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Project Presentation Notes:

1. The presentation schedule is posted on my office door (NH504). If you have not signed up for a
time slot, please come by and sign up.
2. If you want credit for being prepared to go early, you must submit a hardcopy of your program
code on Tuesday (+8 points) or Wednesday (+4 points). At the bottom of the paper you must
sign your name beside the following statement: “This paper is an exact copy of the code that I
am running for my project demonstration.” If, when the projects are graded, your code is found
to have been changed in any way, you will be cited for academic dishonesty and will receive a 0
for the project. If, after submitting the code, you decide to alter your program, you must submit
a new hardcopy of your code when you make your presentation.
3. There is no time allocated for make-up presentations. You must be ready to go at your assigned
time, at whatever state of completion your project is at.
4. The computer you work at will be loaded with MPLAB, an ICD-3, and the RS232-USB cable. You
must bring a flash drive with your program on it, and your PIC24 project board.
5. USB Flash Drives were distributed in class today. If you need one, come to my office and we will
sign one out to you. If you choose to use your own, all data not related to your project must be
removed from the drive. Your name should be on the drive. You will need to leave the flash
drive with me after your presentation. If it is your personal drive I will return it after grading is
6. All files necessary to run the project should be on the flash drive.
7. When you come for your presentation, you must be completely set up and ready to run before
your presentation time. This means the program loaded from your flash drive into MPLAB, with
the RJ45 and RS232 cables connected to your PIC24 project board.
8. When it’s time for the demo, you will compile and program your PIC24 while we watch. Then
we will verify that the code performs as assigned.

Project Notes:

1. The filename for your program file should be the first 4 digits of your last name and the last 6
digits of your Student ID# followed by “.c” or “.s”. The project file should follow the same
naming convention. It should contain no spaces or other characters.
2. Project File Header: The first lines of your code should be comment lines containing your name,
your student ID number, and “EE 3310 Project, Spring 2011.”
3. Entering numerical data: After the program is running the instructor will enter a three digit
number (which may include leading zeros) followed by <send&\> using the Bully Bootloader.
These numbers are the numerator. He will then enter three more numbers (but not 000)
followed by another <send&\> that corresponds to the denominator.
4. The second interrupt is to be called after the second <send&\> and will perform the calculations,
then print the results. Note that your screen printouts may not contain leading zeros. Example:
1.34 is correct. 01.34 is wrong. 0.34 is correct (the zero is a significant digit).

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