator for at least
rice could be fitted to these existing models to determine suitability half an hour (Jindal and Siebenmorgen, 1987). The measured MC
for predicting microbial growth kinetics over a wide range of values were within 1.5 percentage point of the set value. Table 2
storage conditions encountered in actual field scenarios. Such in- provides the MC values obtained using the oven method.
formation will be vital in development of post-harvest processing
and storage guidelines for safe storage of rice, especially for the HLG 2.4. Water activity measurement
rice cultivars.
The specific objectives for this study were to determine (1) ki- The water activity for the 2015 cultivars (CL XL745 and XL760)
netics of mold growth on HLG rice at different MCs and storage was measured using a water activity meter (AquaLab Pre, Decagon
temperatures; (2) mathematical models that best describe the ki- Devices, Pullman, WA). The measurements were performed in
netics of the mold growth; and (3) safe storage conditions for HLG duplicate. Fig. 1 provides the linear regression for the measured
G.G. Atungulu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 69 (2016) 235e244 237

Table 1
Conceptual illustration of the experimental design for enumerating mold counts on hybrid long-grain rice cultivars. The experiment was set up as a full-factorial design with
Week 0 and MC ¼ 12.5% serving as the controls.

Year Cultivar Moisture content (% wet basis) Temperature ( C) Storage duration

1 (2014) CL XL745 12.5 10 Week 0

XL753 16 15 Week 2
2 (2015) CL XL745 19 20 Week 4
XL760 21 27 Week 6
40 Week 8
Week 10
Week 12
Week 16

Table 2 mold counts, 104 to 107 times dilutions were plated, respectively.
Difference between moisture content values set during the design stage and the For total APCs, 104 to 107 dilutions were plated, respectively.
actual, experimentally-measured oven moisture content (OMC) values wet basis
Preliminary tests had been done to determine the appropriate
dilution for each kind of microbial population analysis. The inocu-
Year Cultivar Oven moisture content (% OMC w.b.) lated plates were stacked up to a maximum of 20 units and
Set value for moisture 12.5 16 19 21 incubated.
content (% MC w.b.) Aerobic Count Plates were incubated (VWR General Purpose
2014 CL XL 745 12.7 16.3 19.1 21.3 Incubator 1536, Sheldon Manufacturing Inc., Cornelius, OR) at 37  C
XL753 12.4 16.7 20.6 21.6 for 48 h before counting. Mold Count Plates were incubated (Thelco
2015 CL XL 745 12.4 16.3 19.6 21.1
Model 4, Precision Scientific Instruments, Inc., Chicago, IL) at 25  C
XL 760 12.2 16.4 20.2 21.7
for 120 h before counting. After incubation, the Colony Forming
The bold signifies the case where the set value and oven moisture contents were one Units (CFU) on each plate were counted. Aerobic bacteria colonies
percentage point different.
appeared red in color on Aerobic Count Plate. Yeast colonies
appeared blue-green or off-white in color and had non-diffusive
edges. Mold colony colors were blue, black, yellow, or green.
Mold colonies tended to be larger and more diffusive than yeast
colonies. The appropriate dilution factor, volume, and sample
weight were taken into account to obtain the total CFU/g of each

Tcfu ¼ (1)

where, Tcfu is the total colony forming units per gram of RR (CFU/g),
PCFU are the colony forming units counted on each plate per gram of
rice (CFU/g), and Dr is the dilution factor (103 to 108 times).
For the studied rice samples, preliminary results showed that
yeast counts were very low with nearly none detected even with
1010 dilution. Therefore, yeast count was not reported in this
research. All samples were plated and analyzed for mold counts in
Fig. 1. Relationship between water activity (aw) and measured moisture content for
triplicate. For APC, only the 2015 rice samples were plated, for up to
rough rice samples conditioned to set moisture contents ¼ 12.5%, 16%, 19% and 21% and 8 weeks; after 8 weeks, the counts were too low to detect using the
stored over a period of 16 weeks at temperatures ¼ 10  C, 15  C, 20  C, 27  C and 40  C previously described dilutions.
for cultivars (a) CL XL745 and (b) XL760 for the year 2015.

