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Chapter 3

Page 39 Section 3.3


Q.8 Briefly explain the ethical responsibilities of the tax implementing authorities. (10)


Ans.8 A concise code which can enlist ethical responsibilities of Tax Administrators can be as
(i) Obey all laws relating to taxation and grant no exemptions, credit or advantage to any
taxpayer that is not provided by the law;
(ii) Be dedicated to the highest ideal of honesty and integrity in all matters in order to
maintain the respect and confidence of the government and taxpayers;
(iii) Strive to be impartial, fair, neutral and consistent in administering the law without
regard to race, social or economic circumstance;
(iv) Provide prompt, efficient and quality service to all stakeholders in an effort to exceed
their expectation;
(v) Refrain from actively participating in partisan political activities;
(vi) Accurately record proceedings and maintain taxpayer information in the strictest
confidence and highest level of security;
(vii) Refrain from soliciting gifts for actions and non-actions;
(viii) Make reasonable effort to collect the proper amount of tax revenue due at the lowest
possible cost to the state, and in a manner that warrants the highest degree of
confidence in our integrity, efficiency, effectiveness and fairness;
(ix) Respond to valid taxpayer refund claims with the same diligence as employed in
collection of taxes;
(x) Educate taxpayers on their rights and responsibilities to ensure the highest possible
levels of voluntary compliance to the laws.

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