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© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 1

12 Proven Principles For Overcoming

The Storms Of Life
By Lai Wen Li

My mission in life is to help people to grow stronger, think positively, and live
a better, happier, and more successful life. I’m granting you the rights to give
away this special eBook (worth US$49) to anyone you see fit, as long as you
DO NOT alter the content in any way!

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the

creation of this eBook, notwithstanding the fact that she does not warrant or
represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly
changing nature of the Internet.

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or
contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of
specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of
income made/results. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment
about their individual circumstances and act accordingly.

This eBook is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use as a
source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised
to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and
finance fields.

You are encouraged to print this eBook for easy reading! =)

© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 2

What Subscribers Are Saying About

12 Proven Principles For Overcoming The Storms Of

“I am inspired by your story! You prove that despite the many obstacles in life,
we can still overcome them and turn adversities to opportunities. A life-changing
book filled with useful life lessons. I would recommend this book to anyone who
want to make positive changes to their life!


Angeline T”

“I love books about positivity, self-improvement, etc. and this is one of the most
inspirational and positive books ever written. Will definitely apply in all aspects
of my life.

Thank you!

Alical C”
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 3

This book has been in my heart for a very long time. I am so glad that I finally
penned it down. There are some special people I must thank for my journey thus

To my parents who brought me up and took care of me throughout the years;

to my sister who financially support my family; to my brothers who provide me
technical advices and ideas.

To my soul mate who gave me unconditional love and support as my pillar of

inspiration and strength.

To my friends who stayed by my side no matter what – through the good and
the bad time. You know who you are!

To my mentors and teachers who helped me to discover the true power within


YOU!! Thank you for reading my eBook right now. Thank you for your precious
time. I hope you will become inspired after reading it. =)
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 4

Table of Contents

I Got My First Pay!

I Supported Myself through University

How I Wished I Had a Chance to Travel

My Life at University

I Became a Small Businesswoman

My Life Finally Improved!

12 Proven Principles for Overcoming The Storms Of Life

#1: Setting Your Goal and Dream Big

#2: Success is not a Destination but a Journey

#3: Imperfect Action is Better than No Action

#4: Find Positive Friends, Colleagues and Mentors

#5: Be Optimistic

#6: Interest vs Commitment

#7: Prioritization

#8: Determination, Persistence and Passion

#9: Build Confidence and Develop Self-esteem

#10: Nourish Your Mind and Soul Every Morning

#11: Be Grateful while Celebrating Others’ Successes

#12: Don’t Let Other People’s Opinions Define Who You Are

Resources For Proven Principles

© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 5


I was born in 1987, the year of the biggest financial crisis that has ever hit the
planet Earth. Born in a poor family with few resources and many responsibilities,
my mother is the greatest woman I have ever seen in my life. My mother gave
me the best that she could to make sure I was happy and healthy. My mother
had to take on most of the responsibilities of the house as she cooked, taught
us and also took care of us. Although we could not afford much, my mother
often gave us what we asked for and did her best to make us happy.

Just when the financial status of our family was about to improve, it keeps on
getting deteriorated again. My parents endured financial difficulties. I found my
parents arguing about the expenses that they were not able to afford including
my sister’s tertiary education fees and other utility expenses.

It was an alarming signal and it made things worse but rather than losing hope
and ending up feeling disappointed, I decided to stand against all odds to
improve our life. This alarming situation only made me stronger.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 6

I Got My First Pay!

I started working at an early age. At the age of 13, I got my first paying job by
helping my neighbour who was a tuition teacher to teach her students. My
neighbour was busy in her daughter’s wedding preparations and hired me
temporarily. Getting a paid job at such a young age wasn’t frustrating but
exciting, especially when I received my first pay at the end of the month. It was
one of the most exciting moments in my life. Woo… sealed in an envelope; it
was no more less than a lottery. I got RM 80 as the first pay. I thought I have
won a lottery and was very happy. Never thought I would get my first pay at only

This temporary job has become my stepping stone towards earning money. It
was really a great start for me. Since then, I started looking for suitable jobs
every semester break rather than staying at home. I became a helper in the
bakery shop, an admin in electronic shop, a sales promoter, a part-time teacher
and a home tuition teacher as well. I took every job seriously, gained
experiences and enjoyed earning the hard cash.