2.6. Data fitting for kinetic growth models

water activity and MC (R2 ¼ 0.965). Since the correlation between
water activity and MC is strong, trends and analysis are presented Five microbial growth models - Buchanan three-phase linear,
using MC. Gompertz, Richards, Weibull and Baranyi e were identified from
literature and modified to predict mold counts. The models were fit
to the natural log of experimental mold counts using the non-linear
2.5. Microbial analysis platform on JMP Pro 12 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, N.C.).Where,
L0¼log10 of initial mold counts
The AOAC methods 990.12 (2005) and 997.02 (2005) for the 3M t¼time, number of weeks
Petrifilm Aerobic Count Plates and 3M Petrifilm Mold Count Plates tlag¼lag time in number of weeks
(3M Microbiology Product, Minneapolis, MN) were used to deter- r¼specific growth rate (per week)
mine the RR total (ground sample) microbial counts. Suspensions tmax¼time, in number of weeks to reach maximum log10
containing the microbes were prepared by masticating the rice microbial population
samples by using a masticator (Silver Panoramic, iUL, S.A., Barce- Lmax¼ maximum log10 mold population
lona, Spain) set at 240 s and 0.5 stroke/s, allowing the rice samples a¼dimensionless temperature adjustment parameter
to be pulverized into powder for total microbial load analysis. The k¼dimensionless curvature parameter
successive dilutions were made by mixing 1 mL of the original rmax¼maximum growth rate (per week)
mixture with 9 mL of phosphate-buffered dilution water. For total L1¼ simplifying term 1 for Baranyi equation
238 G.G. Atungulu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 69 (2016) 235e244

