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15 Apr 2019

Good morning dear friends. 🙏

काम क्रोध हं कार ऱोभ हठ, मोह न मन सिउ सऱयावें |

तब ही आतम तत्व को दरिे, ऩरम ऩुरख कह ऩावें |
रे मन ऐिो कर िन्यािा |
Keep the mind free from lust, anger, ego, greed, obstinacy and attachment.
Only then you will discover the soul essence, and know yourself as the Supreme Being.
O mind! This is how asceticism is practiced.
- Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Worldly life is a matter of orientation: the *body-mind orientation*. Due to the ignorance of the soul, the mind
formation begins with fulfillment of bodily needs. In the body all vices are inbuilt but remain in a dormant state,
characteristics of matter. Gradually as the mind develops primary vices like lust, anger, ego, greed, obstinacy and
attachment begin to get activated. Initially they do help the mind develop but ultimately the mind gets caught in ever
growing chaotic inner environment. By then human being becomes a prisoner of conditioned networks and the
necessity of freedom is felt more than ever before. That is also the moment when a possible orientation change may

_Sanyaasa_ is a change of orientation. If the right time has arrived for you, then you will hear about the soul and get
opportunities to turn in. When you turn in for the first time, the orientation changes from *body-mind* to *soul-mind
orientation*. Henceforth the mind development occurs due to your approach towards the soul, just the nearness and
the mind begins to get influenced by the soul. As you turn in and practice meditation, the mind begins to get free from
vices and the virtues start getting activated. You will experience the inner qualities of your being like abstinence,
kindness, mercy, generosity, tolerance and detachment. O mind! Practice _Sanyaasa_ this way. And only then finally
one fine day you will be able to witness the soul essence. That is the moment you know yourself as the Supreme
Being: *अहम ् ब्रह्मास्मम* |

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead. 🌻

16 Apr 2019
Good morning dear friends. 🙏

The expected and the predictable is also real. Nothing is an illusion. Only that the expected and the predictable is
something which your mind has already conceived, and hence the real becomes corrupted and turns into an illusion.
Everything is real but the mind filters it into an illusion. So till you are a mind, the only possibility to encounter the
real is in the unexpected and the unpredictable, the real remains real because simply it is somehow out of reach of the
mind. But just see how you are hell bent on being able to obtain what you expect, the go getter and how much you
cherish the power to predict, the knower. In the illusive and corrupted world it helps because that way you can remain
ahead in the rat race and amass much more filth wealth than the others. Just see how people stick to the party in power
and literally fight to be in favourable vicinity of the elite, because they have all the necessary information before
everybody or even classified information which otherwise nobody has access to. Then it is so easy to exploit. But that
is organised distortion of reality and the consequences will have to be faced.

Yet somehow if you can be free of the mind, then it no more has that capacity to filter. That happens only with the
death of the mind and you witness it. The first time when the mind comes to know of its own death is the beginning of
_sanyaasa_, the mind fears the soul, the nothingness, the void because there it loses its existence and so it is always
escaping away from its own death. But if the time has arrived for you, you will not want to escape anymore, neither
towards the illusive distortion - the refinement, advancement of the world nor to the forest to renounce. You will
consider you own body as the forest and begin the process of disowning your own mind. You will follow the way of
_sanyaasa_ and not stop till you see the complete annihilation of your mind, which is the real Armageddon, the
Apocalypse, the प्रऱय - they are not external phenomena, they all occur within you. But something more happens after
that if you are able to witness it - the resurrection, the awakening, and then everything is real: predictable,
unpredictable, expected, and unexpected. You are no more there only reality is.

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead. 🌻

17 Apr 2019
Good morning dear friends. 🙏

Success in human life is a one step process: moving from body-mind orientation to soul-mind orientation. When you
have vanished into the soul, only then your nudity is valid, not only will you be innocent but you will even be called
the ultimate courageous - *महावीर* |

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead. 🌻

18 Apr 2019
Good morning dear friends. 🙏

Be better and better in your work. Somehow you get to be with your work the maximum number of hours in a day and
on top of it you are paid for it. So even through simple logic, if you really care about your work and try to find ways to
be able to do it well, enjoy, learn and grow through it, then it will not be an obstacle, rather it will be a support for
your new orientation.

Two things to avoid, complaining and pretending, if people are miserable in their work these are the top two causes.
These are the ways in which people are avoiding work, knowingly or unknowingly. Work cannot be avoided, the only
way is to grow in your work till you reach effortlessness otherwise your work can become the root cause of your
bondage. And if your work is not going well, then it affects your home, your family, your harmony.

Nature is continuously at work, look at the ants, they are never unemployed. The whole jungle is that way, everybody
is working and continuously and they don’t even appear as working, they appear as if they are having fun, but if they
have a body and are living then work is going on definitely. They surely are continuously at work but in _harmony_
with existence and so are shareholders in the _abundance_ of existence. Only humans and because of them some
domestic animals seem to be unemployed.

Your mission is to be _enlightened_, find your position in existence and fit in like a cog in the wheel of existence, that
will become your work through which _harmony_ will come and then finally you will become a partner in the
_abundance_ of existence. So focus in your work, not on others, even if you feel that they are trying to hamper you,
whatever they are intending is their freewill, they will have to face the consequences. You remember your orientation,
and focus on your work, no harm will reach you, and rather you will benefit from their good or bad intentions and
continuously drift towards the soul. Your soul-mind orientation will lead you to *Enlightenment*, *Harmony* and

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead. 🌻

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