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Best foods for the first trimester Nutrition pros recommend the following foods in particular since they're rich sources of the vitamins, minerals and macronutrients your body (and your baby's developing body) needs to thrive. « Lean meat. A good source of iron and protein, thoroughly-cooked lean meats like sirloin or chuck steak, pork tenderloin, turkey and chicken offer all of the amino acids that act as the building blocks for cells. * Yogurt. The calcium and protein in each cup (opt for a variety with a short ingredient list and few added sugars) supports bone structure. * Edamame. These soybean pods are packed with vegetarian protein, plus some calcium, iron and folate. * Kale. This dark leafy green offers a potent combo platter of nutrients, including fiber, calcium, folate, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. * Bananas. Bland enough to be palatable for queasy stomachs, bananas are among the best dietary sources of potassium. ¢ Beans and lentils. |ron, folate, protein and fiber are all hiding inside these small-but-mighty powerhouses. * Ginger tea. Ginger products, like ginger tea or ginger chews, may help combat nausea.

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