L2¼simplifying term 2 for Baranyi equation for CL XL745 (2014), XL753 (2014), CL XL745 (2015) and XL760
(2015) respectively.
3. Results From Fig. 2(a) and (b), it was noted that nearly 80% of the CL
XL745 and XL753 samples were between 5 and 7 log10 CFU/g for
3.1. Statistical analysis year 1 (2014) with the mold counts ranging from 4.0 to 8.5
log10 CFU/g. The range for sets of samples for 2014 was over 4
Linear and non-linear regression, analysis of variance, Student's log10 CFU/g, which means that there were 104 times more colony
t-test (least significant difference test), and the Tukey HSD tests forming units in the sample with the most mold growth as
were performed with statistical software (JMP version 12.0.0, SAS compared to the sample with the least mold growth. Fig. 2(c) and
Institute Inc., Cary, N.C.) to determine significant differences within (d) plots the range of mold counts for year 2015 (year 2). The range
and among sample means. Level of significance (a) was set at 5% for for year 2 samples was lower than the range for the year 1 samples -
comparing means of APC and mold counts. Table 4 gives the P from 4.0 to 7.5 log10 CFU/g, with about half of the samples having
values and degrees of freedom (df) associated with the three factors mold counts between 5.0 and 6.0 log10 CFU/g.
involved in the study tracking mold counts and APC found on the
stored RR samples. 3.2.2. Aerobic plate counts
The APC analysis was performed solely for the year 2 (2015)
3.2. Frequency distribution of microbial loads by cultivar and year samples. The log10 of the overall mean APC for cultivar CL XL745
(2015) was M ¼ 7.27, SD ¼ 0.76 CFU/g; for cultivar XL760 (2015) the
3.2.1. Mold counts log10 of the overall mean was M ¼ 7.47, SD ¼ 0.63. The overall mean
For Year 1, the overall mean value of mold counts for the CL APC for XL760 was found to be significantly higher (p < 0.0001, for
XL745 (2014) samples was M ¼ 6.01, SD ¼ 0.82 and for XL753 two-tailed t-test, assuming unequal variances) than the overall
(2014) was M ¼ 6.16, SD ¼ 0.76 log10 CFU/g. Whereas, for Year 2, mean APC for CL XL745. The median values of APC for both cultivars
overall mean of the mold counts (log10 CFU/g) for the CL XL745 were slightly higher than the corresponding means, 7.54 and 7.61
(2015) samples was M ¼ 5.72, SD ¼ 0.77 and for XL760 (2015) was log10 CFU/g for CL XL745 (2015) and XL760 (2015), respectively.
M ¼ 5.94, SD ¼ 0.78. The mean values for the two years were Fig. 3(a) and (b) depict the frequency distribution of APC (log10 CFU/
significantly different (p < 0.001, for two-tailed t-test, assuming g) for cultivars CL XL745 (2015) and XL760 (2015) respectively.
unequal variances). Within each year, the mold counts for the two From Fig. 3(a) and (b), it was noted that APC distribution even with
cultivars - CL XL745 and XL753 for 2014 - and - CL XL745 and XL760 the log10 transform, is negatively skewed for both cultivars. Nearly
for 2015 - were also significantly different from each other 80% of the CL XL745 and 85% XL760 samples have APC values over 7
(p ¼ 0.0034 (2014) and p < 0.001 (2015) for two-tailed t-test, log10 CFU/g. These APC values provide a measure for the prevalence
assuming unequal variances). Therefore, further analyses are and trends of bacteria on stored RR.
separated by cultivar type and year.
The medians of the samples for year 1 were slightly lower than 3.3. Factors affecting microbial growth kinetics
the corresponding means, 5.87 and 5.95 log10 CFU/g for CL XL745
(2014) and XL753 2014), respectively. The same trend was observed 3.3.1. Mold counts
for the median values for year 2 cultivars. The median for CL XL745 Initial mold counts. The mean of initial mold counts for CL
(2015) was 5.60 log10 CFU/g and for XL760 (2015) the median value XL745 (2014) was M ¼ 5.97, SD ¼ 0.13 log10 CFU/g, whereas the
was 5.70 log10 CFU/g. Fig. 2(a), (b), (c) and (d) provide histograms mean of initial mold counts for the same cultivar, CL XL745 (2015),
displaying the frequency distribution of mold counts (log10 CFU/g) for the second year was M ¼ 5.68, SD ¼ 0.07 log10 CFU/g. Cultivar

Table 3
Modified Buchanan Three-Phase Linear, Modified Gompertz, Modified Richards, Modified Weibull and Modified Baranyi Equations used to fit experimental mold counts
(natural log, CFU/g).

Mathematical model Equation

Buchanan Three-Phase Linear L0 t  tlag L0 þ rt tlag < t < tmax Lmax t  tmax
Gompertz aLmax ðExpð  kExpðrtÞÞ
Richards  aLmax
1þk*fExp½r*ðttmax Þg k

Weibull a½Lmax  ðLmax  L0 ÞExpððrtÞk Þ

Baranyi rmax *ðttlag Þ rmax *tlag
þe Þ
L0 þ rmax t þ L1  L2 L1 ¼ lnðermax *t  ermax *ðtþtlag Þ þ ermax *tlag ÞL2 ¼ ln 1 þ e e Lmax L0

Table 4
Summary of the P values from analysis of variance for the effect of storage duration, temperature and moisture content by cultivar mold counts (2014, 2015) and aerobic plate
counts (2015).

