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Symptothermal Method: 
A fertility awareness method used to predict when a woman might be fertile. The
method uses body temperature and other signs and symptoms of ovulation.

Ovulation indicator testing kits:

Ovulation test strips or ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) are at-home tests you can
use to determine when you're ovulating. Because you're most fertile during
ovulation, the kits can help increase your chances for success when you're trying
to conceive.

Withdrawal Method:
Pulling out refers to the act of removing the penis from the vaginal canal prior to
ejaculation (aka cumming). You can become pregnant if semen (cum) enters
your vaginal canal. As a result, ejaculating away from the vulva or vaginal canal
prevents conception. However, in order for it to function, you must pull out before
any semen comes out every time you have vaginal sex.

Lactational Enterfility
A family planning method based on breastfeeding. Provides contraception for the
mother and best feeding for the baby.

Can be effective for up to 6 months after childbirth, as long as monthly bleeding

has not returned and the woman is fully or nearly fully breastfeeding.

Douching with Water;

Douching is washing or cleaning out the inside of the vagina with water or other
mixtures of fluids. Most douches are sold in stores as prepackaged mixes of
water and vinegar, baking soda, or iodine. The mixtures usually come in a bottle
or bag. You squirt the douche upward through a tube or nozzle into your vagina.


Abstinence means not having any kind of sex with a partner. Sex includes
vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. ... A lot of teens think being abstinent
means not having vaginal intercourse. They may still have other kinds of sex and
think of themselves as abstinent.

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