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bead WRITING N*1 Write a paragraph about something you couldn't do before and you can. Also, write about how you learned to do it. Include : MTA - When- clauses. Halal gy - Vocabulary Anthor Castillo When | was a child, | couldn't speak in public, this was a problem because | felt nervous when | talk in audience. Lather, | learmed by speak’ii public when | exposed my project in the university. Finally | Was successful because | exposed my Tesis investigation. research. Emily Pacheco When | was 10 years old. | couldn't dance. This was a problem because | was afraid that everyone would laugh at me. Then | decided to take classes at a dance academy. The class met every Saturday and Sunday morning from 9 am to 11 am. At the end, | was able to learn to dance different kinds/ types of music alexander when | was 16 years old, | trained at a swimming club and wanted to be a member of the national. | competed and failed. this was a problem because | was not chosen for the swim team. | learned that | have to push myself and not give up. finally, | couldn’t relax without swimming. Amanda T. When | was 14 years old . | couldn't ride a bike. This was a problem because | was afraid of hurting myself and falling. Then | decided to take the risk and let go. | practiced every day after school with the help of my father. At first | wasn't able to keep stability and | fell. But | didn't give up and try and try. At the end | made it and | overcome my fears. | learned with my father.

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