Factor Prob > F Prob > F

df MOLD counts df APC counts

2014 2015 2015

CL XL 745 XL753 CL XL 745 XL 760 CL XL 745 XL 760

Moisture Content (MC% w.b.) 3 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 3 0.0920 <0.2187
Storage duration (number of weeks) 7 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 4 <0.0001 <0.0001
Temperature 4 0.0036 0.2822 <0.0001 <0.0001 4 <0.0001 <0.0001
G.G. Atungulu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 69 (2016) 235e244 239

Fig. 3. Frequency distribution for aerobic plate counts (log10 CFU/g) detected over a
storage period of 8 weeks for rough rice stored at moisture contents ¼ 12.5%, 16%, 19%
and 21% and temperatures ¼ 10  C, 15  C, 20  C, 27  C and 40  C for cultivars (a) CL
XL745 and (b) XL760 in the year 2015.

levels are significantly lower than the two higher MC levels

(p < 0.0001 for both). Additionally, for cultivar CL XL745 (2014), the
mold counts for MC ¼ 21.3% is significantly higher than MC ¼ 19.1%.
Also, the mold counts for MC ¼ 21.6% were significantly higher than
MC ¼ 20.6% for cultivar XL753 (2014). Conversely, for cultivar CL
XL745 (2015), no difference was detected between the mold counts
for MC ¼ 19.7% and MC ¼ 21.1%, and between the mold counts for
MC ¼ 21.7% and MC ¼ 20.2% for cultivar XL760 (2015). For all cul-
tivars, a direct relationship between mold counts and MC was
observed e as the MC level increased, the mold counts increased. Storage duration. The effect of storage duration on mold

counts was studied after separating the MC levels into two levels e
LOW for MC  17% and HIGH for MC>17%. Fig. 4 gives twenty
separate line graphs for each cultivar studied, separated by year,
showing the distribution of mold counts (log10 CFU/g) (y-axis) over
the storage duration of 16 weeks (x-axis). For the LOW MC level, the
mold counts did not fluctuate significantly e staying either close to
Fig. 2. Frequency distribution for mold counts (log10 CFU/g) detected over a storage the initial mold counts or decreasing slightly as storage duration
period of 16 weeks for rough rice moisture contents ¼ 12.5%, 16%, 19% and 21% and increased. For the HIGH MC level, the growth curves depicting the
temperatures ¼ 10  C, 15  C, 20  C, 27  C and 40  C for cultivars (a) CL XL745, (b) effect of storage duration on mold counts (log10 CFU/g) follow a
XL753, (c) CL XL745 and (d) XL760 during the years 2014 and 2015.
similar pattern observed for microbial growth curves. The curves
can be divided into three major categories e the lag phase, the
XL753 (2015) had the highest mean of initial mold load - M ¼ 6.0, exponential growth phase and the decay phase (Fig. 5). During the
SD ¼ 0.25 log10 CFU/g; the XL760 (2015) cultivar had the lowest lag phase, the mold counts remain almost the same as the initial
mean for initial mold counts, M ¼ 5.61, SD ¼ 0.11 log10 CFU/g. The mold counts. The exponential growth phase is characterized by a
initial mold counts on HLG rice for Year 1 (2014) were significantly near linear increase in mold counts (log10 CFU/g). Finally, the decay
higher (p < 0.001) than the counts obtained for Year 2 (2015). These phase is the stage when the mold counts begin to decline. The start
initial microbial loads affected the mold growth profiles and trends. and end-points of each of these three phases varied depending on
cultivar-year combination, MC level and temperature. Moisture content. The difference between the mold counts Temperature. The effect of temperature on mold counts was
detected for the different MC levels for each of the two rice cultivars highly dependent on the storage MC and the initial mold loads on
studied over the two years was significant (Table 5). The standard the HLG RR. As listed in Table 5, the low MC samples (MC  17%), no
deviations for these means were relatively high because the data significant differences were observed between the mold counts for
encompasses the range of storage durations and temperature T ¼ 10  C, 15  C and 20  C for all four cultivar-year combinations; on
conditions for the entire experiment. For the two cultivars studied the contrary, for all four cultivar-year combinations, the mold
in each of the two years, the mold counts for the two lower MC counts for the 40  C were significantly lower than the other four
240 G.G. Atungulu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 69 (2016) 235e244

Table 5
Mean values of mold counts for rough rice stored at different moisture content levels for the cultivars studied for each year. Mean values differing by a lower case letter are
significantly different at a ¼ 0.05 using the Tukey HSD test for means at differing moisture content levels (% wet basis, w.b.); Mean values differing by an upper case letter,
across a row are significantly different at a ¼ 0.05 using the Tukey HSD test for means at different cultivar-year combinations.