The more experiences I gained, the more confident I became. I could earn my
own living and get myself a good job whenever necessary. As our family was
already in deep financial difficulty and could hardly make ends meet, I started
living on my own and didn’t burden my parents for my expenses. I paid for my
education and took up part-time jobs to pay my bills.

I Supported Myself through University

University served as one of the best periods in my life. Every student always has
incredible opportunities for personal growth. I enjoyed my university life to its
fullest. Shopping, travelling, partying and hanging around with friends every
weekend seems to be a trend of university life, I started living the same way.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 7

I applied for a government loan to finance my course fees. The government paid
me RM 3,250 each semester to complete my education. From these RM 3,250,
I also paid for hostel accommodation which cost around RM 1,000. Other
expenses were settled from my personal savings. After paying for all the
expenses, I was able to save RM 1,000 over the next six months.

During my first year at university, just like other undergraduates, I needed a

laptop to complete my assignments. I requested a laptop from my parents. My
mother turned down my request by asking me to wait for another semester
which is half a year later. I understood that my parents couldn’t afford to buy
me a laptop. Therefore, I had to use all my savings to buy a laptop which cost
me around RM 2,600.

How I Wished I Had a Chance to Travel

My university was located in the vicinity of some very famous tourist spots like
Hatyai and Langkawi. However, I couldn’t afford to travel to any of these places.
The only thing I could do was to search for the pictures on Google, listen to my
friends and visualize it after closing my eyes.

When my friends shared their story about their wonderful trip to Hong Kong, I
started imagining myself with them on the same trip. So, when my friend asked
me to join them for the trip, I took a gander at my financial stability and rejected
immediately because of the costly flight ticket. Realizing the fact that the RM400
ticket price was half of my living expenses for six months, I rejected to
accompany my friends. To them, I was anti-social. In my defence, I was saving
money to get through the semester.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 8

My Life at University

I was not from a business school before this. I never studied accounting before I
stepped into university when compared to most of my peers who have at least
2 years of experiences in accounting.

So in order to keep myself in line and same pace with my peers, I knew that I
had to work harder than them. When my peers used to put in 100% effort, I have
to put in 120% effort; when my peers tried 200% hard, I made sure to put at
least 220% effort.

I used to read and learn the module in advance before lectures. It helped me
understand better. After lectures, I started practising questions of the module
myself although I was never told to do so by my lecturers.

Going through all this, I can say that life is hard, but it is not hard enough to beat
my passion for changing and succeeding!

My efforts paid off at the end of the first semester, I managed to score a GPA of
3.90 and had an outstanding result as compared to other undergraduates of my
batch where most of them could score only 3.50. Since then, my peers started
to consult me for advice on their studies.

I Became a Small Businesswoman

Knowing that I would be insufficient for my daily expenses, I started working

part-time again during my semester breaks. I was in search for any job that
would pay me enough to go through my semesters easily.

During my second year at university, I discovered the potential of making money

from providing printing services, where most undergraduates needed to print
their assignments. A lot of undergraduates actually finished their assignments
last minute at nights, but the printing services provided by the lab used to be
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 9

closed at around 9 pm. I know I could make money by providing printing


I have bought a printer, I started to provide printing services for RM 0.10 per
sheet. The printing business was good especially at night where most of the
assignments came in at the last minute.

Soon I managed to make a huge profit from my printing business and it got
stable. The printing business not only earned me money but also my time. Since
I started my printing business, I didn’t have to queue at the lab for printing
services. I also managed to cover all my expenses on assignments.

Other than printing services, I start selling fashionable watches, festival

dedication items and other unique items to support my daily expenses. Life was
hard, but I know is worth it, because I grew, I learned the things which couldn’t
be learned from books. My daily earnings kept increasing and it was one of the
happiest moments for me.

My Life Finally Improved!

My hard work has paid off after some years of struggling.

I graduated with First Class Honours and was among the top accounting
graduates of my batch. Who would have thought that someone without an
accounting background like me would succeed? At first, I doubted myself, but
through the hard work and passion I showed in all these years, I have become a
point of reference for my peers.

