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NIM : P1337420618051

Environmental Problems Currently Happen In Indonesia

Global warming has happened all over the world, include Indonesia. We can felt it in several
years ago and it’s getting worse year by year. The sun in the afternoon goes hotter than before.
Windy heavy rain comes with no prediction and some disasters happen in various regions.
Global warming also effect some environmental problems.

These are several environmental problems that happen in Indonesia :

1. Flooding
When heavy rain comes for days and the rivers can't hold a lot of water, we can no longer
avoid the flood. Piles of garbage make flooding worse, because some people still throw
garbage to the river even though there are rules prohibiting littering. Lack of water
catchment area also be one of some causes causing flood. The solution to avoid flood is
cleaning up trash in the river, move the existing buildings around the river into a
catchment area and remind each other to do not littering.
2. Air pollution
These days, almost every house has a vehicle. One car one motorcycle. Motor emits
carbon monoxide can cause air pollution and it can affect respiratory problem if the
amount is large. The solution we can do is reduce using vehicle and take public
transportation. Using bicycle is a good choice too.
3. Garbage
We all know that plastic cannot be decomposed by nature, but the use of plastic is still
too much. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Used shopping bag while buy something on the store.
Bring bottle everywhere.

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