Set value for Moisture content (% MC w.b.) 2014 2015

CL XL 745 XL753 CL XL 745 XL 760

21 6.78a, A 6.68a, A 6.19a, B 6.72a, A

19 6.08b, B 6.44b, A 6.04a, B 6.31b, A
16 5.62c, B 5.82c, A 5.30b, C 5.36c, C
12.5 5.55d, A 5.68d, A 5.34b, B 5.37c, B

Fig. 4. Mold counts (log10 CFU/g) detected over a storage period of 16 weeks for rough rice moisture contents ¼ LOW (17%) and HIGH (>17%) and temperatures ¼ 10  C, 15  C,
20  C, 27  C and 40  C for cultivars CL XL745 (2014), CL XL745 (2015), XL753 and XL760 (2014).

cultivars are provided in Table 6.

3.3.2. Aerobic plate counts Initial APC. The initial aerobic bacteria load in terms of APC
for the two rice cultivars studied were significantly different
(p < 0.001, for two-tailed t-test, assuming unequal variances). The
mean of initial APC for CL XL745 (2015) (M ¼ 7.82, SD ¼ 0.07
log10 CFU/g) was significantly higher than the mean of initial XL760
(2015) (7.62, SD ¼ 0.14 log10 CFU/g). The initial APC values did not
affect overall trends for the range of storage durations, tempera-
tures and MC levels studied.

Fig. 5. Typical microbial growth curve (McKellar and Lu, 2003). Temperature and moisture content. The effect of tempera-
ture on APC was highly dependent on the storage MC and storage
duration of the HLG RR, however, overall as storage temperature
temperatures. For the high MC samples (MC>17%), cultivar CL increased APC decreased. As listed in Table 7, for the 12.5% MC
XL745, both years, no significant differences were observed for samples for both cultivars, no significant differences were observed
mold counts at different temperatures e except for the CL XL745 between the APC values for T ¼ 10  C, 15  C, 20  C and 27  C but the
(2015) 40  C samples, where the mold counts were significantly APC values for the 40  C were significantly lower than the other
lower than the mold counts for the other temperatures. For the four temperatures. For the high MC samples (19 and 21%), the APC
remaining two lots, XL753 (2014) and XL760 (2015), the trends generally decreased as the temperature increased. Overall, no sig-
observed were more complex; the average mold counts for the two nificant differences were detected between APC for the four
G.G. Atungulu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 69 (2016) 235e244 241

Table 6
Mean values of log10 CFU/g mold counts on rough rice stored at different temperatures for the rice cultivars studied in 2014 and 2015..Mean values differing by a lower case
letter are significantly different at a ¼ 0.05 using the Tukey HSD test for means at differing temperature levels; Mean values differing by an upper case letter, across a row are
significantly different at a ¼ 0.05 using the Tukey HSD test for means at different cultivar-year combinations.

Moisture content level Temperature ( C) CL XL 745 (2014) CL XL 745 (2015) XL753 (2014) XL 760 (2015)
a, A a, B a, A
Low 10 5.68 5.51 5.93 5.56a, B
15 5.78a, A 5.50a, B 5.88a, A 5.57a, B
20 5.73a, B 5.52a, BC 5.82a, A 5.51a, C
27 5.43b, A 5.23b, B 5.67ab, A 5.20b, B
40 5.29b, A 4.84c, B 5.51b, A 4.87c, B
High 10 6.13a, A 6.29a, A 6.09b, A 6.36bc, A
15 6.52a, A 6.20a, A 6.37ab, A 6.57ab, A
20 6.49a, AB 6.22a, A 6.41ab, AB 6.67ab, B
27 6.44a, AB 6.21a, A 6.70a, A 6.77a, A
40 6.43a, A 5.65b, B 6.64a, A 6.19c, A

