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Sources Definitions
Gattorna and Walter“A loop that starts and ends with the customer, where through the loop flow all materials and finished goo
Bechtel and Jayaram“SCM is related to the flow of materials and information, from initial sources to the transformation proces
Lambert et al,. (199“SCM is the integration of key business processes from end user through original suppliers that provides p

Mentzer et al,. (200“SCM is defined as the systematic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and tactics a
CLM (2004) SCM encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, co
ow all materials and finished goods, all information and all transactions”
ces to the transformation process before delivery to the end-users.”
riginal suppliers that provides products, services, and information that add value for customers and other stakeholders”

business functions and tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain,
in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all Logistics Management activities. It also includes coordination and collaboration with cha

esses within the supply chain, for the purpose of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain a
on and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers and customers. In essenc
mpanies and the supply chain as a whole”
ders and customers. In essence, SCM integrates supply and demand management within and across companies.
H1: There is significant relationship between all of the dimensions of customer orientation and channel member rela
H1a : There is significant relationship between dissemination of intelligence and channel member relation
H1b : There is significant relationship between intelligence generation and channel member relationship
H1c : There is significant relationship between organisation-wide responsiveness and channel member re
H2: There is significant relationship between customer orientation and contractor supplier commitment
H2a : There is significant relationship between dissemination of intelligence and affective commitment
H2b : There is significant relationship between intelligence generation and affective commitment
H2c : There is significant between organisation-wide responsiveness and channel member relationship
H3: There is significant relationship between channel member relationship and contractor supplier commitment
H3a : There is significant relationship between trust and affective commitment
H3b : There is significant relationship between adaptation and affective commitment
H3c : There is significant relationship between communication and affective commitment
H3d : There is significant relationship between interdependence and affective commitment
H3e : There is significant relationship between commitment and affective commitment
H3f : There is significant relationship between satisfaction and affective commitment
H3g : There is significant relationship between co-operation and affective commitment
H4: Affective commitment mediate all the dimensions of customer orientation (dissemination of intelligence, intellige
H5: Customer orientation will give significant effect to company performance
H5a: There is significant relationship between dissemination of intelligence and company performance
H5b: There is significant relationship between intelligence generation and company performance
H5c: There is significant relationship between organisation-wide responsiveness and company performan
H6: Channel member relationship will give significant effect company performance
H6a : There is significant relationship between trust and company performance
H6b : There is significant relationship between adaptation and company performance
H6c : There is significant relationship between communication and company performance
H6d : There is significant relationship between interdependence and company performance
H6e : There is significant relationship between commitment and company performance
H6f : There is significant relationship between satisfaction and company performance
H6g : There is significant relationship between co-operation and company performance
channel member relationship
annel member relationship
member relationship
nd channel member relationship

ective commitment
member relationship
plier commitment

of intelligence, intelligence generation and organisation-wide responsiveness) and channel member relationship (trust, adaptatio

mpany performance
d company performance
onship (trust, adaptation, communication, interdependence, commitment, satisfaction and co-operation) and company performa
nd company performance (financial, internal business and customer) at different level of effect size.
Hypotheses for this study will be as follows:
H1: There is significant relationship between all of the dimensions of customer orientation and channel member relationship
H1a: There is significant relationship between dissemination of intelligence and channel member relationship
H1b: There is significant relationship between intelligence generation and channel member relationship
H1c: There is significant relationship between organisation-wide responsiveness and channel member relationship
H2: There is significant relationship between customer orientation and contractor supplier commitment
H2a: There is significant relationship between dissemination of intelligence and affective commitment
H2b: There is significant relationship between intelligence generation and affective commitment
H2c: There is significant between organisation-wide responsiveness and channel member relationship
H3: There is significant relationship between channel member relationship and contractor supplier commitment
H3a: There is significant relationship between trust and affective commitment
H3b: There is significant relationship between adaptation and affective commitment
H3c: There is significant relationship between communication and affective commitment
H3d: There is significant relationship between interdependence and affective commitment
H3e: There is significant relationship between commitment and affective commitment
H3f: There is significant relationship between satisfaction and affective commitment
H3g: There is significant relationship between co-operation and affective commitment
H4: Affective commitment mediates all the dimensions of customer orientation (dissemination of intelligence, intelligence gen
H5: Customer orientation will give significant effect to company performance
H5a: Dissemination of intelligence will give significant effect to company performance
H5b: Intelligence generation will give significant effect to company performance
H5c: Organisation-wide responsiveness will give significant effect to company performance
H6: Channel member relationship will give significant effect company performance
H6a: Trust will give significant effect to company performance
H6b: Adaptation will give significant effect to company performance
H6c: Communication will give significant effect to company performance
H6d: Interdependence will give significant effect to company performance
H6e: Commitment will give significant effect to company performance
H6f: Satisfaction will give significant effect to company performance
H6g: Co-operation will give significant effect to company performance
hannel member relationship
r relationship

ember relationship

ier commitment

of intelligence, intelligence generation and organisation-wide responsiveness) and channel member relationship (trust, adaptation, commu
hip (trust, adaptation, communication, interdependence, commitment, satisfaction and co-operation) and company performance (financi
ompany performance (financial, internal business and customer) at different level of effect size.
Construct Dimensions Items


Dissemination of
Customer Orientation 32



Channel Member Relationship 41



Affective Commitment 5


Internal Business
Company Performance 16
Company Performance 16


Kohli, Jaworski, & Kumar


Fynes and Voss (2002)

Hashim and Tan (2015)

Cheung, Wong and Lam

Cheung, Wong and Lam
Our business objectives are driven primarily by customer satisfaction.
We constantly monitor our level of commitment and orientation to serving customer needs.
We freely communicate information about our successful and unsuccessful customer experiences across all business functions
Our strategy for competitive advantage is based on our understanding of customer needs.
We measure customer satisfaction systematically and frequently.
We have routine or regular measures of customer needs.
We are more customer-focused than our competitors.
I believe that our business exists primarily to serve customers.
We poll end users at least once a year to assess the quality of our products and services.
Data on customer satisfaction are disseminated at all levels in our business unit on a regular basis.
Our relationship with this supplier has provided us with a dominant and profitable market position in our sales area.
Our relationship with this supplier is very attractive with respect to discounts.
We are very pleased with our decision to distribute the supplier’s product since its high quality increases customer visits.
The supplier provides us with high quality marketing and selling supports.
The marketing policy of this supplier helps us to get our work done effectively.
The working relationship of our firm with this supplier is characterised by feelings of harmony.
The supplier expresses criticism professional.
The interaction between our firm and the supplier is characterised by mutual respect.
The supplier always explains the reasons for its policies.
The supplier leaves us in the dark about things we should know..
es across all business functions.

on in our sales area.

ncreases customer visits.

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