Due to my outstanding results, I was exempted from paying the government

loan. I was officially free from debt!

I managed to enter two of the world’s best accounting firms. And now I am
working in the world’s best accounting firm located in Singapore. I have travelled
to many places like Australia, Korea, Hong Kong, Bali and etc which I dreamt
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 10

before. My life has improved and I took my mother to Australia and Bangkok as

I know that life is hard and it pushes us. There are many situations in life when
we doubt ourselves but what I believe is that everything happens for a reason.
The challenges I had to face made me stronger. As such, I won’t give up in
everything I do. I do whatever it takes to get to my goals. I keep improving

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in
the rain” – Vivian Greene

Life is not about simply waiting around for a good time to start. It is not about
avoiding the storm nor waiting for the storm to pass. Rather it is about living
your life!

Life is a about learning to dance in the rain. It’s about learning to live with, and
even enjoy the inevitable storms of life. Sing or dance, enjoy your life, no matter
what the weather might be.

We all will face storms in our lives. It is up to us to determine how we will

respond to these disruptions. Will we hide inside, waiting for it to pass, or will
we continue with our lives, enjoying the roughest of weather? It is our choice!
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 11

Photo: Australia Trip with my family in 2015.

© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 12

What’s the biggest difference between those who

succeed and those who don’t?


I am going to share with you the 12 Proven Principles For Overcoming The
Storms Of Life. These are the proven principles that are instilled in my mind and
enable me to sing and dance even when my life was hit badly by the storms.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 13

#1: Setting Your Goal and Dream Big

Many people are afraid of setting goals. Even if they do set a goal, they are afraid
of setting big goals. Why does this happen? This is because they get worried that
they might fail if they set a big goal, and if they fail, people might look down on
them. They want to avoid the feeling of disappointment.

As such, most of the people have created a boundary for themselves. They tend
to stay inside the gate, where they feel protected in their comfort zones. They
are reluctant to make any changes. Therefore, these people will stay stagnant at
their current stages for years, or only make slight changes in their life.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of
failure.” - Paulo Coelho

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” - Robert F.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 14

Failure is a matter of perception. A negative view of failure tends to hinder you

from rising above it, while a positive view of failure enables you to turn it into a
stepping stone for success. Failure does not mean that you have lost everything.
Rather, failure urges you to be more committed to the intended results of your
journey, towards your goals. It simply means that you have to change your
strategy, adjust it and fight again until you succeed.

You will never know how powerful you are if you never try. Failure forces you to
grow and to evolve to overcome the challenges you face. If you have never
experienced failure in your life, you would have very few reasons to grow. Say
“thank you” to failure and don’t let failure turn you down.

“Giving up is the only sure way to fail.” - Gena Showalter

“So many people never realize their potential and achieve anything in life
because they never dare to dream and go for their dreams” – Adam Khoo

Your dream has to be greater than your failure.

It’s never too old to dream, go after your wildest dream now!
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 15

#2: Success is not a Destination but a Journey

We always relate success to the accomplishment of one’s goals, attainment of

wealth, position, honours or the like. Some might think that they would become
successful only when they own $1 million, while some might think that getting
a good job with a good pay is being successful. While there are many definitions
for success, there is no right or wrong answer for the definition. What is
important is whether your definition of success will empower you or hold you

Successful people believe that success is not a destination but a journey. Success
does not have a destination, but is a never-ending journey. It means that what
matters is not necessarily where you are in the end, but what you have
accomplished while you are trying hard to reach the end of the road.

Only when you believe that you are successful, you will have the confidence and
motivation to move forward to become a more successful person.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 16

Many people tend to believe that they are successful only when they achieve
their goals and if they do not meet their goals they are not successful. If you
keep thinking that the only way to become successful is to reach your
destination, you would not have the motivation and morale to move forward.
Consequently, you will find it difficult or will never reach your goal.

A destination is always worth it if the journey is worthwhile. Make your journey

meaningful and find the success in your journey towards greatness.

Success is a learning journey. If you learn something new towards your goal and
are better today than the person you were yesterday, you are successful. This is
because you grow stronger from your experiences.