different MC levels for both cultivars. phases: the lag phase, exponential growth phase and stationary
phase as illustrated in Fig. 5 (McKellar and Lu, 2003). The Gompertz
equation is the most frequently used sigmoidal function to describe Storage duration. Ten distinct line graphs in Fig. 6 depict
microbial growth (McKellar and Lu, 2003). The other three models
the relationship between APC (y-axis) and storage duration (x-axis)
e Richards, Weibull and Baranyi e are also commonly used to
for each cultivar studied. As seen in Fig. 6, APC was highly depen-
describe microbial kinetics in literature (Lo pez et al., 2004).
dent on temperature, storage duration and MC and the three-way
interaction between these three terms was significant
(p < 0.001). For the lower two temperatures (10  C and 15  C), the
APC did not fluctuate significantly e generally staying either close 3.5. Model comparison
to the initial APC for the eight-week storage duration. For the two
high storage temperatures (27  C and 40  C), overall, APC decreased Fig. 7 shows a plot comparing the fit of all five models for
as the storage duration decreased; the trend varied considerably cultivar CL XL745 (2015) at MC ¼ 21% for 20  C and 27  C to illus-
depending on MC. For the storage temperature 20  C, the trend trate the relative abilities of the models to predict experimentally
observed over storage varied depending on MC level. measured mold counts. For this particular combination of MC,
temperature and cultivar, the three phases e the lag phase, the
exponential growth phase and the decay or death phase can be
3.4. Kinetic models for mold counts
observed clearly. A similar trend was observed for the other three
pez et al. (2004) compared the statistical robustness of several cultivar-year combinations (CL XL745 (2014), CL XL753 and XL760)
for the two high MC set points e 19% and 21%, although some
previously published mathematical models to describe microbial
combinations lacked the lag phase or the death or decay phase
growth kinetics. The authors included 21 growth curves for
(Fig. 4). The mold counts for the lower MC levels, 12.5% and 16%,
different fungal and bacterial species but expressed the growth in
either remained relatively constant or declined over the storage
terms of optical density units. The study recommended five models
duration; the prediction models simulated this trend well.
e Buchanan three-phase linear, Gompertz, Richards, Weibull and
First, the fitted Baranyi, fitted Weibull, fitted Gompertz, fitted
Baranyi. These models were modified to include a dimensionless
Richards and fitted Buchanan models were estimated for each
parameter accounting for the change in growth kinetics depending
storage temperature, hence generating 5 sets of parameters (a, rmax,
on storage temperature. For the purpose of this study, the models
tlag for each storage temperature). The parameter “a” was included
were adopted to predict mold counts (Table 3).
in every model as a dimensionless parameter to account for the
The first model, Buchanan three-phase linear model was
change in trend behavior due to each temperature. The effect of MC
developed by Buchanan et al. (1997) and describes three growth
and cultivar-year combination is accounted for in the initial and
maximum mold count parameters L0 and Lmax used in the modified
Table 7 equations because both MC and mold counts are directly correlated.
Mean values of log10 CFU/g aerobic plate counts (APC) on rough rice at for different The parameter rmax represents the maximum rate of mold growth
storage temperatures for the cultivars studied in 2015. Mean values differing by a
in terms of CFU/g per week and lastly, tlag is the parameter that
lower case letter are significantly different at a ¼ 0.05 using the Tukey HSD test for
means at differing temperature levels; Mean values differing by an upper case letter,
defines the storage duration, in weeks, the mold counts stay con-
across a row are significantly different at a ¼ 0.05 using the Tukey HSD test for at stant and do not fluctuate.
differing moisture content levels (% wet basis, w.b.). Next, the Weibull, Gompertz, Baranyi, Richards and Buchanan
Temperature ( C) 12.5 16 19 21 were fitted over the entire temperature range and therefore, only
generated one set parameters (a, rmax, tlag over the entire temper-
CL XL745 (2015)
10 7.62a, B 7.73ab, B 7.74a, A 7.69a, A
ature range). Therefore, for the second simulation, the parameter
15 7.57a, B 7.38ab,B 7.55a, A 7.48ab, A “a” did not change in value for the different temperatures. Except
20 7.66a, B 7.93a, B 7.25ab, A 7.29ab, A for Buchanan and Richards, all equations had R2 higher than 0.6 for
27 7.62a, B 7.23b, B 6.80b, A 6.92bc, A temperatures 15  C, 20  C and 27  C. Most models performed worse
40 6.46b, C 6.21c, BC 6.62b, AB 6.65c, A
for the two extreme temperatures 10  C and 40  C. From the R2
XL760 (2015)
10 7.68a, C 7.83a, C 7.85a, B 7.80a, A values in Table 8, the fitted Gompertz model performed best at
15 7.81a, C 7.78a, C 7.67a, B 7.68a, A 20  C and 27  C. However, over the entire temperature range, the
20 7.76a, B 7.72a, B 7.56ab, A 7.04b, A Baranyi model gives the best overall predictions followed by the
27 7.61a, C 7.54a, C 7.26bc, B 6.99b, A fitted Weibull model (Table 9). Table 9 gives the parameter esti-
40 6.81b, C 6.50b, C 7.10c, B 7.30ab, A
mates for the Modified Baranyi and Weibull equations.
242 G.G. Atungulu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 69 (2016) 235e244

