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Effects of mandatory postponement of face- to- face classes to students across in

the Philippines

In this present time that we live we are facing this pandemic which is covid 19 that brought fear
to all families in the Philippines. Covid 19 pandemic is very strong to destroy one economy and one
country, this pandemic brought us a lot of changes in our country and in our daily lifestyle and one that
here are the changes of the way of learning. Because of the pandemic we are not able to go to school to
learn but to do new method of learning which online learning and modular learning.

As a student I must say that this kind of learning is change the norms of education and brought
us an advantage and disadvantage impact. The advantages of mandatory postponement of face- to- face
classes to students across in the Philippines is the student was able to stay at home with his/her family,
the student learn to be responsible to the given module, learn to use technological gadgets, and easily
save money because they don't have to spend money for transportation and other school fees.

The disadvantages are that there is a lot of students who can hardly cope up with this kind of
learning the others cannot provide their weekly load allowance and the other doesn't have a gadget to
use for online class. This pandemic changes a lot in the aspect of education its ether bad or good, but
the best thing is on how we look in this effect. I must say we should take the advantage of new method
of learning as an opportunity and the disadvantage to be stronger and more achieved your goals. We
must accept the new method of learning with a smile in our faces.

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