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Name _________________________________ Test: _______________

Reading Vocabulary Words

Amazing Bird Nests (Expository Text) by Ron Fridell

Practice reading the following words, understand what each word

means, and practice using each word in a sentence:

1. bill: the hard mouth part of a bird. The sparrow used its bill to
crack open the seed.
2. goo: sticky stuff. There was goo dripping from the pine tree.

3. hunters: animals that chase other animals for food. The

hawk is an expert hunter.
4. material: what something is made of or used for. This couch
is made from a soft material.
5. platform: a high, raised flat surface. The speaker at the
meeting stood on a platform.
6. tons: measures of weight equal to two thousand pounds.
Every year tons of food is thrown away.
7. twigs: small branches of a tree or bush. The bird used twigs
to build its nest.

Unit 2 Selection 5 Unit Theme: Smart Solutions Weekly Theme:

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