Fig. 6. Aerobic Plate Counts (log10 CFU/g) detected for rough rice during a storage over a period of 8 weeks for moisture contents ¼ 12.5, 16, 19 and 21% and temperatures ¼ 10  C,
15  C, 20  C, 27  C and 40  C for cultivars XL753 (2015) and XL760 (2015).

Fig. 7. Comparison of the model fitted to describe the kinetics of mold growth - fitted Richard, Weibull, Baranyi, Gompertz and Buchanan e with the experimental mold counts
(natural log, CFU/g) for rough rice (cultivar CL XL745 (2015)) at moisture content ¼ 21% for temperatures ¼ 20  C and 27  C stored for 16 weeks.

4. Discussion Wawrzyniak et al., 2013). Therefore, the challenges of “wet hold-

ing” experienced with other rice cultivars remain relevant to HLG
The two year study (2014 and 2015) demonstrated that HLG rice, rice producers. Atungulu et al. (2015) studied and compared the
despite being bred for disease and pest resistance, still had elevated relative prevalence of microorganisms on freshly-harvested HLG,
levels of both mold and APCs at harvest (Jayas et al., 1994; long-grain pureline, and medium-grain rice types. The authors
concluded from their two-year study (2013 and 2014) that HLG rice
generally had significantly lower APC and mold levels compared to
Table 8
R2 values for Modified Buchanan Three-Phase Linear, Modified Gompertz, Modified
Richards, Modified Weibull and Modified Baranyi Equations used to fit experimental Table 9
mold counts (natural log, CFU/g). Parameter estimates for Modified Baranyi and Modified Weibull Equations used to
fit experimental mold counts (natural log, CFU/g).
Predictor R2 values
Temperature ( C) a rmax tlag
Temperature ( C)
Baranyi 10 0.91 0.42 3.45
10 15 20 27 40
15 0.89 0.58 2.29
Fitted Baranyi 0.71 0.69 0.71 0.74 0.68 20 0.89 0.66 1.8
Fitted Weibull 0.69 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.64 27 0.94 1.73 1.2
Fitted Gompertz 0.48 0.65 0.73 0.76 0.68 40 0.84 1.07 2.33
Weibull 0.57 0.65 0.7 0.7 0.57
Temperature ( C) a r k
Gompertz 0.49 0.62 0.7 0.76 0.63
Baranyi 0.53 0.65 0.69 0.7 0.62 Weibull 10 0.97 0.1 1.13
Fitted Buchanan 0.54 0.83 0.71 0.76 0.35 15 0.97 0.22 0.27
Fitted Richards RCH 0.44 0.62 0.71 0.74 0.64 20 0.96 0.68 0.33
Richards RCH 0.44 0.6 0.69 0.74 0.6 27 0.93 0.62 3.06
Buchanan 0.44 0.36 0.41 0.28 0.29 40 0.9 0.42 1.46
G.G. Atungulu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 69 (2016) 235e244 243