“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than
the outcome.” – Arthur Ashe.

How successful are you now?

© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 17

#3: Imperfect Action is Better than No Action

Some people might set their big dream goals, but they never take action towards
their goals. They will just stare at the tree, hoping that one day the apples may
fall down. But when will the apples fall?

Action speaks louder than words. You have to take action, don’t made blind

You don’t have to get it right the first time round. You just have to get started.

Imagine that you just aim at the archery board, but you never fire, how do you
know how far or how accurate you can hit?

Successful people know that imperfect action is better than no action. It is better
to take action and fine-tune it after failing than doing nothing.

“You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take” – Wayne Gretsky

“The Greatest Failure in Life is the Failure to Participate in Life” – Adam Khoo
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 18

Only when you take action, you know how to adjust it, and turn failure into a
lesson which you can learn.

The best day to take action is always yesterday. So, don’t doubt now, just do it!
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 19

#4: Find Positive Friends, Colleagues and Mentors

Imagine when you go to work in the morning, your colleague keeps complaining
to you that he is going to lose his job or his promotion, how would you feel? You
will end up with a negative emotion, feeling that nothing good is going to
happen to you in the same or even the rest of your day.

In contrast, if your colleague keeps motivating you with the word like “I can do
it”, how would you feel? You will feel that something positive is going to happen
to you in the same way.

While it is hard for you to find all positive people to fill up your life, is it easier
for you to eliminate those negative people in your life before it consumes you.
When you are surrounded by positive people, you will hear their positive stories
and their positive affirmations. The positive energy will eventually affect your
words, thinking and actions.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 20

It is also important that you do whatever you can to improve the positivity of
others and let their positivity affect you the same way. Don’t let their negative
energy or words consume you.

“Life is too short to spend your precious time trying to convince a person who
wants to live in gloom and doom otherwise. Give lifting that person your best
shot, but don’t hang around long enough for his or her bad attitude to pull you
down. Instead, surround yourself with optimistic people.” – Zig Ziglar

Always remember to be a value giver not a value taker.

© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 21

#5: Be Optimistic

During your journey to success, there will be some people who might turn you
down, criticise you and tease you. Don’t let this negative energy, negative words
bring you down. Be optimistic all the time.

Focus on positive things even if they are small. Think about negative things in
positive ways. This principle is applied to every aspect of our lives, in work,
studies or even in relationship.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 22

Instead of blaming your boss of firing you, why not thank your boss for opening
up your chances to get a better job? It is all about your mindset.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the

opportunity in every difficulty” – Winston Churchill

An optimistic person believes that they can overcome any obstacles and
difficulty. In contrast, a pessimistic person thinks they will fail in whatever they

Optimistic people will feel happy all the time, and only get upset once when
things might fail. Pessimistic people will get upset all the time, and only happy
once when they success. Stop thinking about what could go wrong. Start
thinking about what could go right.

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without
hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller

“Pessimism never won any battle.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

What type of person do you want to be? You want yourself to be happy all the
time or upset all the time?
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 23

#6: Interest vs Commitment

There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are

interested in doing something, you will do it only when it is convenient. But if
you are committed in doing something, you will do whatever it takes to achieve
the goals.

“There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re

interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re
committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results” – Ken Blanchard

Successful people will commit to their goals. When a person is committed, he

will make it priority and allocate time for it. Obstacles won’t take determined
people from the game, but they treat hurdles as learning opportunities for them
to get better at their game.

When people are merely interested, they change their directions when their
mood changes. They are not committed to the outcome so they allow their
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 24

emotions to drive their actions. This means that they do only what they feel
comfortable and safe.

Are you committed to what you are doing now?

© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 25

#7: Prioritization

Do you sometimes feel that you have spent all your time working on something,
completed drained of energy by the end of the day, yet nothing significant is
complete? This is because you are focusing on something which is important not
something which is urgent.

Many people confuse between the urgent and the important. Even people who
have been in management roles for years or people who work in large
corporation will feel drained in their profession because of a wrong sense of

So what is the difference between urgent and important?

Urgent tasks are things that require immediate actions. It is mostly the tasks
which have an immediate deadline or the deadline which has passed. Urgent
tasks are largely governed by deadlines.

