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What should you eat if you're struggling with morning sickness and nausea? About 75 percent of expecting moms experience nausea, upset stomach or other morning sickness symptoms during the first three months of pregnancy. To try to ease the quease: * Fuel up with frequent mini meals every few hours instead of trying to force three big meals a day. Going too long without eating may actually make nausea worse, as can eating large portions. * Avoid spicy and very high fat foods, as these can lead to heartburn or stomach discomfort. * Stick with cold or room temperature bland foods when you're feeling most nauseous, such as cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit, string cheese with nuts or a mini bagel with nut butter. Hot foods are more likely to emit odors that may make nausea worse. * Liquid or softly-textured meals may be better tolerated if your stomach feels upset. Try a homemade smoothie, oatmeal or pasta. * Keep dry, easy-to-eat snacks on your nightstand and as an “emergency snack" kit in your purse or work bag. Graham crackers, pretzels and low-sugar dry cereal are prime grab-and-go picks.

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