long-grain pureline and medium-grain rice. In their 2013 study, in understanding the activity of microbes on HLG rice and modeling
HLG rice had the lowest APC levels (M ¼ 8.10, SD ¼ 0.09) (M and SD kinetics of microbial growth during rice storage:
symbolize mean and standard deviation, respectively); and in 2014,
HLG rice had the lowest mold count levels (M ¼ 5.97, SD ¼ 0.27) The initial mold counts for Year 1 (2014) HLG rice cultivars were
(Atungulu et al., 2015). The foregoing authors also noted that rice significantly higher than the initial mold counts for HLG rice
growing geographic locations played a role on the level of microbial cultivars obtained for Year 2 (2015).
contamination of the rice at harvest, however, their observed The initial microbial load detected on the HLG RR affected the
trends varied from year to year. Based on our study, it may be mold growth profiles and trends significantly.
recommended that long-grain pureline and medium-grain rice, The overall mean value of the log10 CFU/g for the CL XL745
harvested at optimum MC and grown in the same field be accorded (2014) samples was M ¼ 6.0, SD ¼ 0.87 and for XL753 (2014) was
faster attention to drying compared to HLG rice. Otherwise, the M ¼ 6.15, SD ¼ 0.78. Whereas, overall mean of mold counts
long-grain pureline and medium-grain rice cultivars might be (log10 CFU/g) for the CL XL745 (2015) samples was M ¼ 5.7,
subjected to more rapid dry matter loss, mold related staining, SD ¼ 0.77 and for XL760 (2015) was M ¼ 5.9, SD ¼ 0.80.
problems of mycotoxin development and reductions in head rice For all cultivars, a direct relationship between mold counts and
yields. In general, the levels of mold observed on HLG rice at harvest MC was observed e as the MC level increased, the mold counts
were comparable to those reported in literature (Atungulu et al., increased.
2015). More complex trends were observed for the effect of tempera-
Our study recommended that HLG rice could be stored at low ture and the duration of storage on mold growth.
MC levels (17%) and moderate temperatures (27  C) for up to 6 Microbial growth equations: the Fitted Baranyi, fitted Weibull,
weeks without any change in the mold growth profile. However, fitted Gompertz, fitted Richards and Fitted Buchanan models
various studies in literature have demonstrated that it is necessary were successfully modified to estimate kinetics of mold growth.
to evaluate postharvest rice handling as a system in order to pro- The Baranyi and Weibull equations performed the best
vide suitable storage recommendations (Meullenet et al., 1999; (R2 > 0.64) over the temperature range of 10  Ce40  C.
Daniels et al., 1996, 1998). Therefore, it is also important to look The information may be useful to guide decisions on drying and
at the implication of the storage conditions (duration, grain MC and storage conditions, especially of HLG rice cultivars, to avoid
temperature) in the light of other quality characteristics as well. The mold growth leading to mycotoxin contamination.
effects of temperature and heating duration on medium-grain
(Bengal variety) and long-grain (Cypress variety) rough rice at In summary, this study finds that HLG RR may be stored at low
high (~21%) and low (~18%) harvest MC levels were investigated by MC levels (<17% w.b.) and moderate temperatures (27< C) for up to
Dillahunty et al. (2001); results showed that as exposure duration six weeks without any change in the mold growth profile. However,
and temperature increased, the occurrence of yellow rice also storing RR at high MC (>17% w.b.) for more than eight weeks,
increased. Daniels et al. (1996, 1998) and Meullenet et al. (1999) especially at higher temperatures (27> C) should be avoided.
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