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2022_MP1 Subjective_Maths_Class 3
Total Score: 20 points

Section11 Mark (5 questions in total, 5 points) correct get all points, wrong get 0 points
1. 117637(id) | 1 points | Subjective | 5th | Maths | Fractions

The fraction representing the non-shaded portion is

2. 117639(id) | 1 points | Subjective | 5th | Maths | Fractions

Use the following information to answer the next question.

Write fraction which represents the shaded part of the given figure?

3. 117641(id) | 1 points | Subjective | 5th | Maths | Fractions

Convert   into a mixed fraction ?



4. 117645(id) | 1 points | Subjective | 5th | Maths | Fractions

Convert the   into improper fraction:

5. 117389(id) | 1 points | Subjective | 4th | Maths | Fraction

Solve : 

Section22 Marks (2 questions in total, 4 points) correct get all points, wrong get 0 points
1. 123127(id) | 2 points | Subjective | 3rd | Maths | fraction

In a fraction, the number written below the bar is called,

2. 96575(id) | 2 points | Subjective | 4th | Maths | Fraction

Add   and  .

Section33 Marks (2 questions in total, 6 points) correct get all points, wrong get 0 points
1. 123129(id) | 3 points | Subjective | 3rd | Maths | fraction

Find the fraction for the shaded portion ?

2. 123131(id) | 3 points | Subjective | 3rd | Maths | fraction

Fraction of blue coloured ?

Section45 Marks (1 questions in total, 5 points) correct get all points, wrong get 0 points
1. 123135(id) | 5 points | Subjective | 3rd | Maths | fraction

Write 3 equivalent fractions of 

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