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Extended Learning (English)

I strongly believe that student’s textbooks should be replaced by notebook

computers. Firstly, notebook computers will be way lighter than the traditional
textbooks. It will reduce the weight even more as the student will need to carry
only one notebook computer for all the subjects. They also have an inbuilt
keyboard so it may cancel up their costs of books and bag altogether. The student
will have to carry lesser weight meaning that they would be more focused in
studies. Notebook computers will also help students to take down notes while
studying. Secondly, they are very portable in size and as good as a mini computer
with speed being even faster than a normal size computer. These notebooks can
revolutionize education and make it more fun. Lastly, with the help of technology
students can also engage in research and creative work, whether it be using
PowerPoint to making an online poster. They can share their work, anywhere
anytime. They will also be connected to the world and be aware of the events
happening around the world, moving them one step further to globalization. Hence,
seeing these many reasons I support that student’s textbooks should be replaced by
notebook computers.

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