Important tasks are things that contribute to our long term mission, values and
goals. It need not have a deadline. Important tasks are governed by impact or
significant changes it can have in our life.

What you consider as important might be different than what others consider
as important.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 26

Picture from Word Hunter

By using Eisenhower’s Urgent and Important Principle, priority should be put on

i. Important and Urgent

ii. Important but not Urgent
iii. Not Important but Urgent
iv. Not important and Not Urgent

Important and Urgent

Tasks which require your immediate attention and contribute to your long term
mission, values and goals. Example: Responding to a business opportunity that
requires immediate action.

Important but Urgent

Tasks which do not have immediate deadline and contribute to your long term
mission, values and goals. Example: Attending a self-improvement class might
be important but need not be done immediately.

Not Important but Urgent

Tasks which require your immediate attention and but will not contribute to your
long term mission, values and goals. Example: Answering a phone call is urgent
but does not lead you to your long term goal.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 27

Not Important but Urgent

Tasks which do not have immediate deadlines nor contribute to your long term
mission, values and goals. Example: Surfing Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

“What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important” –

Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You have to be clear on what is important and what is urgent to you. There is no
such thing as no time. It is all about your priority.

Let’s say if your goal is to lose weight. Instead of spending hours of your time
watching movies or drama series after work, why not spend the time on some
workout? It is because watching movie is more important for you as compared
to workout.

So do you know what is important and what is urgent to you now?

© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 28

#8: Determination, Persistence and Passion

Some people succeed not because they are destined, but because they are
determined. Some people succeed because they are destined, but most because
they are determined.

Successful people are determined and persistent in achieving their goal.

If you fail in your first attempt, it does not mean that you are failure, it means
that you have to adjust your strategy and fight again. Stand up again and try

“Don’t let your failures define you; let them teach you.” – Barack Obama

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your
own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” – Napoleon

Work hard in creating your destiny rather than waiting for miracles to happen.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 29

#9: Build Confidence and Develop Self-esteem

Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, and

people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful. It is
crucial to be confident in whatever you do.

You don’t need people to believe in you. Rather, you have to believe in yourself.
Only when you start to believe in yourself, people will start to believe in you.

“Believe you can and you’re half way there” – Theodore Roosevelt

Confident people inspire the confidence in others; confidence in turn gives you
the power to conquer the world. So, start your day by telling yourself that “I can
do it!”
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 30

#10: Nourish Your Mind and Soul Every Morning

Every day is a brand new day, every morning is fresh and a kick-start to a new
day. “Morning” brings hope for new beginnings.

Sometimes, our day starts on a bad note, for example being caught in a traffic
jam, late for work and etc. in the morning, and in consequence we would keep
grumbling and be moody for the entire day. But if our morning starts positively,
there would be a sweet tune to our day.

By simply giving yourself a positive affirmation in the morning, your day will

What is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a simple but powerful statement that helps to strengthen the

connection between your unconscious and conscious mind. Affirmations help
purify our thoughts and restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly
begin to think nothing is impossible. An affirmation defines our focus and opens
up new possibilities.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 31

Example of positive affirmations:

i. I will do well today, I have unlimited potential.

ii. Everything is happening perfectly.
iii. I appreciate everything that I have, I enjoy my life.
iv. Everything comes to me at the perfect timing.
v. Something wonderful is going to happen to me today.
vi. I am thankful for all that I have.
vii. I am the winner of my life.

"We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and
repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation."
- Florence Scovel Shinn

Simply start your day by looking at mirror and tell yourself that “today is going
to be a great day, you are feeling healthy and strong today”. You may find that
great thing will going to happen to you in the day!

So, what is your favourite affirmation? Have you given yourself a positive
affirmation today?
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 32

#11: Be Grateful while Celebrating Others’ Successes

Do you feel angry or jealous seeing others succeed? Do you feel superior to your
peers? This jealousy and egotism is the root of all failure.

Egotism will only bring temporary success, but eventually you are going to be
knocked down by your own egotism. If you want to be successful, accept
yourself, accept who you are and kill your ego.

People get jealous about others’ successes because they can’t accept who they
are and the more they can’t accept who they are, the more depressed they feel.

