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500 grs almond
600 grs sugar
400 grs water
16 yolks (for every 250 grs of almond, 8 yolks)

6 eggs
1 kg of flour (0,5 kgs for every 250 grs of almond)
1 tea spoon of salt
2 dl of olive oil
2,5 dl of water
1 tea spoon of cinnamon
Zest of 1 lemon
NOTE: this dough quantity in average wil gonna make 6 dozens of sweet sardines.

Boile the almond and peel them.
Chop those very thin.
In other pot, put the water and the sugar and bring it to simmer over medium heat until it reach pearl
point (you can make a tread of sugar whit the spoon).
Add the almond and stir very well.
Let that boil and add the yolks previously coleandered.
Stir again until it boils (about 3 minutes to get the eggs done).
The pot whit the filling is then put aside in water bath, and stir well.

The dough:
In a dishpan you put the flour.
Add the cinnamon, the salt and the zest of the lemon, in last add the eggs.
Aside heat up the water whit the olive oil, after that you pour that water in the flour stirring with
energy and will with a wooden spoon. When the dough reach the point of fluffiness its ready. Cover
the dough with a cloth to not create crust.
Stretch the dough and put the filling for the sardines can be carved with the original form that we all
The dough is carved with one pastry roller cutter with a zig-zag wheel, making a semi-circle and with
the hand giving it the shape of the sardine.

The making:
You add oil in one pot and let him heat it up well. One by one the sardines are putted in the oil until
they are nice, tan and well done.
After the frying are done we put the sardines on a table, on a cotton cloth to dry up, then just pass the
sardines thru the chocolate and sprinkle sugar dust on them.
Note: the best way to serve the sardines is the next day, because this is a cold treat.

In a pot we add water and then the sugar, bring it to simmer for about 15 minutes. After that we add
the chocolate until he breaks down letting it boil for a few minutes making it gain a bit of body.


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