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🌱🌿 G󰈤O󰈉/📖 ba󰇹󰈕 m󰈩󰇹󰈋󰇽ni󰇹 󰈼t󰉉󰇽󰈸󰉄 m󰇹󰈈il󰈗

@Stu󰈀󰈸󰉄 Mc󰈇i󰈘l
date started notes: 20210208
medium read: # book/e-book #processing
subject: rehab


Find pain free motions and slowly increase pain free motions repertoire.

Com󰈚󰈡󰈞 m󰉘󰉄h󰈻
bed rest is not useful

lying horizontally increases water in the disk

with a normal night-day routine, you have an ebb and flow of water through the disk
that is useful for it's nutrition
long stretches of bed rest >> too much water >> increase in pain

train limb muscles for movement, train core muscles (muscles that attache to the spine, rib-
cage, pelvis, and that cross the hip) to resist movement

muscles of the core act like a guy-wire system

train them to have the right stiffness

train endurance first, then strength
inactivity increases the ratio of fast twitch muscle fibers

types of back injuries

disk hernia
end plate damage
femural nerve pain
spinal stenosis
a common motive for a surgery failing is that it wasn't needed in the first place, so the
chances of a second surgery working are minimal

vi󰈸󰉄󰉉󰇽l 󰈻u󰈹g󰈩󰈸󰉙
rest and rehab like you would if you had done the surgery

if this fails try the surgery

if you only stabilize the site of the injury, without addressing the cause, in time those same
causes will lead to injury of the adjoining vertebrae

if pain is variable from day to day, identify the cause (no surgery)

Ac󰉃i󰉐󰈩 v󰈻 󰈦󰇽s󰈻i󰉐󰈩 t󰈸󰇵a󰉄m󰈩󰈝󰉄s

active treatments are the best, use passive only to help with the active

Wha󰉃 󰈎󰈼 p󰈸󰇵󰇶ic󰉃󰈎󰉐󰇵 of 󰇼󰈀󰇸k 󰈥󰇽i󰈞?

initiation of movement from the spine (train proper patterns)
hip tightness, asymmetry of hamstrings
imbalance of torso muscle endurance, flexors > extensors

stretching and slouched positions give release in the short term by the stretch reflex but put
stress on the spine, increasing in the long term the pain

Spi󰈝󰈩 󰈼p󰇽󰈸i󰈞g 󰈚󰈡󰉐󰇵me󰈝󰉄s 󰉃󰈩󰇸h󰈝󰈏󰈬u󰈩


Mc󰉂i󰈗󰈘 󰉔󰈎g 3
Russian pyramid progression
10 seconds hold
balance between the exercises

 cat - camel
78 cycles are best
for warm up
 curl up
hands on the small of the back
raise elbows
 side plank
initiate movement from the hips not the spine
 bird dog
draw a square

upright, chest forward, with arm swing and faster speed vs slow walking that can increase
start small, slowly progress
68 steps / hour
goal 30 min x3 times
in breaks decompress the spine by bench leaning or wall walking


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