In contrast, the more you accept yourself and celebrate other people’s
successes, the more success you will achieve.

People like people who make them feel good. That is how our networks extend
and grow. Try to put yourself in others’ shoes, understand how much hard work
they put in and how much obstacles they went through before they succeed.
Feel their success, and applaud them on their successes. Seeing the positive
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 33

experiences people have will open up your mind to how amazing possibilities in
this world.

“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life
mightily” – Gerald Good

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into
acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beatties

What are the benefits of gratitude? Research reveals that

i. Gratitude can lead to increase in determination, energy, enthusiasm

and academic achievement.
ii. People who express gratitude are more agreeable, approachable,
open and extroverted.
iii. Gratitude reduces symptoms of illness, lowers blood pressure, and
strengthens the immune system.

A simple “thanks” or “congratulation” can make our days.

When is your last time you express your gratitude to others?

How many people you could thank but you have overlooked them in the past?
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 34

#12: Don’t Let Other People’s Opinions Define Who You Are

Do you let people define you? Do you let people decide what should be done or
what you are supposed to be? Does your self-perception change according to
the people surrounding you? If yes, you are living others’ lives and others’

People always label others in a way that make them most comfortable. But yet,
you want to grow, you need to change for the better. So, lead your life the way
you want it to be.

Don’t lose sight of who you truly are and the unique qualities you have built
within yourself. Always remind yourself who you are and what you want to
achieve in your life in good ways.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be
trapped by dogma – which is living the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t
let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice.” – Steve Jobs

Remember, don’t let your mind limit or define who you are!
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 35

Resources for Proven Principles

Bonus 1: Tesla Code Secrets

Find out how a strange, reclusive, scientific genius, born over 150 years ago can
show you how to get anything you want out of your life.

Bonus 2: Manifestation Miracle

Manifestation Miracle open your eyes, heart and soul to creating miracles in
your life and provides some great exercises to support you on your way to
manifesting your dreams.
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 36

Bonus 3: Millionaire's Brain Academy

Discover what separates you from billionaires like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (this
secret is the real reason why the rich will continue to get richer…)

Bonus 4: Vibrational Manifestation

Bird watcher reveals controversial missing link you need to know to manifest the
life you’ve always dreamed off…
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 37

Bonus 5: Cosmic Ordering Secrets

How a broke, homeless, almost destitute network marketer discovered the keys
to placing cosmic orders with the universe and manifesting her dream.

Bonus 6: Secret Brain System

The astonishing life changing secrets of the richest, most successful and happiest
people in the world!
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 38

Bonus 7: Chakra Activation System By Stephanie & Alvin

Weird Chakra activation system unlocks key to wealth, health and loving

Bonus 8: The Instant Switch By Sandy, Winter & Alvin

Discover powerful mindset secrets that gets you manifesting everything you
need with unbelievable speed and ease. Health, wealth, success... it can all be
yours... almost overnight!
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 39

Bonus 9: Abundant Mind: Visualization Videos For The Law Of Attraction

Abundant Mind Subliminal Visualization Videos combine FIVE powerful

technologies into a vivid and compelling visualization video that literally break
down the wall of your conscious mind, to immediately affect your subconscious.
Once your mind is positively programmed, you can start to manifest the life you
truly desire.

Bonus 10: Mind Secrets

Whatever you put your mind to, you will achieve, once you discover the secret
of subconscious that allow you to manipulate events and circumstances into
your favour!
© 2017 Lai Wen Li, 40

I have shared with you the 12 Proven Principles For Overcoming The Storms Of
Life. These are the proven principles that are instilled in my mind and helped me
to go through the storms in my life.

What is the BIGGEST takeaway for you? It’s different for everyone but once
you apply even just one or two of these proven principles, I am absolutely sure
that it will bring incredible changes in your life.

You need to be constantly putting these principles into practice wholeheartedly!

Only then will your life to be filled with amazing, beautiful and memorable

THANK YOU for reading 12 Proven Principles For Overcoming The Storms
Of Life.

I look forward to connecting with you more through my eNewsletters.

Start dancing in your storms today!


Lai Wen Li
(Just call me Wen Li or Potato!)

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